Title: Session 16: CICO
1Session 16 CICO
- Michele Capio-Collins, Technical Assistance
Coordinator - Ann Donaghy, Counselor Lakewood School
- Bob Hain, External Secondary/Tertiary Coach D300
- Nate Jarot, Assistant Principal Lakewood School
2School-Wide Systems for Student SuccessA
Response to Intervention (RtI) Model
Academic Systems
Behavioral Systems
- Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions 1-5
- Individual students
- Assessment-based
- High intensity
- 1-5 Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions
- Individual students
- Assessment-based
- Intense, durable procedures
- Tier 2/Secondary Interventions 5-15
- Some students (at-risk)
- High efficiency
- Rapid response
- Small group interventions
- Some individualizing
- 5-15 Tier 2/Secondary Interventions
- Some students (at-risk)
- High efficiency
- Rapid response
- Small group interventions
- Some individualizing
- Tier 1/Universal Interventions 80-90
- All students
- Preventive, proactive
- 80-90 Tier 1/Universal Interventions
- All settings, all students
- Preventive, proactive
Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15, 2008.
Adapted from What is school-wide PBS? OSEP
Technical Assistance Center on Positive
Behavioral Interventions and Supports. Accessed
at http//pbis.org/schoolwide.htm
3Positive Behavior Interventions SupportsA
Response to Intervention (RtI) Model
- Tier 2/Secondary
- Tier 3/
- Tertiary
Small Group Interventions (CICO, SAIG, etc)
ODRs, Attendance, Tardies, Grades, DIBELS, etc.
Group Interventions with Individualized Focus
(CnC, etc)
Daily Progress Report (DPR) (Behavior and
Academic Goals)
Simple Individual Interventions (Simple FBA/BIP,
Schedule/ Curriculum Changes, etc)
Competing Behavior Pathway, Functional
Assessment Interview, Scatter Plots, etc.
Multiple-Domain FBA/BIP
Illinois PBIS Network, Revised May 15,
2008 Adapted from T. Scott, 2004
Social Competence Academic Achievement
Positive Behavior Support
Supporting Decision Making
Supporting Staff Behavior
Adapted from What is a systems Approach in
school-wide PBS? OSEP Technical Assistance
on Positive Behavioral Interventions
and Supports. Accessed at http//www. Pbis.org/sch
Supporting Student Behavior
5Matrix of Secondary/Tertiary Interventions
- Level One Simple Secondary intervention within
continuum of behavior support - Requires the least resources, least intrusive
- The majority of kids will start with a CICO
- One adult supports multiple youth
- Progress-monitoring with Daily Progress Report
(DPR) - Same intervention for all kids (same DPR with
school-wide expectations, etc)
7 Simple Secondary CICO Intervention(March
Horner, 1998)
- CICO Daily Cycle
- Check-in with assigned adult upon arrival to
school - reminder binder
- precorrections
- turn in previous days signed form
- pick-up new form
- review daily goals
- CICO Daily Cycle
- At each class
- teacher completes card, or
- student completes self-monitoring
card/teacher checks and initials card - Check-out at end of day
- review days points goals
- receive reinforcer if goal met
- take successful card home
- precorrections
- CICO Daily Cycle
- Give successful day card to parent
- receive reinforcer from parent
- have parent sign card
- Return signed card next day celebrate (if not
returned, simply go on) - Secondary meeting with data graphs
10BEP Cycle
Source Crone, D.A., Horner , R.H. and Hawken,
L.S., 2004
11Daily Progress Report
12 Daily Goal _____/______ Daily Score
_____/_____ Teacher Comments Please state
briefly any specific behaviors or achievements
that demonstrate Joshs progress. AM to
Midmorning _______________________________________
____ Midmorning to Lunch _______________________
__________________ Lunch _______________________
_____________________________ ETC
13Data-based Decision-rules Sample to Consider
- Identification for Simple Secondary supports
- Youth is identified by Universal Screener or has
3 or more ODRs. - Progress-monitoring
- DPR data is collected daily reviewed every
other week. Data is collected for 4-6 weeks. - Exiting/transitioning
- Youth received a total of 80 of DPR points
averaged per day/week for 4 weeks and has had no
new ODRs. Youth will be transitioned into being a
CICO student mentor.
