Title: Modeling and controlling the Caltech Ducted Fan Vehicle
1Modeling and controlling the Caltech Ducted Fan
Steve Neuendorffer EE290N Final Presentation
2How do we get to an implementation?
Abstract, high-level system model
Detailed low-level system implementation
3Some options
- Don't build a high-level model Implement the
system by hand. - Build a high-level model, but throw it away when
implementation starts. - Build a high-level model, and validate
implementation against it. - Build a low-level model, and generate an
implementation from it. - Build a high-level model, refine it gradually
into more detailed models that are more suitable
for automatic code generation.
4An example of heterogenous refinement
- Drive the ducted fan vehicle to a desired point.
- Continuous time vehicle and controller.
- A zero-delay discrete-time controller.
- A one-step delay discrete-time controller.
- An arbitrary delay discrete-time controller.
- A more sophisticated modal controller.
- A model for automatic system implementation.
51 Vehicle/Controller model
(X,Y) Position, and direction of the vehicle
Total forward thrust, and differential torque
applied by the fans.
61 Continuous Vehicle model
Specified as a differential equation, as in
71 Continuous controller model
A modified proportional controller
82 Vehicle model withDiscrete-time interface
Zero-order hold models the Digital -gt Analog
The analog position of the vehicle is
periodically sampled approximately every second.
92 Discrete Vehicle controller
Heterogenous system modeling
103 Discrete Vehicle controller with one-sample
SampleDelay added to model computation time of
114 Discrete Vehicle controller with arbitrary
TimedDelay actor in Discrete Event domain models
arbitrary delay.
More Heterogeneity
SDF control law
CT vehicle model
125 A modal controller
Yet More Heterogeneity
13Breathe and watch the demo
A comparison of the modal controller versus the
simple proportional controller.
14Target specifics
(X,Y) Position, and direction of the vehicle come
from video localization system.
Control values are sent to motor controller by
serial port.
156 A controller, with refined communication.
Suitable for code generation
One of the previous (possibly heterogenous)contro
l laws
I used Ptolemy II to model a physical control
system at an high-level of granularity using an
abstract model of computation. The high level
model was manually refined through several
intermediate steps to the point where the model
was detailed enough to automatically generate the
controller code.