Title: Daily Classwork: 33109
1Daily Classwork 3/31/09
Find the area of a regular octagon with an
apothem 13.2 yards long and a side 14 yards long.
Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
210.3 Areas of polygons
3Definition of Regular Polygons
- A regular polygon is a polygon with equal sides
and equal angles.
4Parts of Regular Polygons
- Radius, Apothem and Side of a regular polygon.
5Area of a Regular Polygon
- The area of a regular polygon is one-half the
product of the apothem and the perimeter of the
6Steps to finding the area of a regular polygon
- 1) Split the polygon into congruent triangles
and find the measure of one central angle.
7Steps to finding the area of a regular polygon
- 2) With one triangle, split the triangle into
two and find the length of the apothem.
8Steps to finding the area of a regular polygon
- 3) Find the perimeter of the regular polygon.
9Steps to finding the area of a regular polygon
- 4) Use the formula and find the area of the
regular polygon.
10Find the area of the regular polygon
- 1) Given the regular polygon, find the measure of
each numbered angle.
11Find the area of the regular polygon
- 2) Given the regular polygon, find the measure of
each numbered angle.
12Find the area of the regular polygon
- 3) Find the area of a regular hexagon with an
apothem 10.4 yards long and a side 12 yards long.
Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
13Find the area of the regular polygon
- 4) Find the area of a regular polygon. Round your
answer to the nearest tenth.
14Find the area of the regular polygon
- 5) Find the area of a regular hexagon with side
length of 8 m. Round your answer to the nearest
15Find the area of the regular polygon
- 6) Find the area of an equilateral triangle with
side 12.
16Find the area of the regular polygon
- 7) Find the area of a regular decagon with side