Title: Common Issues and Challenges in Interpreting Biomonitoring Data
1Common Issues and Challenges in Interpreting
Biomonitoring Data
Elaine Faustman, PhD University of Washington
3Example of multiple-exposure pathways to
environmental pollutants
Sexton et al., 1992
4Desire/challenge to use Biomonitoring data to
address important environmental health questions
- Is agent a hazard?
- Are we exposed? (yes, no)
- Who, what, where, when, why are we exposed?
- Are we affected now?
- Did the exposure cause the health effect?
- Is there a risk?
- What are the relative effectiveness and efficacy
of viable control strategies? - What are important risk factors and behaviors to
address in public health programs? - Is the situation changing over time?
Adapted from Wagener et al., 1995
5Estimating Human Exposures to Environmental
Pollutants Availability and Utility of Existing
- Ken Sexton, Sherry G. Selevan, Diane K. Wagener,
Jeffrey A. Lybarger - Archives of Environmental Health, 1992, 47(6)398.
6Common human exposure pathways for environmental
Sexton et al., 1992
7Relationship between exposure estimators and
their costs and ability to predict/classify human
exposures to environmental pollutants
Costs and Ability to Predict/Classify Exposures
Exposure Estimators
- Production Volumes
- Emission Inventories
- Environmental Concentrations
- Models Measurements
- Microenvironmental Concentrations
- Models Measurements
- Human Contact
- Models Measurements
- Internal Dose
- Models Measurements
Generally Lower Costs and Limited Accuracy
Generally Higher Costs and Better Accuracy
Sexton et al., 1992
8Four major uses of human exposure information and
their interrelationships
Risk Assessment Estimation of the Likelihood and
Magnitude of Human Health Risks Associated
with Environmental Exposures
Risk Management Determination of Which Health
Risks are Unacceptable and What to Do About Those
That Are
Epidemiology Examination of the Link Between
Human Exposures and Health Outcomes
Status Trends Evaluation of Historical Patterns,
Current Status, and Possible Future Changes
in Human Exposures and/or Health Outcomes
Sexton et al., 1992
9The Importance of Human Exposure Information A
Need for Exposure-Related Data Bases to Protect
and Promote Public Health
- Diane K. Wagener, Sherry G. Selevan, Ken Sexton
- Annu. Rev. Public Health, 1995, 16105.
10Relationship between public health goals,
information sources and decision-making
Reduce Adverse Effects (Secondary Prevention)
Treat Adverse Effects (Tertiary Prevention)
Prevent Adverse Effects (Primary Prevention)
Risk Assessment
Risk Management
Knowledge and Understanding
Research and Surveillance
Estimating the magnitude, likelihood, and
uncertainty of risks
Deciding which risks are unacceptable
Deciding what actions to take
Exposure Effects Link between exposure
and effects Dose response
Epidemiology Toxicology Clinical
studies Cell/tissue experiments
Computational methods Monitoring Exposure
Risk Communication
Establishing risks to important
stakeholders Responding to stakeholders
concerns and questions
Adapted from Wegener et al., 1995
11Data to address important environmental health
Adapted from Wegener et al., 1995
12Environmental health paradigm and mechanisms
affecting sequence of events leading to
environmental-related illness
Adapted from Wegener et al., 1995
13CDC Environmental Public Health Tracking
Framework (EPHT)
Ongoing Evaluation
Risk Assessment Paradigm Hazard Exposure Health
TrackingNetwork Collection Integration Analysis I
Stakeholders Assessment Research Intervention Poli
Ongoing Evaluation
Note the importance of the risk assessment
paradigm including hazard identification,
exposure and identification of health effects in
providing the foundation for the EPHT framework.
