Title: Posttransplant centrilobular hepatitis rejection or autoimmunelike
1Post-transplant centrilobular hepatitis-
rejection or autoimmune-like?
- Andrew Clouston Catherine Campbell
- Princess Alexandra Hospital, Australia
- University of Queensland, Australia
- introduction
- pathology of CLH
- evolution
- possible pathogenesis
3Centrilobular hepatitis
- Acute rejection
- Chronic rejection
- Vascular
- Autoimmune hepatitis
- Central venulitis
4Centrilobular hepatitis
- Acute rejection portal changes
- Chronic rejection duct changes
- Vascular imaging
- Autoimmune hepatitis histo autoAb
- Central venulitis
5Allo- vs Auto-immunity
6Allo- vs Auto-immunity
7Allo- vs Auto-immunity
8De novo AIH post-OLT
- elevated transaminases
- typical histology
- interface hepatitis
- plasma cells
9De novo AIH post-OLT
- elevated transaminases
- typical histology
- interface hepatitis
- plasma cells
- late median 24 months
- autoantibodies
- response to pred / aza
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14 40 - 50 Salcedo Hepatology 2002
16Allo- vs Auto-immunity
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19Late centrilobular hepatitis
- Tsamandas 1997
- AR -- prognosis good
- Nakazawa 2000
- hepatitis -- prognosis OK
- Hassoon 2004
- AR (50) prognosis poor
- gtgt evolution into CR
- 28 yr old man previous farm worker
- 1994 cryptogenic cirrhosis
- March 2003 OLTx uneventful post op course
- 28 yr old man previous farm worker
- 1994 cryptogenic cirrhosis
- March 2003 OLTx uneventful post op course
- June 2004 abnormal LFTs
- Transaminitis, BR normal
- Immunosuppression stable
- prednisolone 5mg, tacrolimus
- Biopsy ?AR
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27No treatment
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312005 Draft statement on late liver allograft
dysfunction (Banff working group)
- Central venulitis
- Centrilobular inflammation /- hepatocyte
necrosis/dropout - Peri-venular inflammation
- Peri-venular hepatocyte necrosis/dropout
- Haemorrhage
- Pigmented macrophages
32Ddx central venulitis (Banff)
- Acute rejection as isolated central venulitis
- Perivenular inflammation with hepatocyte dropout
and haemorrhage - Grading system provided
- severe damage of gt3 hepatocyte layers in some
central veins - Variable outcome
33Hypothesis centrilobular hepatitis
? Pure centrilobular form of AR
- Characterise centrilobular hepatitis
- Nature of the histological changes
- Associated clinical features
- Document the natural history
- Investigate possible mechanism
- Prospectively accrued cases from 1999
- Prominent centrilobular hepatitis on biopsy
- No portal tract changes of AR or CR
- Clinical details
- baseline, biopsy and follow up LFTs
- baseline immunosuppression
- change in treatment
- auto-antibody status
37CL portal
- Seen in 24 pts (182 transplants) 13
- 30 - 2850 days post-OLT
- Mean 1066 days ( 3 years) i.e. late allograft
39Rejection n 1
Moderate interface hepatitis typical autoAb
Autoimmune-like hepatitis
Centrilobular hepatitis n13
Original disease
Recurrent AIH n5
Denovo AI-like hepatitis n5
40 41 42 43 44p0.063
46 47 p0.051
49Histology - summary
- Milder portal infiltrates
- Milder interface hepatitis
- Fewer portal plasma cells
- Minimal duct injury
50Histology - summary
- Milder portal infiltrates
- Milder interface hepatitis
- Fewer portal plasma cells
- Minimal duct injury
- Milder degree of CL dropout
- Similar inflammatory infiltrate (? PC)
- Overall lobular scores similar
- Minimal endothelialitis
51CL portal
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56Clinical features
- No differences in LFTs between 3 groups
- LFT pattern variable
- BR usually normal
- raised transaminases or cholestatic enzymes
- Autoantibodies
- Recurrent 5/5
- De-novo 5/5
- CLH 7/13
De-novo AI-like hepatitis
AIH protocol
AIH protocol
De-novo AI-like hepatitis
AIH protocol
AIH protocol
5 - AIH protocol
8 - no change
No episodes CR or VOD
59CLH on biopsy
60pred / aza
61Evolution (n8 multiple biopsies)
De-novo AI-like hepatitis
2 3
62Centrilobular hepatitis AI-like hepatitis
- 1. Histological overlap CLH AIH-DN AIH-R
- 2. Similar clinical presentation
- 3. Histological evolution between the lesions
- 4. No episodes CR or VOD
63Centrilobular hepatitis AI-like hepatitis
- 1. Histological overlap CLH AIH-DN AIH-R
- 2. Similar clinical presentation
- 3. Histological evolution between the lesions
- 4. No episodes CR or VOD
? Does CLH represent a form of de novo
autoimmune-like hepatitis with no or mild portal
tract changes
De-novo AI-like hepatitis
65How to save money at Christmas
66Do AutoAb mean AIH?
- NO
- Animal models of Tx
- 71 OLT recipients
- 2/3 patients by 3 years
- M gt F Salcedo J Hepatol 2001 Abstr.
- 30 non-OLT cirrhotics
67AutoAb - classical AIH
- Age AutoAb
- Type 1 80 Adult ANA , aSMA
- Type 2 4-20 Child anti-LKM-1
- Type 3 10-20 Adult anti-SLA/LP
- variable
- late 6 mo after hepatitis
- atypical anti-LKM
- cytosolic antigen Salcedo 2002 Hepatology
- anti-GST-T1 Aguilera 2001 Clin Exp Immunol
- variable
- late 6 mo after hepatitis
- atypical LKM
- cytosolic antigen Salcedo 2002 Hepatology
- anti-GST-T1 Aguilera 2001 Clin Exp Immunol
70Denovo AI-like hepatitis
- GSTT1 detoxification enzyme preferentially
expressed liver and kidney cells (centrilobular
hepatocytes) - 20 popn deletion GSTT1 gene ? non-expression
- Potential for organ mismatch
Aguilera I et al, Liver Transplantation 2004 10
71Denovo AI-like hepatitis
Aguilera I et al, Liver Transplantation 2004 10
72Denovo AI-like hepatitis
- 110 OLT patients
- 15 pos ? neg recipient
- 12/15 anti-GSTT1 Ab
- 6/15 ? de-novo AIH
Aguilera I et al, Liver Transplantation 2004 10
73Denovo AI-like hepatitis
- Immune response to GSST1 in donor liver
- Targeted peptide not a self-Ag
- Immune response oligo-specific
Aguilera I et al, Liver Transplantation 2004 10
74GSTT-1 expression PAH cohort
- Recipient negative GSTT1
- Controls 0/15
- AIH-R 3/5
- AIH-DN 2/4
- CLH 4/12
p 0.004
75Allo- vs Auto-immunity
76Conclusions - CLH
- Common late finding in OLTx biopsies (13)
- Shares clinical and histological features that
overlap with autoimmune type hepatitis (milder) - Responds to re-introduction of steroids
- Untreated may resolve or persist
- No progression to CR or VOD
- Shares potential pathogenic mechanism with de
novo AI-like hepatitis (GSTT-1 mismatch)
77Conclusions - CLH
- ? re-consider isolated central venulitis as
form of acute rejection - (Banff 2005)
Autoimmune-like centrilobular hepatitis
- Dr Catherine Campbell
- Ms Glenda Balderson
- Ms Alba Vanelli-Rees
- Dr Julie Jonsson
- Dr Darrell Crawford
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