Title: Relevancy Ranking in OutLook OnLine
1Relevancy Ranking in OutLook OnLine
2OutLook OnLine Staff View
- Current Default Sort By Alphabetically by Title
3OutLook OnLine coast salish search
- Lets view a search with the current default. We
will enter coast salish in All Headings, and
click Search.
4OutLook OnLine search results, alphabetically
by title
- OutLook OnLine automatically sorts by the
default, in this case alphabetically by title, as
long as the result set is under 1,000.
5OutLook OnLine switch to Relevancy sort
- The default sort can easily be changed using the
drop-down menu. Here, we see that the top
results are the ones most relevant to our search
term, coast salish.
6OutLook OnLine changing the default (staff view)
- If desired, we can change the default Sort for
the staff view. Lets click on My Preferences.
7My Preferences Menu
- Select the desired Sort from the Sort Results
by dropdown menu
8Changing the default for the patron
- To change the default for the patron, start by
clicking Staff Menu
9Setting the default sort for patron
- From the Staff Menu, Select User Admin
10Setting the default sort for patron
- From User Admin, select Edit User Accounts
11Setting the default sort for patron
- Open the drop-down box for Users Type
12Setting the default sort for patron
- From the drop-down menu, select Patron
13Setting the default sort for patron
14Setting the default sort for patron
- From the Edit User Accounts Menu, select Edit
15Setting the default sort for patron
- From User Preferences, go to the dropdown menu
for Sort Results by from here, you can change
the default sort for the patron to Relevancy.
16Questions? Contact
- BC Electronic Library Network
- office_at_eln.bc.ca
- 778-782-7003