14EPA Environmental Information Exchange Network
Grant Program
New approach for exchanging environmental data
- between EPA and state, tribal, and
territorial partners Electronically collects
and stores - accurate information, -
integrates information from across many
sources - provides secure access to information
15Environmental Public Health Paradigm
Modifications to population or toxicology study
Individual Community Population
Factors/Criteria Examples Temporal
context Constant or intermittent Sources
Factors/Criteria Examples Comparative
toxicokinetics Uncertainty Short half-life
16ILSI/HESI Workshop Focus Area
Modifications to population(s) or toxicology
study design
context Constant or intermittent
use(s) Source(s) of exposure Bioaccumulative
Rapidly metabolized
rtainty intraspecies extrapolation
(interindividual) interspecies extrapolation
(animal to human)
Individual Community Population(s)
17The Light at the End of the Tunnel for
Chemical-Specific Biomarkers Daylight or
- John D. Groopman and Thomas W. Kensler
- Carcinogenesis, 1999, 20(1)1.
18Model for validating chemical-specific biomarkers
Groppman and Kensler, 1999
19Large Within Person Variability for
Organophosphate Pesticide Urinary Biomarkers
Limits Our Ability to Identify High Exposure
- William C Griffith, Eric Vigoren,
- Richard A Fenske, Elaine M Faustman
- Department of Occupational Environmental Health
Sciences - University of Washington, Seattle, WA
This work was made possible by grant number PO2
ES09601 from the National Institutes of
Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), NIH and
EPA R826886 from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, and Center for the Study and
Improvement of Regulation, Carnegie Mellon
University. Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the author and do not
necessarily represent the official views of the
NIEHS, NIH, EPA, or Carnegie Mellon University.
20What can we learn from longitudinal studies?
21Center for Child Environmental Health Risks
Exposure Assessment Project
Three longitudinal studies of potential OP
metabolites Estimating within and between
person variabililty
22Interpretation of Urinary Metabolites of OP
- Analysis of metabolites of Organophosphate
Pesticides (OPs) in urine of adults and children
are a common method for estimating potential
exposure to OPs - Interpretation of urinary metabolite levels
present a number of problems with interpretation - This study examined whether these measurements
can be used to identify the more highly exposed
individuals in a population and focused on the
evaluation of within person variability compared
to between person variability
23Uncertainty Analysis of Pesticide Exposure Studies
Key findings and relevance for longitudinal
- Within individual variability in exposure is
greater than 10x the between individual
variability in exposure - Single snapshots of exposure are problematic
- Spray season varies dramatically from one year
to the next due to weather patterns - Types of pesticides used one year to the next can
change (not only due to regulatory changes) but
especially by meteorological/crop conditions - Large number of samples of urinary metabolites
(8-10) were needed to correctly identify persons
in a population who are more highly exposed to
Ops (with 60 prediction)
24New Directions in Biomonitoring
25Flow of Information from New Omic Data for
Methods for Assessment
metabolomics metabonomics
genome sequencing
adapted from Corton, et al., 1999
26Flow of Information from New Omic Data for
Methods for Assessment
genome sequencing
metabolomics metabonomics
Implications for Biomonitoring
inherent susceptibility
early biological response
altered function
adapted from Corton, et al., 1999
27Development of genomic/proteomic technology
Tools have been developed to map entire genomes,
measure smaller amounts of mRNA and protein, and
simultaneously measure many more mRNAs and
Patterson and Aebersold, 2003
28Environmental Public Health Paradigm
Modifications to population or toxicology study
Individual Community Population
Factors/Criteria Examples Temporal
context Constant or intermittent Sources
Factors/Criteria Examples Comparative
toxicokinetics Uncertainty Short half-life
29Identification of toxicologically predictive gene
sets using cDNA microarrays
- Russell S. Thomas, David R. Rank, Sharron G.
Penn, Gina M. Zastrow, Kevin R. Hayes, Kalyan
Pande, Edward Glover, Tomi Silander, Mark W.
Craven, Janardan K. Reddy, Stevan B. Jovanovich
and Christopher A. Bradfield - Molecular Pharmacology, 601189, 2001.