14Data-Based Decision-Making
- Student outcome data is used
- To identify students in need of support and to
identify appropriate intervention - For on-going progress-monitoring of response to
intervention - To transition youth out of interventions at the
appropriate time - Intervention integrity or process data is used
- To monitor the effectiveness of the intervention
itself - To make decisions regarding the continuum/menu of
15Recommended Time-frames for Data Review
- Simple Secondary
- Student data should be reviewed at least once a
month by Secondary Team (and/or Simple FBA/BIP
team) - Tertiary/Complex FBA/BIP Wraparound
- Student data should be reviewed at least every 2
weeks by FBA/BIP or Wrap team
16Identify Students
- Enter Decision Rule for entry
- Parent Request
- Teacher Request
- Data based decision rules (ODR, Attendance,
retention, etc.) - Student should have access to intervention within
72 hours of request
17Progress Monitor
- Review data twice a month
- Review Intervention integrity/data
- All students data on one graph
- Review Student outcome data for students that are
not making progress - Individual graph
18Example of SWIS-CICO Report
19Daily Data Used for Decision Making
20Fading Intervention
- After at least 4-6 weeks of success (defined by
team data decision rule) student can begin to
exit intervention - Self-monitor
- Continue to monitor student data after they exit
- Allow student to touch base with CICO contact
- Celebrate
21Secondary Team Meeting
- Simple Secondary Interventions support
implementation - Number of youth in CICO and potentially upcoming?
Number of youth responding? - Number of youth in Social/Academic Instructional
Groups and potentially upcoming? Number of youth
responding? - Number of youth in Simple Secondary Intervention
with Individualized Features and potentially
upcoming? Number of youth responding? -
22Lakewood School (5th-6th Grade)Community Unit
School District 300
23Replication Project
- District 300 hired a second/tertiary Coach
- 4 schools
- Training and TA throughout the year
24Lakewood Demographics
- 5th and 6th grade only
- 725 of students
- 88 Free/Reduced Lunch
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27(No Transcript)
28(No Transcript)
29Secondary Team (Academic)
- Counselor
- Special Education Teacher
- Psychologist
- Administrator
- Gen. Ed. Teacher
30Secondary Team Academic Meetings
- Meets twice a month
- Meets during the school day
- Determines which academic interventions students
need - Progress monitors the interventions
- Makes changes in any interventions if necessary
31Secondary Team (Behavioral)
- Administrator
- Counselor
- Psychologist
- Regular and Special Ed. Teacher
- Social Workers
- External Coach
32Secondary Team Behavioral Meetings
- Meets twice a month
- Meets after school
- Reviews CICO data (from SWIS), CnC data, and
small group data - Makes necessary changes in behavioral
33Administrators Role
- Support the interventions
- Check for fidelity of the program
- Reinforce the importance of PBIS and the
supporting interventions - When all else fails, bring Chocolate!
34Check In Check Out
- CICO Admittance
- Students who have 3 or more office referrals
within a ten week period will be automatically
placed on CICO. - OR
- Students who have been recommended by the teacher
by completing a yellow folder for behavior
concerns will be automatically placed on CICO. - Failing Grades, Poor Attendance, Poor Homework
completion, Poor Classroom Performance will be
considered for CICO
35Progress Monitoring CICO
- Every other week the Yellow Team looks at each
students data and determines if a change is
36Exiting CICO
- Students will be exited from CICO when they have
had 4-6 consecutive weeks of meeting their daily
goal of 80, 90 of the time. - They will next be placed on self monitor CICO for
a minimum of 2 weeks. - The first week they meet with their advisor every
day - The second week they meet with their advisor
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. - After 2 weeks the student will be exited from the
program - Some students remain on CICO after meeting all
exit criteria.
