Title: Public Service Ethics in Estonia
1Public Service Ethicsin Estonia
2Public Service Ethics in Estonia
- The presentation
- System of public service and public service
ethics in Estonia (organization and coordination,
current issues) - Estonian Public Service Code of Ethics
- Survey Ethical Values in Estonian Public Service
3System of public service and public service
ethicsin Estonia
4Public Service System and Ethics Chronology
- 1991 Beginning of reorganisation, political
changes - 1996 Public Service Act (PSA)? open,
position-based system with a few elements of
career system - 1999 Public Service Code of Ethics (appendix to
the PSA) - 2002 drafting of a new PSA (not adopted)
- 2004 The Framework Document for Public Service
Development (flexibility in management, competent
public servants, performance-related remuneration
system, deregulation) - 2004 Anti-Corruption Strategy Honest State
5Coordination of Public Service Development
- Decentralised system
- Division of responsibilities
- State Chancellery (HR management and training,
leadership development, ethics, statistics) - Ministry of Finance (strategic planning, quality
management, remuneration) - Ministry of Justice (public service legislation)
- Ministry of Interior (development of regional and
local administration)
6Coordination of Public Service Ethics
- Decentralised ethics coordination system, with
development and training devolved to individual
organisations - The role of the State Chancellery
- Central coordination of activities
- Organising training courses and elaborating
central training materials in ethics - Organising the exchange of information
- If necessary, initiating draft regulations and
amendments to laws - In the near future supporting the Council of
Civil Service Ethics) - State Chancellery is also responsible for setting
annual training priorities for the public
service. In 2005 ethics is one of the priorities.
7Principles of Central Co-Ordination in PSE
- Purpose of the document
- to design the way of central coordination in the
sphere of ethics at public offices, aiming to
promote and develop a consistent system of civil
service - to describe the aims and responsibilities in the
field of ethics at different levels of public
service - The document is of an advisory character
8Principles of Central Co-Ordination in PSE
- Elements of ethics infrastructure
- Codes of conduct
- Process of professional socialisation
- Conditions of PS supporting integrity (HRM)
- Responsibility and control
9Current HRM Issues in Public Service Development
- Agreement on the future public service
development framework, adoption of amendments to
the Public Service Act - Reorganisation of public service pay system,
greater transparency in remuneration - Improved coordination and strategic approach in
HR policy across the public service
10Current Issues in the Development of PSE
- Mobility of civil servants between public and
private sector requires common values in PS - Proactive role of training in PSE
- Enhancement of professional, e.g. ethical
competencies of public servants - Reinforcement of public service ethics and
values, implementation of Code of Ethics - Seeking support from top managers
11Estonian Public Service Code of Ethics
12Estonian Public Service Code of Ethics
- Composed and adopted by Riigikogu (Estonian
Parliament) in 1999 - Annex to the Public Service Act
- Contains all important (core) values recommended
by EU and OECD
13Estonian Public Service Code of Ethics
- Mentioned in the oath of office
- I swear to be faithful to the constitutional
order of Estonia and to perform in a
conscientious and accurate manner the functions
which the office entrusted to me requires. I am
aware that the law prescribes liability for a
breach of duties or the public service code of
14Code of EthicsPosition of PS in the State
- An official is a citizen in the service of
people. - The activities of an official shall be based on
respect for the Constitution of the Republic of
Estonia provided for in the oath of office. - An official shall adhere, in his or her
activities, to the legally expressed will of
politicians who have received a mandate from the
15Code of EthicsPrinciples of Public Life
- 4. Public authority shall be exercised solely in
the public interest. - 5. Public authority shall always be exercised
pursuant to law. - 6. The exercise of public authority shall always
involve liability. - 7. The exercise of public authority is, as a
rule, a public activity. - 8. An official shall be prepared to make
unpopular decisions in the public interest. - 9. A person exercising public authority shall
endeavour to achieve as broad participation of
citizens in the exercise of authority as
possible. - 10. An official shall always, in his or her
activities, subject departmental interests to
public interest.
16Code of EthicsProfessional Qualities
- 11. An official shall be politically impartial in
his or her activities. - 12. An official shall make decisions based on
public and generally understandable criteria. - 13. An official shall avoid creating a situation,
which arouses or may arouse suspicion with regard
to his or her impartiality or objectivity in
considering matters under suspicion. - 14. An official shall treat property entrusted to
him or her economically, expediently and
prudently. - 15. An official shall use information, which
becomes known to him or her through official
duties solely in the public interest.
17Code of EthicsPersonal Qualities
- 16. A person exercising public authority is
characterised by honesty and respect for the
public and co-employees. - 17. An official shall be polite and helpful when
communicating with people. - 18. An official shall be respectable, responsible
and conscientious. - 19. An official shall do his or her best in the
public service by constant individual
development. - 20. An official shall facilitate the spread of
the above principles in every way.
18Codes of Ethics
Estonian Public Service Code of Ethics
Core values, codes of conduct of governmental
institutions according to specific needs
19Survey Ethical values in Estonian Public
- What kind of values are espoused in public
service? - (comparsion with international community)
- What does PS ethics implementation and
development depend on? - Survey Values, attitudes and
roles in the public service
- Initiated by State Chancellery
- Conducted by Estonian Institute of Humanities and
Faktum - 960 civil servants at all levels
- Approximately 3,3 of all civil servants
- Started in June 2005
- Final report in March 2006
22Moral Demands in Public, Private and Business
23Values in Public Service
24Awareness of Codes of Ethics
25Higher Moral Demands to Public Servants
26Values in PS Organisations
27Need for Training in Ethics
- All important values for democratic countries are
accepted - Awareness of codes of ethics is low
- Codes are not widely used for creating
professional PS body - Level of HRM and acceptance of professional
values are not interdependent - The role of professional socialisation in
creating common values is greater - Longer tenure
- Creating organisational culture
- Adopting and recognising important values
29- Additional information
- Aive Pevkur
- aive.pevkur_at_riigikantselei.ee
- Department of Public Service
- State Chancellery of Estonia