Title: Support for Requirement Traceability: The Tropos Case
1Support for Requirement Traceability The Tropos
- Rosa Pinto, Carla Silva, Jaelson Castro
- LER Laboratório de Engenharia de Requisitos
- rccp, ctlls, jbc_at_cin.ufpe.br
- Motivation
- Tropos framework
- Requirements traceability Meta-model
- The Requirements Traceability Process
- Case Study
- Conclusions
4Requirements Traceability
- Requirements traceability refers to the ability
to describe and follow the life of a requirement,
in both a forwards and backwards direction
Pinheiro 2003
Requirement Traceability Process
6Case Study
- Media Shop is a store selling and shipping
different kinds of media items. - To increase market share, Media Shop has decided
to open up a B2C retail sales front on the
Internet. - The system is called Medi_at_.
7Strategic Dependency Model
8Strategic Rationale Model
10Requirements Traceability Reference Model
- It is needed to facilitate the construction of a
requirements traceability scheme Toranzo 2002 e
2005 - Requirements Management sub-model
- Design sub -model
- Rational sub -model
11Requirements Management sub-model
Toranzo 2005
12Design sub-model
Toranzo 2005
13Rational Sub-Model
Toranzo 2005
14Requirements Traceability Process
- Stages of the process
- 1. Information Gathering (IG)
- IG1. System SD model
- IG2. System SR model
- IG3. Selection of architectural style
- IG4. Architectural model
- 2. Information Structuring (ST)
- Instantiating associations between classes
- Defining the set of valid values for association
instances - 3. Definition of the Traceability Matrixes (TM)
- Creating the appropriate traceability matrixes
15Requirements Traceability Process
- IG2. Information Gathering from Strategic
Rationale Model - Rule 1. Goal ? SYSTEM OBJECTIVES class
- Rule 2. Task ? REQUIREMENT class
- Rule 3. Softgoal ? REQUIREMENT class
- Rule 4. Resource ? REQUIREMENT class
16Requirement Management sub-model
17Strategic Rationale Model
18Requirements Traceability Process
- IG4. Information Gathering from the Architectural
Design Model - Rule 1. Each architectural component ? SUBSYSTEM
19Design sub-model
21Requirements Traceability Process
- Stage 2. Information Structuring (ST)
- Instantiating associations between classes
- Defining the set of valid values for association
22Design sub-model
23Requirements Traceability Process
- Stage 3. Definition of the Traceability Matrixes
(TM) - create a traceability matrix relating the
instances of the REQUIREMENTS and SUBSYSTEM
24Traceability Matrix
- Estimating the impact of a change
- If some requirement is changed, the impact in the
system components can be analyzed.
- A process to extend Tropos to address
requirements traceability. - Methodologies supporting requirement traceability
can develop higher quality software with fewer
27Future Work
- We intend to develop a complete and usable
requirement traceability process for Tropos - Further guidelines for instantiating all the
classes of the three reference models for each
phase of Tropos may be required.
- Laboratório de Engenharia de Requisitos
- www.cin.ufpe.br/ler
- Tropos Project
- www.troposproject.org