37CICO Procedures
- The student will meet with their CICO advisor at
the start of school each morning at the same time
and location. - Students will turn in the yellow carbon copy of
their previous days PALS Points sheet.
Hopefully signed by their parents. - If signed they receive a Bulldog Gram.
- The student and advisor will have a 1 minute
conversation and the advisor will give them a
pep talk to start their day. (Goals, HW,
positive behavior challenge) - The student will head to class and start their
38CICO Procedures continued
- After each subject the student will take their
PALS Points sheet to their teacher and ask them
to fill out and initial their section - It is OK and encouraged to remind the student if
they forget to give their teacher their point
sheet. - The teacher will award the appropriate points,
and give praise where deserved. - If there were problem behaviors the teacher will
encourage the student to improve. - The student will also take their PALS Point sheet
to lunch, PE, Specials, and ask their teachers to
complete it. - At the end of the day the student will meet with
their CICO advisor once again and turn in their
PALS Point sheet. - It is OK and encouraged to remind the student
that they need to leave to go see their advisor. - It is OK and encouraged for the advisor to remind
the student to check out. - They will have a 1 minute conversation about
their daily goal attainment and give praise where
39CICO Procedures continued
- The student will receive a Bulldog Gram if they
have met their daily goal, typically 80. - No consequence is given if they do not make their
goal. - The students daily goal is determined by the
Yellow Team through the students data. - The advisor will give the student the yellow
carbon copy of the PALS Point sheet to take home
to get signed. - The advisor will turn in the point sheet to the
designated person. - The data will be entered into SWIS.
40Training Lakewood Staff
- What we did
- Basic, fast overview, and assumed
- What we should have done and what were going to
do - Re-teach, Reinforce, Review the CICO system
throughout the school year. - Communicate updates with all staff.
- Share data will all staff.
41Orientation to families/advisors /students
- Families
- One short phone call is not enough
- Positive reinforcement, support, from home is
foundational - Meeting with parents, postcards, introduction
letter, data updates.
42Orientation tofamilies/advisors /students
- Advisors
- Hand selected volunteers
- Monthly gatherings (review data, share successes,
discuss ways to improve) - Informal positive reinforcement of advisors
- Celebrate success with their students
- Backbone of the CICO process
- Students First and Last influence every day
43Orientation tofamilies/advisors /students
- Students
- Notify (nominate) students
- Positive, clear, concrete, role-play
- Communicate / Establish the goal
- Explain the purpose and process
- Show them the rewards
- What does success look like in CICO
- Bulldog grams, letters home, Point sheets, Data
44Getting Students Oriented
- Dos
- Positive
- Connect with students needs
- Promote improvement in student behavior
- Simple
- Donts
- Negative
- CICO is not a consequence or punishment
- Confusing
45CICO Card (PALS Point Sheet)
Name _________________________________
Homeroom Teacher _______________________________
Daily Goal _______/56
Daily Score ________/56 Comments State
briefly any achievements that demonstrate
progress. Parent Signature ___________________
46(No Transcript)
47(No Transcript)
48(No Transcript)
49Management of CICO
- Data Entry
- Everyday the advisors turn in the white copy of
the CICO point sheet to the designated person. - She enters the data in to SWIS as she receives
the papers. - Changes are also noted
- Point changes
- Attendance
- Not getting sheet filled out
- Behavior changes
- Suspension
50Management continued
- Reword and Did, dont, doing
- Teachers are informed that their student will
begin CICO prior to them starting. - The Social Worker talks one on one with the
teacher and explains the program and reason why
the student is starting CICO
51Other Lakewood Details
- Number of students
- Moved to CnC and/or Social Skills Training
- 76 students participated in CICO
- 70 of the students exited the program
successfully - Early identification of students for 09-10 school
year - Passed info to students new school
- Separate Academic and Behavior Teams
- Student buy in
- Teacher buy in (Understanding of Positive)
- Paperwork