Title: Retaining Your Employees:
1Retaining Your Employees
Whats needed to keep the Ship on the Right
2Employee-related Concerns that Impact Turnover
- Lack of loyalty to organizations
- Desire for challenging work
- Need for autonomy, flexibility and independence
- Need for rewards linked to performance
- Need for recognition for accomplishments
- Need to learn new skills, stay current
- Need for a caring, supportive environment
- Need for work / life balance
- Desire for specific benefits
- Desire for competitive pay
from Retaining Your Best Employees by P.
RPhillips (ed.), ASTD, 2002
3High Retention Benchmark OrganizationsSome
- Valued their Employees
- Linked workforce initiatives to organization
strategies - Emphasized values and culture and used them in
selection - Linked training to HR and Operations
- Understood the importance of employee growth
development - Provided training development for everyone
- Used competencies in HR decisions
- Tracked, measured and evaluated their HR programs
Based on study of 7 benchmark companies by ASTD
and SHRM
4Managing For Retention A Checklist
- Create a Great Environment / Culture
- Develop and train managers get rid of jerks
- The three rs respect, recognition and reward
- The three cs communicate , connect and care
- Seek Feedback and act on it
- Create Great Jobs
- Allow autonomy, be flexible
- Stretch and challenge people
- Encourage innovation and creativity
5Key Role that Managers Play in Retention
- Engage and motivate their people
- Support learning and career growth
- Select for organizational fit
- Recognize good performance and behavior
- Listen for understanding
As identified in Love Em or Lose Em Getting
Good People to Stay by Kaye and
Jordan-Evans(1999, Berrett-Koehler Publishers)
6Strategy Steps for Retaining Employees
- Assess / value human assets
- Differentiate between A, B, C employees
- Understand differences based on performance and
needs - Communicate rationale clearly
- Measure the value replacement cost of A
employees - Implement appropriate strategies for each
employee group - treat people the same use them differently
- rules policies need to be flexible, yet
consistent and fair
7Selection Process for Retaining EmployeesAn
- Step 1 Develop Candidate Profile
- Base on Job Analysis
- Tie to key attributes of successful incumbents
- Use action items based on critical incidents
- Step 2 Recruit continuously
- Step 3 Screening Candidates
- Base selection on success profile
- Screen for results and behavior
- Emphasize value and opportunities in position
- Use structured interviews based on critical
incidents - Use trained interviewers
- Step 4 Evaluate Candidate and Process
- Use multiple evaluators
- Track turnover and candidate quality
8Some Case Examples of Retention Strategies
See Retaining Your Best Employees by Patricia
Phillips (ed), American Society for Training and
Development, 2002
9What do High-Performers Look for?
What they said was important 1. Work/life
balance 2. Job security 3. Rewards 4. Career
satisfaction 5. Control over own work
Key factors in retention 1. Career
advancement and Learning opportunities 2.
Feedback and coaching from bosses 3. Rewards
based on company performance 4. Creative
environment well-communicated strategies helped
to identify with company but did not affect
presenrtation at Wprld Economic Forum, 2001
based on large scale survey of high-tech
organizations, 2001 and Hay study, 2006
10Differences between High-Performance Cultures
and Traditional Work Organizations
Selected Human Resource Activities
High- Performance Organizations Emphasis on
potential to learn fit with organization
culture Developmental - based on performance
needs/targets - done often - problem-solving
emphasis Coordinated at unit level Multi-skills
emphasis Connected to factors needed for
success Unit/organization based
Traditional emphasis on
knowledge/skills Administrative - based on job
requirements - tied to individual rewards - done
once a year Centrally controlled sporadic - on
as needed basis Focus on skills
only Individually-based
11Benefits of High-Performance Cultures
Employees make suggestions
Trust is created Suggestions are implemented
Expanded Knowledge /
learning base Process improvement occurs
Increased sense of - costs
- achievement - revenues improve
- esteem
- customer satisfaction increases
- growth
12Additional References
- Books
- Retaining Your Best People by Paul Michelman
etal.. Harvard Business School Publishing, 2006 - Finding and Keeping Great Employees by Jim Harris
and Joan Brannick. AMACOM, 1999. - Retaining Your Best Employees by Patricia
Phillips (ed.) American Society for Training and
Development, 2002. - Websites
- www.gallup.com
- www.workforce.com