Title: Applications of SCC-DFTB method in important chemical systems
1Applications of SCC-DFTB method in important
chemical systems
- Hao Hu
- Dept. Chemistry
- Duke University
- Calculate relative pKa for small organic
molecules - Simulate liquid water with Divide-and-Conquer
Accurate bridging low-accuracy MM fields with
high-level ab initio QM methods Fast allowing
simulations of large-size molecule systems
Elstner, M. et al., Phys. Rev. B. 587260,
1998 Frauenheim Th. et al., Phys. Stat. Sol. B
217357, 2000
3pKa simulation
Acid dissociation process BH ? B- H
- Important chemical and biological significance
- protein-ligand, protein-protein interactions
- Protein/DNA conformational changes
- Enzyme catalysis
- Extensive theoretical studies based on MM force
fields - Continuum solvation model
- Explicit free energy simulation
- Toward high-accuracy QM/MM simulations
- Continuum model (Jensen group)
- Explicit free energy simulation (Cui group)
4pKa simulation
Not such a simple problem! Participation of
water BH x(H2O) ? B- H(H2O)x
Unless the precise chemical composition of the
hydrated proton is known, no theoretical
simulation of this process is accurate.
5pKa simulation
- Simulate relative pKa?
- Contribution of water is constant
- Contribution of proton solvation is constant
- Contribution of zero-point energy is constant
B1H x(H2O) ? B1- H(H2O)x
B2H x(H2O) ? B2- H(H2O)x
6pKa simulation A two-step approach
1. Dual-topology/dual-coordinate QM/MM free
energy simulation with SCC-DFTB method
DG4 DG3 DG1 DG2 DDGsolv DG1
Hu Yang, J. Chem. Phys. 123041102,
2005 Similar work by Cui group
7pKa simulation A two-step approach
2. Recover ab initio free energetics from
SCC-DFTB simulations
Reference potential method, Warshel group
8pKa simulation
Correlation between SCCDFTB and DFT energies
Sigma program interfaced with SCC-DFTB (2002),
Gaussian03 (2005), and NWChem (2006)
9pKa simulation
Correlation between SCCDFTB and DFT energies
Acetic acid
Acetic ion
10pKa simulation
molecule pKa DDGexpr (kcal/mol) DDG4 (kcal/mol) DDG8 (kcal/mol)
methanol 15.54 0.00 0.00 0.00
phenol 9.95 -7.67 -5.41 -7.22
Acetic acid 4.76 -14.79 -13.21 -16.68
11pKa simulation
- Conclusions
- SCC-DFTB can be applied to long time QM/MM free
energy simulations to ensure the convergence of
the sampling. - High level ab initio QM methods can be
successfully applied to improve the accuracy. - The solute-water interaction may need further
improvements can we also simulate bulk water
with SCC-DFTB method?
12Simulating liquid water with the
Divide-and-Conquer method
13Water simulation
Divide-and-Conquer method A linear-scaling
Each subsystem contains a central part (solid
color) which is a non-overlapping portion of the
whole system, plus a buffer region (light color)
corresponding to other parts of the system that
are within a certain distance of the central part.
MethodsYang, W. Phys. Rev. Lett. 661438,
1991 Application to a protein molecule Liu, H.
et al. Proteins 44484, 2001
14Water simulation
System setup 360 water molecules in a cubic box
of 22.1 ? 22.1 ? 22.1 Å3 Temperature 298
K Cutoff distance 8 Å Integration step size 1
femtosecond Constant-pressure
Some tricks Original SCC-DFTB gives too low
density Modified gamma function gives too high
15Water simulation
O-O radial distribution function (RDF)
r 982 g/cm3 Evap 8.3 kcal/mol
16Water simulation
Re-examining the water clusters
17Water simulation
Re-examining the water clusters
cl.html Maheshwary, S., Patel, N., Sathyamurthy,
N., Kulkarni, A. D., Gadre, S. R., J. Phys.
Chem.-A 105, 10525-10537 (2001)
18Water simulation
Re-examining the water clusters
19Water simulation
Re-examining the water clusters
20Water simulation
Re-examining the water clusters
HF geometry
SCC-DFTB annealing
21Water simulation
O-O radial distribution function (RDF)
Too many first-shell neighbors
- SCC-DFTB can be effectively used as a bridge
between expensive, high-accuracy QM methods and
low-accuracy MM force fields. SCC-DFTB can to a
large extent reproduce the covalent geometries of
many organic/biological molecules - SCC-DFTB can qualitatively describe the
interactions and structure of a liquid water
system. However, improvements have to be made to
better model the complicated electrostatic
interactions in water, including the polarization
and short-range dispersion/repulsion interactions
The organizers of this special symposium Dr.
John McKelvey Dr. Thomas Frauenheim Dr. Marcus
Elstner Dr. Weitao Yang Dr. Jan Hermans Dr.
Haiyan Liu Dr. Zhenyu Lu Mr. Ruhuai Yun
24If you like your graduate student, send him/her
to study water If you hate your graduate
student, send him/her to study water.
25(No Transcript)