Title: ISO TC 104
1ISO TC 104
2ISO TC 104 (Freight Containers)
- TC 104 Chair - ANSI
- TC 104/SC 4 Chair - DIN
- ISO 103741991 (R 01) - Freight containers -
Automatic Identification - ISO 63461995 - Freight containers - Coding,
identification, and marking - ISO 6681995 - Series 1 freight containers -
Classification, dimensions and ratings - ISO 18185 - Freight Containers - Radio-frequency
communication protocol for electronic seal -
being broken into numerous related standards - ISO/AWI 23389 - Freight Containers Read-Write
Radio-frequency identifications (RFID) - folded
into ISO 122/104 JWG - Work Item 17363
3ISO 18185 (ISO TC 104)
- ISO 18185 - Freight Containers - Radio-frequency
communication protocol for electronic seal - Will recommend 862 - 928 MHz for FHSS passive and
433.92 MHz Narrowband active - DIS Failed - November 2002
- Being broken into several standards
4Electronic Container Seals
- NP1 Freight containers Electronic seals
Application requirements - NP 2 Freight containers Electronic seals
- Environmental conditions under which the seal
must be able to survive and retain its data both
secure and intact - Performance parameters
- NP 3 Freight containers Electronic seals -
Physical characteristics Mechanical strength
and physical tamper resistance - Environmental conditions under which the seal
must retain its barrier (to tampering)
properties - NP 4 Freight containers Electronic seals
Data security - Data protection while contained within the
electronic seal and during communications to and
from the seal - Security of the data contained within the seal,
including the ability to change such data - Security of the data while it is being
transferred to or from the seal - NP 6 Freight containers Electronic seals
Sensor interface requirements - NP 7 Freight containers Electronic seals
Physical layer - 18185 Freight containers Radio-frequency
communication protocol for electronic seal - Electronic seal data block
- Syntax for data beyond the electronic seal block
- Semantics for data beyond the electronic seal
block and, - NP 8 Freight containers Electronic seals
Communication parameters for OSI layers 3 through
7. - NP 9 Freight containers Electronic seals
Message sets between electronic seal reader and a
host computer - NP 10 Freight containers Electronic seals
Incorporation of eSeal functionality into
permanent container design
5104 Liaison with SC 31
- TC 104 Secretary/April 14, 2003 - Recently I
received an e-mail in which Craig Harmon is
requesting that an Internal Liaison between JTC
1/SC 31 and TC 104 be established. It is my
understanding that an Internal Liaison currently
exists between JTC 1/SC 31 and TC 104/SC 4,
however, I would like to contact you as Secretary
of JTC 1/SC 31 to determine whether this your
committee desires a reciprocal agreement. Please
advise. - SC 31 Secretary/6 Aug 2003 - As you point out, a
liaison exist between JTC1/SC31 and
TC104/SC4/WG2. Mr. Harmon is requesting a
liaison between JTC1/SC31 and TC 104. I will be
contacting Mr. Harmon to get, from him, the
necessary information regarding items of mutual
interest between JTC1/SC31 and TC 104. The
information will be provided to the JTC1/SC31
membership for approval of the liaison
relationship. I will notify you of the results .
I appreciate your patience in this matter.