30Variation in expression of approx. 500
transcripts in 24 experimental treatments
- Rows depict specific transcripts
- Columns depict treatment
- Red - up regulated
- Green - down regulated
- Black - no change
- 2-D clustering allows for organizing of
transcripts and treatments on the basis of
Thomas et al., 2001
- Classification of toxic chemicals according to
their transcript expression profiles is possible. - Transcript expression may allow for
prioritization of untested chemicals based on
classification. - Only a small number of transcripts allowed for
predictive accuracy - once the diagnostic gene
set is identified
32Microarray analysis of hepatotoxins in vitro
reveals a correlation between gene expression
profiles and mechanisms of toxicity
- Jeffrey F. Waring, Rita Ciurlionis, Robert A.
Jolly, Matthew Heindel and Roger G. Ulrich - Toxicol Lett. 2001 Mar 31120(1-3)359-68
33Cluster analysis of 15 different known
hepatotoxins. A total of 179 genes were shown to
be changed at least 2-fold by at least one
Waring et al., 2001
34Study Summary
- Gene expression profiles formed clusters of
compounds with similar toxic mechanisms. - There was not complete identity, however,
indicating that each compound produced a unique
signature. - Large scale analysis of gene expression using
microarray technology can be an important
diagnostic tool for toxicology.
35The transcriptional program in the response of
human fibroblasts to serum
- Iyer VR, Eisen MB, Ross DT, Schuler G, Moore T,
Lee JC, Trent JM, Staudt LM, Hudson J Jr, Boguski
MS, Lashkari D, Shalon D, Botstein D, Brown PO - Science. 1999 Jan 1283(5398)83-7
36Cluster Analysis
Rows Genes Columns Fibroblast samples Time
course after serum stimulation Clusters of
Genes AJ identified through their similarity in
expression profiles. The immediate response was
dominated by genes that encoded transcription
factors such as c-FOS, JUN B and MAPK. Approx.
half the total number of genes differentially
expressed were unnamed expressed sequence tags
Iyer et al., 1999
37Illustration of the complexity of dose and time
relationships between various levels of
biomonitoring assessment
Faustman and Omenn, 2001
38Integrating dose-response relationships for
critical responses/ impacts across assessment
Lung Liver
Lung Liver
Multinomial Distribution
Levels of Biological Assessment
Epigenetic Factors
39The Source-to-Outcome Continuum
EPA., 2003
40Final Points/Considerations
Continued interest in using biomonitoring
information to inform public health. Continued
struggle to pull information into interpretable
risk assessment frameworks. Case studies have
illustrated that details and knowledge in PK, TD
and mechanisms can facilitate this
interpretation. New efforts are focusing on
interpretation of omics data. Recent
reports/activities should help move our efforts
41Is it safe to eat vegetables from my garden?
42(No Transcript)
43(No Transcript)
44Within and Between Child Distributions for DMTP
Between Child Distribution of Means
Geometric standard deviation 2.2 ( 1.5,2.8
Geometric standard deviation 4.3 ( 3.9,4.7
Distribution for Child at 80th Percentile
Distribution for Child at 20th Percentile
Urinary DMTP (µM/L)
45Within and Between Child Distributions for DMTP
Study of 44 children (2 to 5 years old) of
Hispanic farmworkers in Yakima followed over 21
months (Koch, et al., Env Hlth Persp, 2002). 993
samples with 32 of DMTP analyses below limit of
detection (other DAP metabolites had much higher
percentages - 60 to 99). Covariates of gender
and season were treated as fixed effects.
46Within and Between Person Distributions for TCP
Population based random sample collected over 1
year Up to 6 samples per person, samples
separated by 2 months 79 individuals and 341
samples Only 14 samples, 4 below limit of
detection Covariates of gender, age, season were
treated as fixed effects NHEXAS data
47Within and Between Person Distributions for TCP
Population based random sample collected at 3
times, separated by 2 days 90 individuals and 263
samples Only 20 samples at 8, below limit of
detection Covariates of gender, age, residence
were treated as fixed effects NHEXAS data shared
by John Quackenboss
48Predictive Value
Predictive value positive shown at right is the
percent whose exposure is correctly classified as
being in the upper 10 of the population for the
number of measurements per person shown above.
