Title: Material handling for odd loads
1Material handling for odd loads
2When you can, roll itWhen you cant, get a
better grip
Better hand grips can often be added to the load
check http//www.snappygrip.com and
High level of mobility as long as you can roll
it http//www.telproinc.com
3Carrying handle for sheet matls
4Carrying handle for smaller round containers
5Power vs. Pinch Grip
Adjustable length handle
62-person carrying handle for mid-size/mid-weight
71-wheel, 2-person cart w/ hand-brake. Can be
rolled on ramps, wooden planks, narrow paths
8Load strapped to a wheeled handle at each end
9The GRIPSystem
10(No Transcript)
11SoftKnees insert into double-knee pants more
comfortable than kneepads, and always there!
12SoftKnees self-adhesive version
13Lift/storage on a van/panel truck
Use of ladder loader reduces risk of injury May
be appropriate for other odd loads
Bumper hoist for heavy objects
14FLOAT IT! large, sensitive equipment can be
moved in a bed of air by a team
Systems come in a wide variety of sizes weight
Airsled systems can be built under existing
equipment for future moves/maintenance.