Title: The Logging Industry
1The Logging Industry
Cutting Logs for Building
- The World Book Encyclopedia was used to obtain
data for this presentation.
3Wood Used in Ancient Times
- Since early days of civilization, trees have been
used for building.
4Ancient Greeks Used wooden ships to explore
the seas.
5The Lumberjack
The lumberjack was the early frontiers means of
clearing timber.
6The Lumberjack
- Was a Faller
- Was a Bucker
- Was a Hooker
7Special lumberjacks called fallers cut the trees
- They used axes.
- They used saws.
- They used wedges.
8Special lumberjacks called buckers cut trees into
- This was done once the trees were on the ground.
9Special lumberjacks called hookers loaded logs.
Hookers loaded logs and hauled them to landings
where the logs were transported.
10Logs are then transported to the sawmills by
trucks and barges.
11Moving conveyors take logs through a water
washing process where they are cleaned.
12Logs enter the sawmill on a carriage.
The carriage looks like small railroad flatcars.
13The carriage moves the log past the saw blade.
Each time the carriage passes the saw, a board is
sliced off.
14The process continues until the entire log has
been sliced into boards.
15The boards are now called, green lumber .
16Next the green lumber is graded.
17Then, the lumber is seasoned.
This is where moisture is removed from the boards.
18The lumber is then transported to lumber yards
where it is sold for manufacturing and