49Steps of Analysis
1) Use three longitudinal studies of OP pesticide
urinary metabolites to estimate within and
between person variances to describe the
variability of exposure to OPs. Nonspecific
Metabolites Diakyl Phosphate (DAP) metabolites in
children of farmworkers in Yakima
Valley Specific metabolite for chlorpyrifos and
chlorpyrifos-methyl TCP in NHEXAS MN TCP in
NHEXAS MD 2) Use the estimates of within and
between person variances as estimates of the
variability of exposures to OPs of a pregnant
woman and her fetus. 3) Based upon the within and
between person variances calculate the predictive
value positive of correctly classifying a
pregnant woman as being more highly exposed than
the remainder of the population In these
calculations we used as an example the upper 10
of the population The predictive value
positive is the percent of the population
assigned to a group that are correctly classified
50Implications of Using Urinary OP Metabolites to
Identify Highly Exposed People
- TCP as a specific metabolite for two OPs had much
smaller between and within person variability
than DMTP a non-specific OP metabolite - However for both cases the within person
variability was larger than the between person
variability - Large degree of misclassification for identifying
highly exposed people would occur using these
biomarkers - Epidemiology studies that need to classify
exposure would need 8-10 measurements per person
for the predictive value positive to be above 60 - Simulations show that lower limits of detections
would provide only small reductions in
misclassication in a high exposure group
51(No Transcript)
52(No Transcript)
53Environmental Public Health Continuum
54Exposure Assessment Project
- Within and between person variability treated as
a random effect and other variables such as age,
gender, residence, season treated as fixed
effects- Design of the three studies differed in
term of fixed effects available in the study - Different urinary OP metabolites measured in the
three studies- Nonspecific DAP metabolites
measured in one study and TCP, a metabolite
specific to CP and CP-methyl, measured in two
studies- DAP metabolites had a high percentage
below limits of detection (LOD) and TCP a low
percentage - Measurements below limit of detection (LOD) were
treated as being left censored in statistical
analyses- Maximum likelihood methods used to
estimate random and fixed effect parameters-
Maximum likelihood methods provide unbiased
estimates compared to using LOD/2 for values
below LOD
55Geometric mean and 95 confidence interval for
dimethyl DAP concentrations by sampling months
Arrows indicate months when dimethyl OP compounds
were applied to tree fruit orchards.
Koch et al., EHP, 2002
56Geometric mean and 95 confidence interval for
diethyl DAP concentrations by sampling months
Arrows indicate months when dimethyl OP compounds
were applied to tree fruit orchards.
Koch et al., EHP, 2002
57Study Design
- Recruited 44 children, 25 years old at clinic in
Lower Yakima Valley, Washington State - At least one parent a Hispanic farm worker
- Diakyl metabolites of organophosphorus pesticides
(OP) measured in urine - Multiple pesticides produce the same metabolite
- Dimethyl OPs produce DMP (dimethylphosphate),
DMTP (dimethylthiophosphate), DMDTP
(dimethyldithiophosphate) - Diethyl OPs produce DEP (diethylphosphate), DETP
(diethylthiophosphate), DEDTP (dimethyldithiophosp
hate) - Many samples below level of detection
- Urine collected on biweekly basis over a 21 month
period - Dec 1997 to Aug 1999
- Two spray seasons
- May-July 1998 June-Aug 1999 for dimethyl OPs
- Mar-Apr 1998 April 1999 for diethyl OPs
58Implications of Within and Between Child
Distributions for DMTP
- Within child variation is much larger than
between child variance - On the logarithmic scale within child variance is
3.5 times larger than within child variance - log(4.3)2 / log(2.2) 2 3.5
- Large within child variance makes it difficult to
identify which children are highly exposed - Example Identify the top 10 of exposed children
59Organophosphate Pesticides (OPs)
- Toxicity of OPs
- Common mode of action inhibits breakdown of
neurotransmitter acetylcholine - Toxicity occurs in humans, other animals, and
insects - OPs among most widely used pesticides
- Agricultural and residential use about 40 OPs
registered for use - Inexpensive and potent toxicity to insects
- Account for half of all insecticides used
- Concerns about exposure of people to OPs
- Multiple routes of exposures
- Outdoors degrade rapidly but indoors OPs are more
persistent - First class of pesticides that were evaluated
under the Food Quality Protection Act - Residential use of chlorpyrifos and diazanon
eliminated because of child safety concerns - Metabolites of OPs used to estimate exposure
- Six nonspecific diakyl-phosphate (DAP)
metabolites - Specific metabolites
60Statistical Analysis of Longitudinal Data
Statistical methods to estimate within and
between person variances
Maximum Likelihood Measurements below limit of
detection are treated as being left
censored. Utilizes correlations among
metabolites to improve estimates for metabolites
below limit of detection. Mixture of Random and
Fixed Effects Fixed effects are trends with
time, gender, age, or residence. Random effects
are between and within child variances. Fixed
and Random effects are log-normally distributed.
