Title: The Skeyeball Tracking Project
1The Skeyeball Tracking Project Danko Antolovic,
Chatham College, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Bryce
Himebaugh, Indiana University, Bloomington,
Indiana Steven D. Johnson, Indiana University,
Bloomington, Indiana
2Goals and Objectives of Skeyeball - Situated
vision research - vision-based guidance of a
semi-autonomous UAV - target tracking -
collision avoidance - Development of tools
and methods for reliable embedded design - e.g.
SPIDER avionics, under development at NASA/LRC -
Development of a platform for undergrad/graduate
3Start with a gray-scale aerial shot
threshold it to B/W
4 trace edges
segment the edge map into connected components
5 calculate moments of inertia for each component
Moments are invariant under rotations and
translations. Move the camera to bring the target
in the center of the vision field.
6Architecture of the Tracking System
7The Immediate Future
- The experimental objective is to provide the
aircraft with - a reconnoitering mode, in which it looks for
targets - an orbiting mode, in which it autonomously
circles (or otherwise tracks) an acquired target - - collision avoidance for stationary obstacles,
to be extended in the future to avoidance of
other UAVs