Title: Building a global carbon market
1Building a global carbon market
- The European Unions vision
- Artur Runge-Metzger
- Head of International Climate Negotiations,
European Commission - In-session workshop on means to reach emission
reduction targets, - AWG 5.1, Bangkok, 1-3 April 2008
2The EUs global vision 2 degrees objective
3Mitigation by industrialised countries
- Common but differentiated responsibility take
the lead and make most of the effort - EU commitments
- 20 unilaterally by 2020
- 30 in context global deal
- 60-80 by 2050
- Carbon market as a key tool
- Binding and effective rules for monitoring and
enforcing commitments
4Mitigation in developing countries
- Reaching development objectives will be
imperative mitigation and adaptation - Reduce growth of emissions asap, and absolute
reductions after 2020
- Toolbox
- No commitments for least developed countries
- Sustainable development policies
- Enhanced CDM
- Performance-based funding
- Sectoral approaches
- Quantified emission limits
5Building a global carbon market
- The carbon market cost-effective and flexible
mitigation tool and source of finance for low-GHG
technology development - EUs aim progressive development towards global
carbon market - Countries take part according to different
responsibilities and capabilities - Backed by ambitious mitigation commitments in
line with 2 degree objective - Build on existing mechanisms, link schemes and
develop new mechanisms
6The role of the carbon market (I) 27 Gt CO2e
emission reduction potential below 40/ton CO2
7The role of the carbon market (II) No. 1 6-7
Gt CO2e Harvest all low hanging fruits by 2020
- Each Parties opportunity responsibility mainly
in household, buildings, transport - Exchange good practice in policy design e.g.
- Abandon energy subsidies (fossil fuels 130
billion p.a.) - Domestic company-based emissions trading
- Set energy efficiency standards, building codes,
labelling schemes, 1-Watt-Initiative - Ban the bulb CFL, LED
- Progressive taxation
- Address potential cash flow issues, e.g. targeted
loan schemes (e.g. refurbishment of existing
power plants)
8The role of the carbon market (III) No. 2 10
12 Gt CO2e carbon market will be the main
- Domestic emissions trading schemes to set carbon
price for private sector. - Less developed countries strengthened CDM to
drive technology transfer and economic
transformation - Complementary approaches needed to address
sectors not covered by the carbon market, other
barriers and possibly to scale up finance - Advanced developing countries move beyond
offsetting, new mechanisms to incentivise
increased mitigation contributions - Carefully watch demand and supply!
9The role of the carbon market (IV) No. 3 10
12 Gt CO2e promote high-end options
- Promote co-operation for research and technology
development (e.g. joint ventures, PPP) - Subsidies for demonstration, e.g. NZEC
- Direct subsidies for deployment of clean
technologies, e.g. GEEREF, export credits, PPP,
concessional IFI loans - Reduce tariffs for advanced GHG-efficient
products and services - Promote regulatory approaches gaining energy
security/clean air benefits e.g. mandatory
standards (cars, appliances), fuel taxes,
portfolio standards (e.g. renewable energy, CCS)
10Clean Development Mechanism (I)
- CDM has delivered real and measurable benefits
and generated a multi-billion dollar market (28
billion in 2007)
11Continuity for the CDM post-2012
- EU Commission proposal would allow 2.63 Gt (1.4
Gt in the EU ETS, 1.23 Gt MS use) of CERs to be
used until 2020 independent of an international
agreement - Includes ongoing projects registered before 2012
and projects established post-2012 in LDCs - EU first to provide certainty for CER use
post-2012 no one else does so far! - About one third of the necessary reduction effort
towards 20 target from CDM/JI - other two thirds
ensure real emission reductions in Europe - Unlimited access to CDM/JI under the 20 target
would lead to drop in CER price to 4 and
increase of EU domestic emissions to about 4
above 1990 contradicts EU objectives of climate
policy leadership and energy security. - Substantial increase as part of Copenhagen
agreement EU Commission proposal would allow
half of the additional effort (1.2 Gt extra
totalling 70bn of transfers, i.e. 6bn
annually) to be met by CDM/JI or new mechanisms.
12Clean Development Mechanism (II)
- Reform of CDM for post-2012 needs to address the
following concerns - strengthen environmental integrity ensure real
and additional emission reductions (key to
offsetting mechanism) - address possible perverse incentives resulting
from (low-cost) CDM - review current institutional set-up and
procedures (Article 9) - Strengthen CDMs contribution to technology
transfer and economic transformation in less
developed regions - Need to move beyond offsetting for advanced
developing countries will be key for post-2012
explore new approaches, e.g. baseline/credit,
sectoral approaches
13CDM some proposals
- More executive and supervisory role of EB,
including delegation of decision-making and
strengthened professional support staff - Revision of CDM decision-making procedures,
including strengthening the basis and
transparency of decision-making - Assessment of roles and responsibilities of DOEs
- Increased use of technology benchmarks for
baseline setting and additionality testing - Dialogue with host countries on how to strengthen
contribution to SD and tech transfer - More differentiated approach to CDM will help
improve regional distribution
14Joint Implementation
- JI has delivered benefits, but not yet realised
its full potential - Role for JI post-2012 stimulating international
collaboration and channeling investment and
technology towards certain mitigation
opportunities and sectors, which otherwise lack
access to the global carbon market - JI allows for institutional learning about
market-based approaches and a transitional step
before wider application of cap-and-trade - Need to discuss JI post-2012 and explore new
concepts - May need to continue with a two-track approach
with internationally supervised procedure (track
2) for countries that still lack institutional
and legislative framework for JI track 1 - Explore synergies and parallels with revision of
CDM for track 2 procedure, e.g. on simplifying
and streamlining institutional set-up and
procedures and strengthening environmental
integrity - Explore new concepts such as programmatic JI
15Shared vision of a low-carbon future Annex I
Offsetting is not enough
IPCC 2007, WGIII, ch. 13
- How can the carbon market build on measurable,
reportable and verifiable mitigation action by
developing countries? - What means of support are needed in addition to
the carbon market? - In which way can the carbon market most
effectively contribute to sustainable development
and technology transfer? What is needed in which
countries and which sectors?
16Need to explore new mechanisms to incentivise
enhanced mitigation e.g. no-lose sectoral
crediting mechanism
Source Ecofys
- Significant role of the carbon market already
today should be strenghtened post-2012. An
environmentally more effective CDM should
continue to play a role - Offsetting is not enough carbon market offers
promising potential if we succeed in developing
new tools that build on differentiated
contributions by developing countries - Carbon market is part of the solution but not a
panacea needs to be combined with other tools
to further technology cooperation, financial
flows and investment
18Thank you!