61Metabolites of Organophosphate Pesticides
- Biomarkers of exposure
- Nonspecific Diakyl Phosphate (DAP) metabolites
- Six DAP Metabolites
- Each metabolite can be produced by multiple OPs
- Divided into two groups
- Dimethyl metabolites
- Diethyl metabolites
Selected OPs and DAP metabolites
Diethyl OPs chlorpyrifos DEP DETP diazinon
DETP ethion DEDTP DEP DETP parathion DEP
DETP Dimethyl OPs azinophos methyl DMDTP DMP
DMTP chlorpyrifos methyl DMP DMTP dichlorvos
(DDVP) DMP malathion DMDTP DMP DMTP methyl
parathion DMP DMTP naled DMP phosmet DMDTP
DMP DMTP trichlorfon DMP
- Nonspecific metabolites
- Chlorpyrifos metabolites
- Chlorpyrifos-methyl metabolites
62Longitudinal Study of DAP Metabolites in Children
of Farmworkers
Study of 44 children (2 to 5 years old) of
Hispanic farmworkers in Yakima followed over 21
months (Koch, et al, Env. Hlth.Persp.,
2002) 993 samples Covariates of gender and
season were treated as fixed effects
63Diakyl Phosphate Metabolites Below Limit of
Washington State Children of Farmworkers
64Seasonal Variation in Urinary DMTP Fixed Effects
Washington State Children of Farmworkers
Urinary DMTP (µM/L)
Error Bars are /- 1 Standard Error
Dec97-Apr98 May98-Jul98 Aug98-May99
Non-Spray Spray Non-Spray Spray
65Large Within Person Variability
- Statistical Methods
- Estimate within and between person variability
- Large fraction of measurements below level of
detection - Implications for identifying highly exposed
individuals - Three case examples for OP pesticide urinary
metabolites - Nonspecific Metabolites
- Diakyl Phosphate (DAP) metabolites in children of
farmworkers in Yakima Valley - Specific metabolite for chlorpyrifos and
chlorpyrifos-methyl - TCP in NHEXAS MN
66A Framework for a Computational Toxicology
Research Program
- US Environmental Protection Agency
EPA/600/R-03/065 November 2003
67Computational Toxicology
Defined as The application of mathematical and
computer models and molecular biological
approaches to improve the Agencys prioritization
of data requirements and risk assessments.
EPA., 2003
68Linking Observations Across Levels of Biological
Organization An example of a toxicity pathway
EPA., 2003
69Objectives of the Computational Toxicology
Research Program
Improve linkages in source-to-outcome continuum
Provide predictive models for hazard
identification Enhance quantitative risk
EPA., 2003
70Systems Biology
Defined as Computational models that
reconstruct a cell, organ or organisms function
from component parts, and Allows validation and
simulator experiments that build confidence in
predictive ability of adverse effects.
