Title: Pavel%20Marek%201,%20David%20Pustka%202
1Posudek trvanlivosti ocelových konstrukcí metodu
SBRA Durability Assessment of Steel Structures
Using SBRA Method
- Pavel Marek 1, David Pustka 2
- and Petr Konecný 3
1 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
and Technical University of Ostrava 2 Institute
of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague 3
Technical University of Ostrava
2Durability assessment using SBRA method
- Corrosion, fatigue, carbonation of concrete and
other time-dependent effects. - Inspection intervals and maintenance of steel and
composite structures. - Two applications of SBRA method follow.
3Example A - assignment
- Goal Calculation of safe service time of simply
supported steel beam exposed to time-dependent
random variable loads and corrosion.
4Input data geometry, materials
- The beam is made of rolled section IPE 360, steel
V 10425
5Input data - loadings
- Random variable forces F1 and F2
6Loadings calculation
- Time-dependent load components
Dead load
Long-lasting load
7Resistance calculation considering corrosion
- Time-dependent cross-section modulus
8Reliability assessment
- Time - dependent bending resistance
- Time - dependent bending load effect
- Time dependent safety function
9Resistance and Load Effects
- A- priori estimate in the range 0 up to 50 years
Bending moment
10Probability of Failure Calculation
- Calculation of probability of failure
corresponding to time T 25 years (AntHill
for Windows output)
11A-priori estimate of probability of failure
- A-priori estimate of probability of failure in
the range 0 up to 50 years and proposed
inspection planning
1st inspection at time T25 years ? corrosion
model and load model correction
12Second probability of failure estimate
- Second estimate of probability of failure and
following inspection planning
2nd inspection at time T40 years ? corrosion
model and load model correction
13Resistance and Load Effects
- Second estimate after corrections based on
A-priory model
14Example B
- Please, see following movie.
15Long video
- Goal Remaining fatigue life of tubular steel
post exposed to axial force and to vortex
vibration due to wind load. - Consideration of the relationship between wind
velocity, amplitude, frequency and time - Application of the SBRA method for calculation
the relation between the probability of failure
and the remaining fatique life.
17Assessment procedure
- The wind velocities spectrum corresponding to one
week determination, - The critical location stress range spectrum
determination corresponding to one week, - The Wohlers curve definition,
- Random variables variation estimation and
introduction, - Reliability function analysis using M-Star and
Anthill programs.
18Reliability assessment
- Numbers of cycles to failure corresponding to Dsc
- Damage corresponding to one block of stress
ranges cycles ni/week
- Safety function (Palmgren-Miner criterion)
19M-Star and AntHill programs output
- Probability of failure estimation using M-Star
- Probability of failure due to service time using
Anthill program
20Remaining fatigue life
- The resulting probabilities of failure Pf ,
correspond to the fatigue life (defined by
number of weeks). - The mass of the post were adjusted 153 120
33 weeks before the post would fail with Pf
21Summary and Conclusions
- The solution of examples, based on SBRA,
contributes to better understanding of the
significance of individual variables and their
interaction related to the assessment of
durability. - The examples indicate the transition from
deterministic to probabilistic approach to the
durability assessment.
22Thank You
- Pavel Marek 1, David Pustka 2
- and Petr Konecný 3
1 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
and Technical University of Ostrava 2 Institute
of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague 3
Technical University of Ostrava
238th International Conference on Inspection,
Appraisal,Repairs and Maintenance of
Structures 18- 20 December 2003, Singapore
Thank you for your attention
- Pavel Marek 1, David Pustka 2
- and Petr Konecný 3
1 Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague
and Technical University of Ostrava 2 Institute
of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of
Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague 3
Technical University of Ostrava