Title: INP 170: Web Coding II
1INP 170 Web Coding II
- Fluid Design,
- XML with CSS/XSL
- Fixed-Width and Variable-Width CSS Layouts
- Float and Clear Properties
- Two-Column Layouts
- Three-Column Layouts
- Recommendations
3Fixed-Width vs. Variable-Width Layouts
- Fixed-width layouts are usually fairly
straightforward, especially if they are simple,
left-aligned layouts. - Can use absolute positioning or normal flow.
- Generally, good cross-browser support.
- Variable-width layouts are more difficult, often
involving a combination of floating, CSS
positioning techniques and careful attention to
the box model - Frequently, must use work-arounds for multiple
browsers, including NN4 and IE5
4Float property
- float
- Used to move an element to the left or right so
other content can flow around it - Values left right none
- E.g., left float left
- Uses
- Page layout
- Floating text around and image
5Clear property
- clear
- Used to state that floating elements are not
allowed on a particular side or both sides - Values left right both none
- clear clear both
- Hint the order of the elements in an XHTML
page is significant reordering the order or
DIVs will have different effects.
6Two-column layouts
- ltheadgt
- ltstyle type"text/css"gtlt!--
- nav position absolute top 5px left 5px
width 75px padding 5px border 1px solid
000 - news margin-left 100px margin-top 5px
margin-right 5px width 75px - body margin 0 padding 0
- --gtlt/stylegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody onresize"window.location.hrefwindow.locati
on.href"gt - ltdiv id"nav"gt lt!-- Navigation links --gt lt/divgt
- ltdiv id"news"gt lt!-- Content goes here --gt lt/divgt
- lt/bodygt
7Two column layout using float
- ltheadgt
- ltstyle type"text/css"gtlt!--
- nav float left width 75px margin-right
10px padding 5px border 1px solid black - body margin 0 padding 0
- --gtlt/stylegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltdiv id"nav"gt lt!-- Navigation links --gt lt/divgt
- ltdivgt lt!-- Content goes here --gt lt/divgt
- lt/bodygt
8Two-Column Layout with a Heading
- ltstyle type"text/css"gtlt!--
- header border 1px solid 000 padding 5px
- nav position absolute top 50px left 0px
width 75px padding 5px border 1px solid
000 - news margin-top 25px margin-left 100px
- body margin 0 padding 0 background fff
color 000 - --gtlt/stylegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody onresize"window.location.hrefwindow.locati
on.href"gt - ltdiv id"header"gt lt!-- Masthead with logo --gt
lt/divgt - ltdiv id"nav"gt lt!-- Navigation links --gt lt/divgt
- ltdiv id"news"gt lt!-- Content goes here --gtlt/divgt
- lt/bodygt
9Two-Column Layout with a Heading using Float
- ltheadgt
- ltstyle type"text/css"gtlt!--
- header border 1px solid 000 padding 5px
- nav float left width 75px margin-right
10px padding 5px border 1px solid 000 - body margin 0 padding 0 background fff
color 000 - --gtlt/stylegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- ltdiv id"header"gtlt!-- Masthead with logo
--gtlt/divgt - ltdiv id"nav"gtlt!-- Navigation links --gtlt/divgt
- ltdivgtlt!-- Content goes here --gtlt/divgt
- lt/bodygt
10Three column layout with heading
- ltheadgt
- ltstyle type"text/css"gtlt!--
- header border 1px solid 000 padding 5px
font-size 16px - nav position absolute top 50px left 0px
width 75px padding 5px border 1px solid
000 - news position absolute top 50px left 80
width 100px padding 5px border 1px solid
000 - content margin 20px 25 175px 100px
- body margin 0 padding 0 background fff
- --gtlt/stylegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody onresize"window.location.hrefwindow.locati
on.href"gt - ltdiv id"header"gtCompany Logolt/divgt
- ltdiv id"nav"gtlt!-- Navigation links --gtlt/divgt
- ltdiv id"news"gtlt!-- News goes here --gtlt/divgt
- ltdiv id"content"gtlt!-- Content goes here
--gtlt/divgt - lt/bodygt
11Three column layout using left right positioning
- ltheadgt
- ltstyle type"text/css"gtlt!--
- header border 1px solid 000 padding 5px
font-size 16px - nav position absolute top 50px left 0px
width 75px padding 5px border 1px solid
000 - news position absolute top 50px width
100px padding 5px border 1px solid 000
right 0px - content margin 20px 125px 175px 100px
z-index 2 - body margin 0 padding 0 background fff
color 000 - --gtlt/stylegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody onresize"window.location.hrefwindow.locati
on.href"gt - ltdiv id"header"gtlt!-- Masthead --gtlt/divgt
- ltdiv id"nav"gtlt!-- Navigation links --gtlt/divgt
- ltdiv id"news"gtlt!-- News goes here --gtlt/divgt
- ltdiv id"content"gtlt!-- Content goes here
--gtlt/divgt - lt/bodygt
123 column layout using float
- ltstyle type"text/css"gtlt!--
- header border 1px solid 000 padding 5px
margin-bottom 20px - nav position absolute top 50px left 0px
width 75px padding 5px border 1px solid
000 - news float right width 100px padding 5px
border 1px solid 000 - content margin 0px 15px 175px 100px
- body margin 0 padding 0 background fff
color 000 - --gtlt/stylegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbody onresize"window.location.hrefwindow.locati
on.href"gt - ltdiv id"header"gtlt!-- Masthead --gtlt/divgt
- ltdiv id"nav"gt lt!-- Navigation links --gt lt/divgt
- ltdiv id"news"gt lt!-- News goes here --gtlt/divgt
- ltdiv id"content"gt lt!-- Content goes here
--gtlt/divgt - lt/bodygt
13Special browser notes
- NN4 does not position elements from right, so use
a hack to position from the left - I.e., position things in normal stylesheet from
the left, then _at_import a stylesheet that uses
right attribute. - Make sure to override left you can do this
using left auto - Mac IE5 sometimes creates unnecessary horizontal
scrollbar with three column layouts...
