Title: Elastic, Inelastic and Path Length Fluctuations in Jet Tomography
1Elastic, Inelastic and Path Length Fluctuations
inJet Tomography
Re The single electron puzzle at RHIC
- Simon Wicks
- Hard Probes 2006
- Work done with William Horowitz, Magdalena
Djordjevic and Miklos Gyulassy - arXiv nucl-th/0512076 and in preparation
2Introduction The single electron puzzle
- Pion suppression predictions seem to work well
DGLV predictions Djordjevic, Gyulassy, Vogt,
Wicks Phys Lett B 63281-86 (2006)
but (entropy constrained) pQCD radiative only
FALSIFIED by e- data.
GLV predictions for pions compared to PHENIX
data Vitev prediction plot from T. Isobe
3Possible Solutions
- Fit the data with free parameters, explain the
magnitudes later - Improve understanding of pQCD production spectra
(but still cannot match data with entropy
bounded radiative energy loss alone) - Use novel non-perturbative techniques to explain
extra charm / bottom quenching - Fully explore all perturbative energy loss
techniques. - Q Can pQCD explain the pion and electron
suppressions at RHIC, or do we have to resort to
solution III above?
4What have we swept under the rug?
- Elastic energy loss
- - Same order of magnitude as radiative energy
loss for the kinematic region of interest.
M. Mustafa, Phys. Rev. C72014905 (2005)
SW, W. Horowitz, M. Djordjevic M.
Gyulassy, nucl-th/0512076
5Elastic energy loss
- Thoma-Gyulassy (TG) vs Braaten-Thoma (BT) as
estimate of uncertainty of leading log
approximation - Romatschke-Strickland infinite time / Djordjevic
finite time calculations lie TG for bottom, BT
for charm (note unphysical energy gain at low pt
for bottom in BT)
- Finite time effects on elastic energy loss SMALL
- (see poster by A.Adil, nucl-th/0606010, talk and
nucl-th/0603066 by M.Djordjevic, nucl-th/0604040
by X-N Wang) - Interference between collisional and radiative
energy losses left as open question. See later
6Path length fluctuations
- Our model NOT fragile, NOT surface emission (nor
is DGLV radiative alone). - See parallel talk by W. Horowitz on Wednesday.
- Various uses of fixed lengths L5-6fm.
- We find a hierarchy of fixed lengths fit the
full geometrical calculations.
- No a priori justification for any fixed length
without doing the full numerically intensive
calculation. - (if a fixed length can fit the full geometry at
all) - V important for gluons and consistency of
electron and pion predictions.
7WHDG extended theory
Ideal Our model
Production All orders pQCD NLO pQCD (FONLL for LHC spectra) (large uncertainty in magnitude, small uncertainty in the power law of the tail)
Geometry Propagate through evolving hydro simulation Realistic Woods-Saxon nuclear density Jets produced TAA Propagate through Bjorken expanding ?part
as Running Fixed as0.3 (large uncertainty as energy loss strongly dependent on as)
Energy loss mechanism Collisional and radiative in same theoretical framework Incoherent addition of DGLV radiative and leading log TG / BT collisional
NOTE Using realistic dNg/dy1000
- RHIC theoretical uncertainties
9Results RHIC
Charm, bottom -gtElectrons
Gluons, u,d -gtPions
Note kt smearing, EMC neglected here.
Good agreement with pions, improved agreement
with e- than for (entropy constrained) radiative
10Results RHIC - Uncertainty
- Sources of uncertainty
- Fixed as0.3 approximation
- Shape of spectra, fragmentation (does not
affect RAA significantly) - Magnitude of spectraie c / b ratio in
contribution to e-
11Results RHIC Uncertainty in as
- as 0.4 improves e- fit, over predicts pion
need a fully running coupling calculation to
reduce theoretical uncertainty.
12Results RHIC uncertainty in c/b ratio
- Uncertainty in charm spectrum and c / b
contribution to e- - A quick estimate of uncertainty shift entire
charm cross-section up / down.
Armesto, Cacciari, Dainese, Salgado,
Wiedermann hep-ph/0511257
13Results LHC (1)
- Energy loss for high pT jets at LHC dominated
by radiative
but collisional energy loss is still a 25
14Results LHC (2)
Partonic RQ(pT) (for one sample value of dNg/dy
15Results LHC (3)
Pion RAA(pT) (for two sample values of dNg/dy
1750, 2900)
- Important effects to include
- Elastic energy loss
- Path length fluctuations Geometry
- For stronger conclusions, we need
- Theory
- Elastic and inelastic in the same theoretical
framework - Include effect of fully running coupling
- Theory or experiment
- Better understanding of charm and bottom
productioneg measure D mesons directly - Further applications
- V2
- Multi-particle correlations
- More LHC work
17(end of talk)(go England!!)