Title: ChiralOdd Twist3 Distribution Function ex
1Chiral-Odd Twist-3 Distribution Function e(x)
- M.Wakamatsu and Y.Ohnishi (Osaka Univ.)
1. Introduction
2The purpose of talk is twofold
(1) Physical Origin of -singularity
Nontrivial structure of QCD vacuum
(2) Theoretical predictions for e(x) in the
Chiral Quark Soliton Model (CQSM)
CLAS measurement of semi-inclusive DIS processes
32. Origin of delta-function singularity in e(x)
General definition of e(x)
4Within the CQSM, we analytically confirmed this
M.W. and Y.Ohnishi, Phys. Rev. D67 (2003) 114011
Existence of this infinite-range correlation is
inseparably connected with
nontrivial vacuum structure of QCD
Spontaneous cSB and nonvanishing vacuum quark
5Nucleon scalar quark density in the CQSM
6This also dictates that
We thus conclude that
Nonvanishing quark condensate as a signal of the
spontaneous cSB of the QCD vacuum is the physical
origin of d(x)-type singularity in e(x)
73. Numerical study of e(x) in CQSM
General structure of e(x) in CQSM
Isoscalar part
in hedgehog M.F.
Isovector part
more complicated (double sum over levels)
8Sophisticated numerical method to treat d(x)
contained in
Y,Ohnishi and M.W., Phys. Rev D69 (2004) 114002
We find that
91st moment sum rule for isoscalar e(x)
10Isovector part of e(x)
Dirac sea
regular behavior at x 0
11Combining isoscalar- and isovector-part of e(x),
we can get any of
Comparison with CLAS data extracted by Efremov
and Schweitzer
124. Summary and Conclusion
(1) delta-function singularity in chiral-odd
twist-3 distribution e(x) is
Manifestation of nontrivial vacuum structure of
QCD in hadron observable
(2) Existence of this singularity will be
observed as
Violation of pN sigma-term sum rule of
need more precise experimental information on
this quantity in wider range of x