14Special browser notes cont'
- If you have a div with margins, and a table
within this div set to 100 width, then the table
may actually be 100 of the page width for IE
5.0/5.5 for PC. Test!
15XML and CSS/XSL Objectives
- Introduction to XML
- Setting up an XML Document
- Rules for Naming XML Elements
- Attributes in XML
- XML and CSS
- XML and Data Islands
- XML and XSL
16Introduction to XML
- XML, EXtensible Markup Language, is a technology
using open standards - Meant for storage and transportation of data
- Since it's a simple text file and is platform
independent, its a great way for applications to
share data - Generally very readable
- Does not compete with XHTML complimentary
17What you need to know about XML
- XML currently at version 1.0
- XML files end with .xml
- No predefined tags so hence you cannot use
embedded stylesheet - Must have one root node... for HTML documents,
this is lthtmlgtlt/htmlgt - Here are some options for XML on the web
- Store XML separate from XHTML
- Style XML using CSS
- Store XML within XHTML, known as data islands
- Use XSL to dynamically create HTML from XML
18Well-formed XML
- An XML document with correct syntax is
well-formed - This has absolutely nothing to do with DTDs
- XML that is not well-formed will not display
19Valid XML
- If an XML file follows its DTD, and it is
well-formed, then it is considered valid - So to be valid, must be well-formed but not
vice versa - DTD not required for an XML file, and not always
20Browsers and XML
- IE 5 first browser to support XML, though it is
problematic - IE 6, Opera, Mozilla, and Netscape 6 all support
XML - NN 4 does not support XML
21Validating XML
- Can use IE 6
- There is also an XML validator, but it employs
Microsoft's XML parser, so it is equivalent to IE
6 - http//www.w3schools.com/dom/dom_validate.asp
22Character entities
- If you should need to use a less-than sign inside
an XML tag, use lt and replace ampersands () with
amp (both will generate error messages
otherwise). - It is also prudent, though not necessary, to
replace - greater-than signs with gt
- single quotes with apos
- double quotes with quot
23Self-containing XML
- Using a Document Type Definition (DTD) or an XML
Schema, the XML document is self-describing - Describes available XML elements and where they
can be used, as well as what data they can contain
24Applications of XML
- XML is used liberally for transferring
information over the Web - XML used to create XHTML, Scalable Vector
Graphics (SVG), Wireless Markup Language (WML),
25Setting up XML document
- XHTML uses XML rules, so this should be easy
- First, include the XML prolog
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- Note that this is not an XML tag, else it would
have to be closed as lt /gt - Next you need to create a root element
- Of course, this depends on why you are creating
an XML file...
