Title: A1260303304CWqDr
1KS2 SATs Science
2- The Test
- Test Paper A (45 minutes)
- Test Paper B (45 minutes)
3Marks Awarded
Test Paper A 40
Test Paper B 40
Total 80
4Programmes of Study A programme of study is
simply an area of the National Curriculum that is
taught to the children. In Science, there are
4 different programmes of study, all of which
will be assessed during SATs.
5- Sc1 Scientific Enquiry
- Investigative skills
- planning
- obtaining and presenting evidence
- considering evidence and evaluating
6- Sc2 Life processes and living things
- Humans and other animals
- nutrition
- circulation
- movement
- growth and reproduction
- health
- Green Plants
- growth and nutrition
- variation and classification
- Living things in their environment
- adaptation
- feeding relationships
- micro-organisms
7Sc3 Materials and their properties Grouping and
classifying materials Changing
materials Separating mixtures of materials
8Sc4 Physical processes Electricity Forces and
motion Light and sound The Earth and beyond
9- Not forgetting
- Communication
- appropriate scientific language and terms.
- Health and safety
- recognising hazards in living things, materials
and physical processes and take action to reduce
risks to themselves and others.
10- How to help
- Purple Science book.
- Websites (BBC Schools, Science Clips).
- Look through test papers which will be sent home.
- Positive comments and lots of praise!
- Revision books on sale, via Book Club.
11And finally If there is ANYTHING that you are
concerned about, you know where we are!