Title: Six Sigma The Illinois Central College Way
1Six Sigma The Illinois Central College Way
- CQIN Summer Institute
- San Antonio, TX
- August 5-8, 2007
2What youll hear about today
- Overview of Six Sigma
- How Six Sigma relates to the 4 Ps
- - Philosophy
- - Processes
- - People Partners
- - Problem-Solving
- Six Sigma Results
3What is Six Sigma?
- A comprehensive and flexible system for
achieving, sustaining, and maximizing business
success. - Six Sigma is uniquely driven by a close
understanding of customer needs, disciplined use
of facts, data, and statistical analysis, and
diligent attention to managing improvement and
reinventing business process. - Pande, P.S., R.P. Neuman, R.R. Cavanagh (2000).
The Six Sigma Way. New York McGraw-Hill.
4Six Sigma
- Fosters a culture of continuous improvement
- Is focused on customer requirements
- Integrated with institutional strategy
- Increases cross-divisional collaboration
- Builds decision-making skills of employees
- Establishes a uniform method for solving complex
5DMAIC Process
6What do we expect to gain?
- Achieve our institutional goals
- Improve organizational effectiveness
capabilities - Establish an effective structure and common
language for solving problems - Improve the value we bring to those we serve
7The Six Sigma Organization
All Employees
- Understand vision
- Apply concepts to their job and work area
8Successful Deployment Includes
- Committed Leadership
- Full-time black belts
- Recognition/Incentives accountability
- Strategy alignment
- Gathering the voice of the customer
- Quantifiable measures
- Process thinking
9ICC Has a Philosophy of Continuous
ImprovementPrinciple 1 Philosophy as the
- Leadership owns and participates in Six Sigma
initiatives - Dedicated black belts
- Managers expected to identify and map their
processes, identify improvement opportunities and
measure effectiveness
10Map Process
Identify Process Measures
Identify Process
Make Process Improvements
Collect Data
Monitor Process
Identify Problems
11Improving Processes at ICCPrinciple 2 The
Right Process Will Produce the Right Results
- Student Learning Processes
- Advisement Course Placements Orientation
- Outreach Processes
- Prospective student follow-up Grade reporting
- Customer Service Processes
- Financial aid awards Grade communication
- Processes Related to Value
- Retiree health insurance Travel Payroll
12Health Careers Admission Process
30 attrition
Is this a value added step?
20 attrition
Is it a value added step now?
13Financial Aid Processing and Awarding
147 days
147 days average for 2207 students (Standard Dev.
54.3 days)
69 days
First Year FA Staff Improvement Goal Reduce
defects by 50
70 days
First ISIR to FAN 70 days Last ISIR to FAN
34 days (as of 1/31/07 5243 records) Actual
Improvement 52 Reduction in defects.
The Dashboard creates visual control of the
14Comprehensive Six Sigma TrainingPrinciple 3
Add Value by Developing Your People and Partners
- Training is an investment in people
- Training involves skill training and culture
training - Black and green belts conduct yellow belt and
manager skill training - Six Sigma participants
- Use the skills.teach the skills!
15How many employees have been developed?
Over 700!
16How many training hours does this entail?
Over 10,000!
17ICC Searches for Root CausesPrinciple 4
Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives
Organizational Learning
- Use data not your gut feeling - to make
decisions - Analyze root causes for identified problems
- Build a culture that STOPS to fix problems
- Learn to measure and monitor your processes
18Should a student be placed in Composition 110 or
Composition 105?
Students placed based on threshold Compass
English score
61-71 success rate
Current Practice
Our gut says this is a reasonable thing to do
Data says
Students with threshold Compass Reading score
71-79 success rate
Compass Reading score better predictor of success
Students placed based on threshold Compass
Reading score
Improved Practice
Data says this is the right thing to do
19Data said Mileage reimbursement costs high
- Why are mileage costs high?
- -Employees drive personal vehicles
- Why do employees drive personal vehicles?
- -It is easiest thing to do
- Why is it easiest alternative?
- - No college vehicle rental takes time
- Why does rental take time?
- There is no vehicle rental process
Focus on Feasibility of college vehicle
rental process
20Six Sigma Results
- Average time to award financial aid 70 days
(previously 147 days) - Advisement dashboard provides one-stop
information resource and a data collection tool - Average turnaround time on student refund checks
5 days (previously 19 days) and staff time
reduction of 41 days per year - Over 50 of students can access grades a week
sooner than before - First year financial savings of 73,778
21Six SigmaThe ICC Way
- Its more than an improvement methodology, its a
philosophy of change - Its a leadership development tool
- Builds confident leaders who use data to make
decisions - Involves employees throughout organization in
cross-functional collaborative efforts