26Very simple, trivial XML file
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltcoursegt
- lt/coursegt
27More meaningful XML file
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltcoursegt
- ltdepartmentgtINPlt/departmentgt
- ltnumbergt160lt/numbergt
- lttitlegtWeb Coding IIlt/titlegt
- ltinstructorgtBryan Smithlt/instructorgt
- ltdescriptiongtExploring technologies such as
XHTML, CSS, XML/XSL, and WMLlt/descriptiongt - lt/coursegt
28Even more meaningful
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltcoursegt
- ltdepartmentgtINPlt/departmentgt
- ltnumbergt150lt/numbergt
- lttitlegtWeb Coding Ilt/titlegt
- ltinstructorgtBryan Smithlt/instructorgt
- ltdescriptiongtLearn basics of web design with
XHTML and CSS.lt/descriptiongt - lt/coursegt
- ltcoursegt
- ltdepartmentgtINPlt/departmentgt
- ltnumbergt160lt/numbergt
- lttitlegtWeb Coding IIlt/titlegt
- ltinstructorgtJason Withrowlt/instructorgt
- ltdescriptiongtExploring technologies such as
XHTML, CSS, XML/XSL, and WMLlt/descriptiongt - lt/coursegt
29Rules for Naming XML Elements
- Within names, do not use
- Minus (-), sometimes interpreted as subtract
- Space ( ), doesn't know where name ends
- Periods (.), is interpreted for various roles
- Colons (), which is reserved for name spaces
- Names cannot start with
- Number
- Punctuation mark
- xml, XML, or Xml
- Names can contain
- Characters
- Numbers
- Underscores
- Other characters
30Attributes in XML
- Can freely create attributes
- attributevalue
- However, before you start using attributes,
consider the consequences - Attributes don't describe structure, hierarchy
- Difficult to read
- Difficult to change/remove, both manually and
within DTD - Generally, better to use in very limited scenarios
31XML with attributes
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltbookgt
- lttitle author"Eric Meyer"gtEric Meyer on
CSSlt/titlegt - ltpublisher year"2002" edition"1st"gtNew
Riderslt/publishergt - lt/bookgt
32Same XML, but without attributes
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltbookgt
- lttitlegtEric Meyer on CSSlt/titlegt
- ltauthorgtEric Meyerlt/authorgt
- ltpublishergtNew Riderslt/publishergt
- ltyeargt2002lt/yeargt
- lteditiongt1stlt/editiongt
- lt/bookgt
33(No Transcript)
34- Which of the following two were more readible?
35Can still use id and class
- You can still use id and class in XML, to make
XML elements easier to style
36XML and CSS
- XML does not contain any information about
presentation, and different browsers display it
very differently - Mozilla shows a hierarchy of tags, similar to
actual XML code - Safari just spits out the data on the screen, as
if all XML tags were negligible inline tags! - Can link to separate CSS file
37View example
- Go to links section of our web site for an example
38XML and data islands
- Note this is only currently supported by IE 5
and IE 6 PC - Uses non-standard ltxml id...gtlt/xmlgt tags
- Can contain XML code
- Can link to external XML file using ltxml id...
src...gtlt/xmlgt - Must use id, or else you won't be able to access
the XML values
39Data islands
- ltbodygt
- ltxml id"bookdata" src"books.xml"gtlt/xmlgt
- lttable datasrc"bookdata" width"100"
cellpadding"5" cellspacing"0" border"1"
summary"Book data set"gt - ltcaptiongtBook Data Setlt/captiongt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtltspan datafld"title"gtlt/spangtlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltspan datafld"author"gtlt/spangtlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltspan datafld"publisher"gtlt/spangtlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltspan datafld"first_edition"gtlt/spangtlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltspan datafld"second_edition"gtlt/spangtlt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tablegt
- lt/bodygt
40XML and XSL
- Though CSS can be used to style XML, XSL can be
used to convert it to XHTML
41- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltxslstylesheet version"1.0" xmlnsxsl"http//ww
w.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"gt - ltxsltemplate match"/"gt
- lthtmlgt
- ltheadgtlttitlegtXSL Examplelt/titlegtlt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- lttable width"100" cellpadding"5"
cellspacing"0" border"1" summary"Book data
set"gt - ltcaptiongtBook Data Setlt/captiongt
- lt!-- Make sure to include headers --gt
- ltxslfor-each select"books/book"gt
- lttrgt
- lttdgtltxslvalue-of select"title"/gtlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltxslvalue-of select"author"/gtlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltxslvalue-of select"publisher"/gtlt/tdgt
- lttdgtltxslvalue-of select"editions/first_edition"/
gtlt/tdgt - lttdgtltxslvalue-of select"editions/second_edition"
/gtlt/tdgt - lt/trgt
42Another example
- See links page of course web site for XML file
with XSL
43Final comments
- http//www.w3schools.com/xsl/xsl_w3celementref.asp
- XSL Elements
- http//www.w3schools.com/xsl/xsl_functions.asp
- XSL Functions
- Within the XHTML template any of the CSS
approaches can be used. - If embedded styles are chosen do not enclose the
rules with XHTML comments lt!-- --gt, because those
are treated as literal comments by the XSL parser
and all the CSS will be ignored. - The XHTML comments were only necessary to protect
the CSS from very old browsers (browsers created
long before XML), so there is no need for the
comments now.