Title: GreenRoad Technologies SafetyCenter
1GreenRoad Technologies SafetyCenter
How Large Scale In-Vehicle Technology
Deployments Can Improve Driver Behavior
2GreenRoad Background
- Headquarters in the US
- Key offices in London, Tel Aviv
- Unique technology-based services to understand
and improve driving behavior - Customers are
- Commercial Fleets
- Insurers
- Local/National Governments
- Commercial deployments in US, EU, Israel
- All vehicle classes
- 50 accident/10 CO2 improvement
- Parent / teen driver projects (in partnership
with NGO) - Two year study, 400 participants
- 150,000 driving trips analyzed
- 50 reduction in teen accident rates
3Mission Creating safer drivers
41. How are you driving?
- Internal sensors continuously analyzed to
recognize driving maneuvers - Cornering
- Lane handling
- Braking patters
- Accelerations patterns
- Speed Handling
- Real-time risk assessment based on each
52. What is your risk?
Lane changing 30 MPH
Sudden lane change 70 MPH
Late break into a turn 54 MPH
Speeding 110 MPH
Harsh cornering 67 MPH
Green Road safety score correlates to driver risk
and cost
63. Communicate awareness and responsibility
- Providing information to evaluate and improve
driving safety
7Improving Driving Behavior
Solo, no feedback
Solo, with feedback
- Accompanied phase, no feedback
- Few driving sessions, dependent on parents
- All green
- Very few night time sessions (black triangle)
- Solo, no feedback
- Many more driving sessions
- Red and yellow trips..
- More night time trips
- Solo, with feedback
- Many driving sessions
- Many night time trips
- Most trips back to green
8Sustainable behavior change?
50 reduction in braking events per driving hour
60 reduction in risky lane changing events per
driving hour
50 reduction in Turning Events per Driving hour
33 reduction in excessive speeding events per
driving hour
Results show the reduction in the number of
collisions exceeded 50.. Safety correlation
and implications of an in-vehicle data recorder
on driver behavior Lotan, Toledo, Musikant
9Case Study T-Mobile UK
- 200 field engineering vehicles
- Driver feedback real-time in-vehicle, weekly
E-mail and SMS summary reports - Dept level management reviews
- SafetyStars incentive program
- First year results
- 820,000 accident cost savings
- 40,000 fuel savings
- 49 reduction in vehicle repair costs
.. Managers can not see individual drivers
10Scaling UP Key Considerations
- Participants
- Drivers
- Managers
- Policy makers
- Insurers
- Use of information
- What information is being collected?
- Example Location vs. Behavior
- Who has access and control of the data?
- What are the allowed uses?
- Communication planning
- Todays technology supports mass-scale automated
analysis, feedback, and coaching - Escalation strategies to leverage appropriate
human expertise - Context
- Professional drivers
- Employees
- Consumers
- Research vs. Commerce