6ISO TC 122
7ISO TC 122
- Secretariat - TSE
- TC 122/WG 4 - Shipping Labels
- ISO 153941999 - Packaging - Bar Code and
Two-dimensional Symbols for Shipping, Transport,
and Receiving Labels - TC 122/WG 7 - Product Packaging
- ISO DIS22742 - Packaging - Linear bar code and
two-dimensional symbols for product packaging
(DIS Awaiting TC 122 Publication)
8ISO TC 122/104 Joint Working Group
- Supply Chain Applications of RFID
9The Layers of Logistic Units (Optically Readable
Layer 5ISO TC 204 (None)AIAG B-15
Movement Vehicle (truck, airplane, ship, train)
Layer 4ISO TC 104 (None)
Container (e.g., 40 foot Sea Container)
Layer 3ISO TC 122/WG 4 (15394)ANS MH10.8.1AIAG
B-10/14EIA 556-BUCC 6 / Genl EAN Spec
Layer 2ISO TC 122/WG 4 (15394)ANS MH10.8.1AIAG
B-10/14EIA 556-BUCC 6 / Genl EAN Spec
Layer 1ISO TC 122/WG 7 (22742) ANS MH10.8.6AIAG
B-4 EIA 621/624 IEC 62090 UCC 1 / Genl EAN Spec
Layer 0ISO TC 122 (TBD)ANS MH10.8.7AIAG
B-4EIA SP-3497UCC 1 / Genl EAN Spec
10The Layers of Logistic Units (Radio Frequency
Identification - RFID)
Layer 5ISO TC 104 (ISO 14816)ISO TC 204IATA
Movement Vehicle (truck, airplane, ship, train)
Layer 4 (433 MHz, 860-930 MHz)ISO 122/104 JWG
(ISO 10374)ISO TC 104 (ISO 18185)ISO TC 104
(ISO 14816)ISO 17363 (122/104 JWG)
Container (e.g., 40 foot Sea Container)
Layer 3 (433 MHz, 860-930 MHz)ISO 17364 (122/104
Layer 2 (860-930 MHz)ISO 17365 (122/104 JWG)
Layer 1 (860-930 MHz) ISO 17366 (122/104 JWG)
Layer 0 (860-930 MHz) ISO 17367 (122/104 JWG)
11TC 122/TC 104 JWG Work Items
Convener - Craig K. Harmon, US
- Supply Chain Applications of RFID
- ISO 17358 - Application Requirements, including
Hierarchical Data Mapping - Project Leader/Editor
- Steve Halliday, US - ISO 17363 - Freight Containers - Project
Leader/Editor - Manohar Patwardhan, MOL (America)
Inc., US - ISO 17364 - Returnable Transport Items - Michel
ten Bok, Euro Pool System International BV, NL - ISO 17365 - Transport Units - Project
Leader/Editor - Mark Lewis, UPS, US - ISO 17366 - Product Packaging - Project
Leader/Editor - Michaƫl Nieuwesteeg, Nederlands
Verpakkingscentrum (NVC), NL - ISO 17367 - Product Tagging Packaging - Project
Leader/Editor - Daniel Kimball, DoD AIT Office,
US - Senior Applications Project Editor - Paul
Chartier, UK - Senior Conformance Project Editor - Mike
Guillory, US
12TC 122/TC 104 JWG Addl Work
Convener - Craig K. Harmon, US
- ISO 10374 - Freight Containers - Automatic
Identification - 2nd Revision - ISO 23389 - Freight Containers - Read/write RFID
- to be combined with ISO 17363 (eContainer /
Smart Container) - New work items regarding electronic seals - as
identified by TC 104/SC 4/WG 2 (if any)
13ISO 122/104 JWG Normative References
- ISO/IEC 18000 - Information technology AIDC
techniques - RFID for item management air
interface - ISO/IEC 18046 - RFID tag and interrogator
performance test methods - ISO/IEC 18047 - RFID device conformance test
methods - ISO/IEC 15418 - EAN/UCC Application Identifiers
and ASC MH 10 Data Identifiers and maintenance - ISO/IEC 15434 - Syntax for high capacity ADC
media - ISO/IEC 15459 - Item management - Unique
identification - ISO 14816 - Road traffic and transport telematics
- Automatic vehicle and equipment identification
- Numbering and data structures - ISO/IEC 15961 - RFID for item management - Data
protocol Application interface - ISO/IEC 15962 - RFID for item management -
Protocol Data encoding rules and logical memory
functions - ISO/IEC 15963 - Unique tag Iidentification
- ISO 6346 - Freight containers - Coding,
identification and marking - IEEE 1451 - Sensor Interface
- TC 104/SC 4/WG 2 - 2003-10-08 . . . 2003-10-10 -
London - TC 122/104 JWG - 2003-10-15 . . . 2003-10-16 -
Kyoto - TC 104 Plenary - 2003-10-22 . . . 2003-10-24 -
Orlando - TC 122/104 JWG - 2004-01-19 . . . 2004-01-20 -
Nice - TC 122/104 JWG - 2004-04-22 . . . 2004-04-23 -
Cedar Rapids - TC 122/104 JWG - 2004-08-17 . . . 2004-08-18 -