EPA., 2003
71Identification of toxicologically predictive gene
sets using cDNA microarrays
Russell S. Thomas, David R. Rank, Sharron G.
Penn, Gina M. Zastrow, Kevin R. Hayes, Kalyan
Pande, Edward Glover, Tomi Silander, Mark W.
Craven, Janardan K. Reddy, Stevan B. Jovanovich
and Christopher A. Bradfield Molecular
Pharmacology, 601189, 2001.
72Study Design
- Acute treatment of mice with various
toxicologically relevant chemicals. - RNA isolated from the liver.
- RNA (n3) was used in microarray analysis using a
custom cDNA microarray. - Hierarchical clustering performed to identify
chemicals with similar expression patterns.
Thomas et al., 2001
73Study Design
Treatment, dose, vehicle, and time of sacrifice
Thomas et al., 2001
74Variation in expression of approximately 500
transcripts in 24 experimental treatments
- Rows depict specific transcripts
- Columns depict treatment
- Red - up regulated
- Green - down regulated
- Black - no change
- 2-D clustering allows for organizing of
transcripts and treatments on the basis of
Thomas et al., 2001
75General toxicological classes and corresponding
treatments classified in this study using gene
expression profiles from cDNA microarrays
Thomas et al., 2001
76Toxicological classes identified by microarray
- Each of the 12 chemicals at multiple time points
fell into one of 5 different toxicological
classes identified through cluster analysis. - Noncoplanar-PCBs
- Peroxisome proliferators
- Inflammatory
- Hypoxia
- AHR Agonist
Thomas et al., 2001
77Estimated predictive accuracy of the
classification model
The predictive accuracy is a function of the
number a transcripts added. In this model,12
transcripts is diagnostic for the
classification of treatments.
Thomas et al., 2001
78Transcriptional profile of the diagnostic
This identified set of 12 diagnostic
transcripts provided 100 predictive accuracy for
the toxicological classes chosen.
Diagnostic Transcripts
Thomas et al., 2001
- Classification of toxic chemicals according to
their transcript expression profiles is possible. - Transcript expression may allow for
prioritization of untested chemicals based on
classification. - Only a small number of transcripts allowed for
predictive accuracy - once the diagnostic gene
set is identified
80Microarray analysis of hepatotoxins in vitro
reveals a correlation between gene expression
profiles and mechanisms of toxicity
- Jeffrey F. Waring, Rita Ciurlionis, Robert A.
Jolly, Matthew Heindel and Roger G. Ulrich
Toxicol Lett. 2001 Mar 31120(1-3)359-68
81Study Design
- Treated rat with 15 known hepatotoxins
- Carbon tetrachloride, allyl alcohol, aroclor
1254, methotrexate, diquat, carbamazepine,
methapyrilene, arsenic, diethylnitrosamine,
monocrotaline, dimehty-formamide, amiodarone,
indomethacin, etoposide and 3-methylcholanthrene. - RNA from livers isolated
- Microarray used to characterize compounds based
on gene expression.
Waring et al, 2001
82Cluster analysis of 15 different known
hepatotoxins. A total of 179 genes were shown to
be changed at least 2-fold by at least one
Waring et al, 2001
83Hepatotoxicant Clustering
Gene expression profiles for compounds with
similar toxic mechanisms formed clusters,
suggesting a similar effect on transcription.
Waring et al., 2001
84Study Summary
- Gene expression profiles formed clusters of
compounds with similar toxic mechanisms. - There was not complete identity, however,
indicating that each compound produced a unique
signature. - Large scale analysis of gene expression using
microarray technology can be an important
diagnostic tool for toxicology.
85Flow of Information from New Omic Data for
adapted from Corton, et al., 1999
86ILSI/HESI Workshop Focus Area
Modifications to population(s) or toxicology
study design
context Constant or intermittent
use(s) Source(s) of exposure Bioaccumulative
Rapidly metabolized
rtainty intraspecies extrapolation
(interindividual) interspecies extrapolation
(animal to human)
Individual Community Population(s)