Title: CS 450 Design
1CS 450 Design Analysis of AlgorithmsNotes
2Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Reading
- Introduction to Algorithms, by Cormen,
Leiserson, Rivest Stein - Chapter 35
- Approximate Algorithms
- (only sections covered in the notes
- Introduction and Section 35.1)
3Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Motivation Getting around NP-completeness
- Exponential time may be okay for small inputs -
Brute Force - Isolate special cases that can run in polynomial
time - Divide-and-Conquer - Near-optimal solutions may be good enough -
Approximation Algorithms
4Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Approximation Algorithm
- produces near-optimal solution
- An algorithm has approximation ratio p(n) if
- C cost of the solution produced by the
approximation algorithm - C cost of the optimal solution
- n size of input instance
An algorithm has an approximation ratio of ?(n)
if for an input of size n, C is within a factor
of C
5Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Performance Ratios
- Maximization problem
- 0 lt C C
- C/C factor by which the cost of the optimal
solution is larger than the cost of the
approximate solution - Minimization problem
- 0 lt C C
- C/C factor by which the cost of the approximate
solution is larger than the cost of the optimal
C cost of the solution produced by the
approximation algorithm C cost of the optimal
6Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Examples
- MAX C 4, C 3 max(4/3, 3/4) 4/3
- 1.3 is the factor by which the cost of the
optimal solution is larger than the cost of the
approximate solution - MIN C 3, C 4 max(3/4, 4/3) 4/3
- 1.3 is the factor by which the cost of the
approximate solution is larger than the cost of
the optimal solution - OPT. C 4, C 4 max(4/4, 4/4) 1
- This means the approximation solution is the
same as an optimal solution
C cost of the solution produced by the
approximation algorithm C cost of the optimal
7Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Approximation Scheme
- (1e)-approximation algorithm for fixed e
- also gets e gt 0 as an input
- Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme
- running time is polynomial in n
- Fully Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme
- running time is also polynomial in (1/e)
- constant-factor decrease in e causes only
constant-factor running-time increase - Example running time O((1/e)2n3)
8Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- How do approximations algorithms work?
- Exploit the nature of the problem
- Use greedy techniques
- Use linear programming
- Use dynamic programming
- Use random assignments (algorithms)
Its a bag of tricks.
9Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm
- TSP with triangle inequality
- Polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm
- TSP without triangle inequality
- Negative result no polynomial-time
p(n)-approximation - SET-COVER
- polynomial-time p(n)-approximation algorithm
- p(n) is a logarithmic function of set size
- Fully polynomial-time approximation scheme
- MAX-3-CNF Satisfiability
- Randomized p(n)-approximation algorithm
10Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Vertex-cover
- A vertex cover of an undirected graph G(V,E) is
a subset V of V so that if (u,v) is an edge of
G, then either u belongs in V or v belongs in V
(or both) - The size of a vertex cover is the number of
vertices in it
C size of optimal solution 3
11Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Vertex-cover problem
- The vertex-cover problem is to find a vertex
cover of minimum size - Such a vertex-cover is called an optimal vertex
cover - This problem is NP-complete
12Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Approx-Vertex-Cover(G)
- C ? NULL
- E ? EG
- while E ! NULL
- do let (u,v) be an edge of E
- C ? C U u,v
- remove from E all edges incident on u
or v - return C
13- Approx-Vertex-Cover (G)
- C ? NULL
- E ? EG
- while E ! NULL
- do let (u,v) be an edge of E
- C ? C U u,v
- remove from E all edges incident on u
or v - return C
C 3 max(6/3, 3/6) 2
a b
c d
e f
Approximate vertex cover. C6
14- Approx-Vertex-Cover (G)
- C ? NULL
- E ? EG
- while E ! NULL
- do let (u,v) be an arbitrary edge of E
- C ? C U u,v
- remove from E all edges incident on u
or v - return C
d e b c
Approximate vertex cover. C4
15Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Analysis of Approx-Vertex-Cover Algorithm
- Running time O(VE) so ploy. time in G
- With an adjacency list to represent E
- Claim 2-approximation algorithm for VC
Returns a vertex cover at most twice as large as
the optimal
- Approx-Vertex-Cover (G)
- C ? NULL
- E ? EG
- while E ! NULL
- do let (u,v) be an arbitrary edge of E
- C ? C U u,v
- remove all edges incident on u or v
- return C
16Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
The set C is a vertex cover since the loop on
line 3 runs until every edge is has been covered
by some vertex in C
- Approx-Vertex-Cover(G)
- C ? NULL
- E ? EG
- while E ! NULL
- do let (u,v) be an arbitrary edge of E
- C ? C U u,v
- remove from E all edges incident on u
or v - return C
17Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Proof that its a 2-approximation algorithm
- A set of edges picked by the approximation
algorithm in line 4 - No 2 edges in A share an endpoint because they
were deleted in line 6. So no 2 edges in A are
covered by the same vertex in C the same would
be true of an opt. cover C that was a cover for
A - Lower bound C A
- Note here C is a opt. cover for A but maybe not
be opt. for G ltV,Egt a little more work here
18Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Proof that its a 2-approximation algorithm
- In line 4 we pick an edge for which neither of
its endpoints are already in C. Every new edge
added to A adds exactly 2 new vertices to C. - Upper bound C 2A
- Therefore C 2A 2C
- Conclusion
- Approx-Vertex-Cover is a polynomial time
2-approximation algorithm
19Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
Hamiltonian Cycle of an undirected graph G(V,E)
is a simple cycle that contains each vertex in V.
- Traveling-Salesperson Problem
- Given a complete undirected graph G(V,E)
- Each edge has a nonnegative integer cost c(u,v)
- Find a Hamiltonian cycle of G with minimum cost.
- Hamiltonian cycle is a NP complete problem
- Largest problem solved to optimality till circa
2002 has 16,862 cities - Using heuristics, a problem with 1,904,711 cities
was solved to 1 of optimality
20Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Bottom line
- If you need to compute the answer to a hard
problem, look to see if there is a
- Approximation algorithm
- Randomized algorithm
- Way to reformulate the problem to be tractable
- Also an AI solution using a heuristics may work
21Chapter 35 - Approximation Algorithms
- Steven Skiena Dept. of Computer Science Stony
Brook University - Approximation Algorithms
- Lecture Topics Approximating Vertex Cover, The
Euclidean Traveling Salesman, Non-deterministic
Turing Machines - http//www.cs.sunysb.edu/algorith/video-lectures/