Title: Risk-culture self-assessment
1Risk-culture self-assessment
Your Result
Instinctive Expert Youve defined the risks
youre prepared to assume, built reliable systems
for capturing information about your risks and
put processes in place for managing those risks
consistently. Youve also drafted a code of
conduct, communicated your attitude to risk to
everyone in your organisation and established a
remuneration scheme that encourages adherence to
the ethical standards you espouse. Risk
management is now so completely embedded in the
business that its instinctive. Everyone knows
what to do, and does it as a matter of course.
Steps towards improving your position Your
organisation is the exception to the rule. Youve
done everything you can to safeguard your
business and mitigate the risks it currently
faces. You should continue to monitor your risks
and keep an eye out for any new risks, including
risks that emerge as a result of operational
changes, geographic expansion, new laws or
regulations and the like. You should also ensure
that your systems for capturing information about
risk remain up-to-date, but you are in a much
stronger position than most of your peers.
If you would like to speak to somebody in PwC
about this assessment please visit