Title: AC Dipole Based Diagnostics
1AC Dipole Based Diagnostics
- Introduction of ac dipole
- AC dipole based beam diagnostics
- beam dynamics
- spin manipulation
- RHIC AC dipole system
- Summary
4Introduction of ac dipole
- AC dipole a dipole magnet with oscillating
field - By driving the ac dipole at a frequency at the
vicinity of beam betatron frequency, a coherent
oscillation can be excited. The size of this
excited coherent oscillation is proportional to
the strength of the ac dipole. The closer the ac
dipole frequency to the beam betatron frequency,
the stronger the driven coherent oscillation - By adiabatically ramping up the ac dipole
strength, this driven oscillation is well under
control and prevent the beam size from being
blown up
5Introduction of ac dipole
- Beam emittance gets preserved before and after
the excitation as long as the ac dipole
excitation is turned on adiabatically
- Ac dipole amplitude ramps up in 1000 turns and
then kept constant for 1000 turns. The ac dipole
amplitude then ramps down to zero in another 1000
turns. - 1000 particles in Gaussian before and after the
ac dipole excitation. The blue dots are the beam
distribution in the rotating frame when the ac
dipole amplitude is constant.
6First test results of ac dipole driven oscillation
- Ac dipole in the Brookhaven AGS. The ac dipole
was first ramped up its maximum amplitude in 1000
turns. The amplitude was then kept constant for
another 1000 turns and the ac dipole oscillation
amplitude was ramped to zero in the final 1000
Experimental results in the Brookhaven AGS
7Ac dipole driven coherent oscillation with
non-zero detuning
8Applications of AC dipole
- Linear optics measurement
- Measure beta function and phase advance
- Measure beta function at interaction point
- Linear coupling measurement
- Local coupling measurement
- Non-linear driving term measurement
- Dynamic aperture measurement
- Spin manipulation
9Beam diagnostic applications using AC dipole
- Linear optics measurement
- Measure beta functions as well as phase advances
- Beta function and phase advance ring wide
- Beta function at interaction point
10Beam diagnostic applications using AC dipole
- Linear optics measurement
11Beta function and phase advance measurement in
Measured phase advance between bpms
Measured beta functions between bpms
12Measure beta function at interaction point
(?R , ?R , ?R)
(?L , ?L , ?L)
13First test at the end of IP2 Beta Squeeze
Fulvia, Todd Nikolay, Steve Mei
14First test at the end of IP2 Beta Squeeze
15Beam diagnostic applications using AC dipole
- Linear coupling measurement
16Beam diagnostic applications using AC dipole
- Local coupling measurement
One turn transfer matrix T
Coupling matrix C changes along the ring and it
can be shown that the determinant of C jumps at
a coupling source.
Courtesy of Rama
17Beam diagnostic applications using AC dipole
- Local coupling measurement
Courtesy of Rama
18Beam diagnostic applications using AC dipole
- Local coupling measurement
- Data taken at injection in Yellow ring
- The average coupling strength over the ring
varied with - different local skew quad settings
- The quality of the data is compromised due to the
bpm problems - the continuous linear increase of coupling
strength in the - middle of arc is against the expectation
that the local - coupling in RHIC mainly comes from the
Courtesy of Rama
19Beam diagnostic applications using AC dipole
- Measure non-linear resonance driving term
- Normal form with free oscillation
R. Bartolini and F. Schmidt, LHC Project Note
132, 1998
resonance _at_ (j-k, l-m)
Spectral line _at_ (1-jk, m-l)
- Normal form with driven coherent oscillation
Normal form of particle motion under the
influence of an ac dipole, R. Tomas, Phys.
Review ST-AB, Vol. 5, 054001
20Non-linear driving term measurement in RHIC
- First 3rd order resonance driving term
measurement in RHIC with ac dipole
Rogelio, Wolfram Rama, Mei,
21Beam diagnostic applications using AC dipole
- Dynamic aperture measurement
- Limitation of the traditional DA technique is the
tune meter kicker strength at store - With ac dipole, the idea is to drive the beam
with a well controlled ramping strength and
record the beam oscillation amplitude. In
principle, the amplitude of the coherent
oscillation saturates when the DA is reached. - One can also extract the frequency spectrum as a
function of oscillation amplitude from the
million turn bpm data
22Spin manipulation measure spin tune
- How to use spin flipper to measure spin tune?
- Spin motion nearby a spin depolarization
resonance - Induce a coherent spin precession with spin
flipper. Measure the turn by turn spin
precession. Calculate the precession amplitude of
the vertical and radial component. - Currently, we are focusing on analyzing the RHIC
pp 2004 spin flipping data
23Spin manipulation -- Spin flipping
- spin flipping efficiency
- in Blue is 66
- yellow got depolarized
- possibly because yellow
- spin tune is too close to
- the spin flipper tune
24RHIC AC dipole system
- Magnet
- Air core with Litz wire
- Ceramic beam pipe with an dimension of
- Two aluminum strips outside the beampipe provide
a path for image current - Location
25RHIC AC dipole system
- Inductance of the magnet
- In parellel 26.362 uH
- In series 104.32 uH
- Current achieved
- In series 50 Amp 67 Gm
- In parallel 160 Amp 106 Gm
- This corresponds to a
- 1.4? coherence at RHIC
- store energy
The bottom figure shows the vertical 1024 turn by
turn beam position data in the middle of the arc.
The black solid circles are the measured
turn-by-turn beam position data and the red open
circles are the fitted turn-by-turn data. The top
plot is the phase plot at the same location.
26RHIC AC dipole circuit
27Experience from RHIC AC dipole based beam
- Reliable turn by turn data from BPMs are very
critical - Sharing magnets between Blue and Yellow makes it
very difficult on using ac dipole independently
in the two rings - The strength of the spin flipper is kind of
marginal, esp. for the spin tune measurement. The
current RHIC ac dipole only provides a resonance
strength of a few units of 10-4
- AC dipole has been demonstrated to be a powerful
tool to induce long lasting coherent
oscillations. Large coherent oscillations are
often needed for measuring the machine optics
parameters as well as for studying the non-linear
behavior of the beam. This technique has been
routinely applied in the Brookhaven RHIC to
measure the phase advances as well beta
functions. It has also been demonstrated in RHIC
to use ac dipole to measure the non-linear
resonance driving terms.