Title: Neuroimaging in Emergency Medicine: Ischemic Stroke, ICH (and SAH)
1Neuroimaging in Emergency MedicineIschemic
Stroke, ICH (and SAH)
- Peter D Schellinger, MD, PhD
- Department of Neurology
- University of Heidelberg
- Heidelberg, Germany
- Incidence 150-250 / 100.000
- Prevalence 800 / 100.000
- 3rd most common cause of death
- Leading cause of dependence
- Most expensive disease overall
3ICH is a common subtype of Stroke
- Increasing incidence
- 1030 of all strokes
- In the USA, 45,000 new cases of ICH/year
- Age gt55 years old
- Sex malesgtfemales
- Geographic variation
- Overall, 1020 per 100,000
- Afro-Americans and Japanese, 50 per 100,000
4Also ICH but not in this talk
SDH (Subdural Hemorrhage) EDH (Epidural
Hemorrhage) ICH (Intracerebral Hemorrhage)
5Two types of stroke -Same symptoms
- Occlusion
- Ischemic stroke
- (? 80)
Bleeding Intracerebral haemorrhage (?15)
6Two types of strokes -Diagnosed with imaging only
7Two types of stroke -Different treatments
Factor VII
Therapy Dissolve the clot Thrombolysis
Therapy Currently none - but
8Causes of SAH
- Aneurysm 70-75
- Angioma 10
- Arteriosclerosis 5-10
- Spinal Angioma 2-5
- Others 5
9SAHClinical presentation and Imaging
- Clinical presentation different from ICH and IS
- Only similar when either
- Secondary or concomitant ICH
- Subacute Vasospasm with stroke
- (CT-)Angiography
- Lumbar puncture
- Surgery vs intervention
10Ischemic Stroke
11 Patients favorable outcome (modified Rankin 1)s
rt-PA Placebo p
3 mo 43 27 lt .001
6 mo 41 29 .001
12 mo 41 28 .001
12Global Outcome (mRS 0-1, Barthel Index 95-100,
NIHSS 0-1) Day 90 Adjusted Odds Ratio with 95
Confidence Interval N 2799
Adjustierte Odds Ratio
Time Interval (OTT) min
Lancet 2004, 363 768-774
13(No Transcript)
14The hyperdense MCA sign
- 40-60 in angiographically proven occlusion
- 17 in unselected stroke patients
15The hyperdense MCA sign
16Sulcal Effacement
- Sulcal Effacement due to focal swelling
- Loss of grey/white differentiation
17Loss of the Insular Ribbon and Basal Ganglia
- Obscuration of the right basal ganglia
(arrowheads) - Loss of demarcation of the insular cortex
18Early Infarct Signs and follow up
19Early Signs of a large infarction (gt 1/3 MCA sign)
20(No Transcript)
21CT-Criteria ASPECTS
Normal 10 Pt
Cutoff 7 Pt
Complete MCA Infarction 0 Pt
Barber PA, Demchuk AM, Zhang J, Buchan AM.
Validity and reliability of a quantitative
computed tomography score in predicting outcome
of hyperacute stroke before thrombolytic therapy.
Aspects study group. Alberta stroke programme
early ct score. Lancet. 20003551670-1674.
22Early CT Signs Reading Tea Leaves
Sensitivity NINDS, ECASS I and II on site at
randomization 30-45
23NINDSAre Early CT signs relevant?
- Analysis of all baseline CTs 616/624 NINDS
patients - Incidence of Early CT Signs 31
- Significant Association Initial NIHSS Time
Window - No Association Outcome, Infarkt size, sICH Rate
- Conclusion Early CT signs do not influence the
effect of rt-PA (within 3h time window !!!) - Problem One-Third-MCA-territory criterion not
Patel et al, JAMA 2001
24Large or old infarction ??
25Hemorrhage or Ischemia ??
This is the question ??
26CT more or less normal or not ?
27CT more or less normal or not ?
Ø treat
Ø treat
Ø treat
Treat with rt-PA lt3h!!
28Intracerebral Hemorrhage
- There is no way to differentiate ICH from
ischemic stroke by clinical means only - Loss of consciousness ? DD posterior
circulation - Headache ? DD Migraine
- Vomiting ? DD Cerebellar Stroke
30Primary ICH - etiology
31Primary ICH (gt80)
- Hypertension (RRR of 50 when treated)
- Amyloid (kongophilic) Angiopathy
- Microaneurysms, Leucoaraiosis
- Alcohol abuse
- No obvious underlying pathology
Correct Imaging Based Classification by Experts
in only 66.8
32Diagnostic Standard for ICH CT
33Subtypes by localization
Lobar 3452
Deep 3048
Infratentorial, Cerebellar 915
Qureshi et al. N Engl J Med 2001
34Imaging signs of poor prognosis
35Differential Diagnosis
Primary Lymphoma
36ComplicationsEarly increase in ICH volume
CT control Brott 1997 n 103 Prosp. () Fujii 1994 n 419 Retrosp. () Flibotte 2004 n 35 Retrosp. () Kazui 1996 n 204 Retrosp. ()
03 h 26 18 54 36
36 h NA 8 NA 16
06 h NA 17 NA 52
324 h 12 2 NA 10
Increase in ICH volume and re-bleeding is
associated with clinical deterioration
37Sequential CT StudiesEarly Growth / Rebleeding
- This CCT confirms the most likely cause of early
clinical deterioration in patients with acute
ICH - Re-bleeding
- Intraventricular blood (IVH)
95 min after SO
3 h after SO
38Elevated ICP Glioblastoma multiforme
39Elevated ICPICH Maximum Damage
40ComplicationsCSF Circulation Blockade
41External Ventricular Drainage (EVD)
42Effects / Complications of ICH
- Primary
- Growth
- ICP elevation
- Secondary
- Oedema
- Intraventricular extension
- Hydrocephalus
- Seizure