Title: Ing' Marco Antonio Camou Loera
1- Ing. Marco Antonio Camou Loera
Undersecretary of Agriculture
2Update regarding the Committee for Agricultural
Water Negotiations in Sonora.
- During the February the 20th meeting, the
Mexican part considered convenient the following,
previous to the formation of the Consejo de
Agronegocios - To strengthen the efforts oriented to guarantee
the water availability and its use for
agriculture - To rearrange the irrigation areas according with
the availability of water sources. - To strengthen the actions related with water
negotiations and infrastructure, to increase
efficiency in the use and handling of water,
looking for, - The conservation of water both in quantity and
quality with the smallest impact on the
environment. -
- We can mention the following as the main water
problems in the State of Sonora - Deficient and insufficient knowledge of
hydrological systems. - Deficient and insufficient knowledge of the
rights and obligations of the water users. - Deficient governmental coordination
- Deficient use and handling of water in areas
under irrigation. - Over exploitation of aquifers.
- Insufficient budget assigned to the sector.
- Deficient and insufficient measuring
infrastructure. - Insufficient control of alloted volumes.
- Damages due to floods and droughts.
- For the Sonoran growers, interacting with
producers from Arizona represents oportunities
for - The exchange of experiences to strengthen the
knowledge and technical innovations to increase
efficiency in the use and handling of water in
agriculture. - The exchange of experiences to strengthen
knowledge and technological innovations on crop
production and commercialization. - Rising the financial viability of agriculture in
Sonora. -
6An independent organization, with legal
personality and its own administration, formed as
a Civil Association.It will be formed with
representatives from the agricultural water users
in Irrigation Districts and Irrigation Units,
from the business sector and from faculty and
research members recognized in the area. Its
members will beProducers designated by the
agricultural water users associations
(Asociaciones Civiles de Usuarios y Sociedades de
Responsabilidad Limitada)Institutions
representatives of grower organizations (AOANS y
AOASS), from faculty and researchers.
Comité para la Gestión del Agua en la
Agricultura del Estado de Sonora, A.C. (CGAAES)
7General Objective
- To promote and support the necessary strategic
changes, to attain the sustainable use of water
in agriculture in the State of Sonora.
8Specific Objectives
- To analyze and propose a strategy to improve the
level of compliance of water regulations. - To analyze and propose a strategy to strengthen
the institutions involved in the administration
of water in agriculture. - To analyze and propose a strategy to enhance the
financial viability of agriculture in the State
of Sonora. - To analyze and propose a strategy to spread the
knowledge on how to operate the hydrological
systems in the State. - To determine, to propose and to procure
construction programs and actions to increase the
eficiency in the use and handling of water.
- A program was made to meet with representatives
of water users associations, in order to inform
them and to agree on the formation of the Comité
de Gestión del Agua (CGAAES). - On April 18th, during the first meetting with
representatives of the Irrigation District 041,
Río Yaqui, it was agreed to integrate the CGAAES.
102nd. Meeting Navojoa, Son., June 6, 2008.
112nd. Meeting Navojoa, Son., June 6, 2008.
- Meeting with representatives from
- Water Users Associations of the Irrigation
Districts in the Mayo Valley - Irrigation Modules in the Fuerte-Mayo Region
- Grower Associations in these farming regions,
- Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora.
12Water users agreed upon the integration of the
Comité de Gestión del Agua para la Agricultura en
13Follow up
- There is a meeting scheduled in the near future
with representatives of the Irrigation Modules in
the Guaymas-Empalme Irrigation District 084. - Right after that with the Water Users Association
of the Irrigation District 051, Costa de
Hermosillo. - And ending with meetings in the remaining
Irrigation Districts in the State.
14Thank you!!!