Title: The Life Cycle of a Protocol Review Process
1The Life Cycle of a Protocol Review Process
- Office of Research Integrity
- Institutional Review Board
- Presented by the IRB Administrators
- Weill Cornell Medical College
- (Updated Feb. 2007)
2The Life Cycle of a PROTOCOL Review IRB Process
- Disposition/Status
- Approved
- Non-substantive
- Substantive
- Deferred
- Disapproved
New protocols Can be either dropped off at the
IRB office OR can be left at A-128 for pick up
and delivery to the IRB office by the deadline.
Submissions are then entered into the database
and assigned an IRB .
Issues letters are drafted and sent to the IRB
Director for final review and then sent to the
IRB Chair for signature.
IRB Administration receives response from the PI.
Issues letters are sent to the Principal
Investigator (P.I.)
3New IRB Protocols/Applications
- Expedite Protocols/Applications are pre-reviewed
by IRB Administration and then are sent to the
IRB Chair or Vice-Chair for an official review
and approval. Expedite protocols are not reviewed
at Committee meetings, therefore do not follow
meeting deadlines. - Research activities that (1) present no more than
minimal risk to human subjects, and (2) involve
only procedures listed in one or more of the
categories found at the Office for Human
Research Protection (OHRP) website - http//www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guidance/ex
pedited98.htm - The expedited review procedure may not be used
where identification of the subjects and/or their
responses would reasonably place them at risk of
criminal or civil liability or be damaging to the
subjects financial standing, employability,
insurability, reputation, or be stigmatizing,
unless reasonable and appropriate protections
will be implemented so that risks related to
invasion of privacy and breach of confidentiality
are no greater than minimal. - How many copies of a new expedite protocol do I
need to submit? Submit 1 original IRB expedite
protocol/application and 3 copies of the
following expedite protocol application,
written consent, oral consent (if applicable),
Study Specific Financial Disclosure Forms (for
all investigators listed), the appropriate HIPAA
forms, any questionnaires, data collection
sheets, etc. 1 copy of the Human Research Billing
Analysis Form (HRBAF) (the IRB office is
responsible for collecting and forwarding this
form to the Institute for Clinical Research) - Expedite protocol/applications are assigned and
reviewed by the following IRB Administrator - P.I.s last name from A-L Lucie Koppelman at
212-821-0650 - P.I.s last name from M-Z Cecilia Mero at
4New IRB Protocols/Applications
- Full Board Protocols/Applications are
pre-reviewed by IRB administration (you may
receive a call asking for any missing documents)
and then prepared and assigned to an agenda for a
full board committee review. Full board IRB
protocols/applications must follow committee
deadlines. IRB Committee deadlines are located at
the IRB. - http//www.med.cornell.edu/research/rea_com/irbsch
edule.html. - How many copies of a new protocol do I need to
submit? Submit 1 original IRB protocol/application
(the original is the copy with the Principal
Investigator and the Department Chair signatures)
and 26 copies of the IRB protocol/application and
Consent/Assent Form (s). The IRB also requires 4
copies of the following cover letter addressed
to the IRB, Investigator Brochure (if
applicable), Sponsor Protocol (if applicable),
questionnaires, advertisement, surveys and,
diaries etc., Study Specific Financial Disclosure
Forms (for all investigators listed including the
PI), the appropriate HIPAA forms, and the Human
Research Billing Analysis Form (HRBAF) (the IRB
office is responsible for collecting and
forwarding this form to the Institute for
Clinical Research) - Can I submit the protocol without the Department
Chair's signature? Yes. Do not hold up submitting
an IRB protocol/application. We realize
Department Chairs may not be available, so the
signature page can be submitted after the
deadline and should be submitted as soon as
possible to the IRB office. All we need is the
original signature page not 26 copies of it. - Full Board Protocols/Applications are assigned
and pre-reviewed by IRB Administration - IRB Committee I Lucie Koppelman at 212-821-0650
- IRB Committee II Cecilia Mero at 212-821-0639
5Substantive/Deferred/Disapproved response to
questions must go through the following steps
After the IRB office receives the response from
the P.I. the Response to Questions are
pre-reviewed by IRB administration then the
response is assigned to the original Committee
that raised the issues.
APPROVED If response is approved IRB
administration sends the approval letter, stamped
consent/assent (s), and supplemental materials to
the P.I. If the contract is not finalized then a
notification memo is sent to the PI. The approved
documents are not released.
- Disposition/Status
- Approved
- Substantive
- Deferred
- Disapproved
- Non-substantive
Issues letter sent
Non-Sub follows a different cycle
IRB Administration receives the response
6Response to Questions
- Please keep in mind that the IRB deadlines are
set to provide appropriate time for IRB
administration and IRB members to review the
responses. - How many copies do I submit? Submit 2 copies of
the following (1 copy highlighted and 1 clean
copy), cover letter (including a point-by-point
response to all IRB issues that were raised), all
revised documents as requested by the IRB issues
letter highlighted with a yellow marker (for
easier identification and reviewing), IRB
protocol/application, consent/assent (s) forms,
advertisementsetc. - 2 copies of any other additional required
documents requested by the IRB (sponsor
materials, collaboration letters, e-mail
correspondence, etc.) - Deadline schedule http//www.med.cornell.edu/rese
arch/rea_com/irbschedule.html - Full board responses should be addressed
accordingly - IRB I Cheri Betancourt 212 821-0646
- IRB II Arlene Valentin 212 821-0619
7Disapproved Protocols
- If an IRB protocol/application is disapproved at
a Committee meeting the P.I. will receive an
issues letter detailing the reasons for
disapproval. - The IRB Committee will require a new
protocol/application submission including a
point-by-point response to the disapproval
letter. - Submission will be the same as a new
protocol/application review the original and 26
copies would have to be re-submitted. - Upon receipt of new submission the new
protocol/application will will receive a new IRB
protocol/application number.
8Approved Pending
- Although a protocol/application may be approved,
(having no outstanding issues with the IRB) the
IRB office must have the following documents on
file before the final approval letter and consent
form(s) is released. - Contract Execution if this is a sponsored
research study of if you are receiving for the
purpose of this study any drugs, devices, data,
or material from a third party collaborator or
subcontractor, please confer with the Institute
for Clinical Research and/or the Grants and
Contracts office regarding whether a written
agreement must be executed before you may begin
the study. - Study Specific Financial Disclosure Forms
disclosure forms for all investigators listed on
the protocol/application are required. If there
is a conflict the disclosure form along with a
copy of the consent form are forwarded to the
Conflicts Management office for review and
approval. - CITI Course in The Protection of Human Research
Subjects all investigators listed are required
to complete this exam.
9All protocols that have Non-Substantive Issues
must go through the following steps
Once IRB administration receives the response
from the P.I.
NON-SUBSTANTIVE Response to Questions go to IRB
Office. IRB administration sends the response to
the IRB Chair for review and approval or further
If IRB Chair determines status remains
NON-SUBSTANTIVE, then IRB staff sends out a minor
revisions letter
If IRB Chair Approves
IRB Chair Review
APPROVED If response is APPROVED IRB staff sends
out approval letter, stamped consent/assent(s),
and any supplemental documents.
PI response goes back to the IRB office for
review. This cycle continues until all issues
are approved.
10Review Process forRevisions/Continuing
Reviews/IRB Grant Reviews
administration sends the approval letter, stamped
consent/assent(s), and any supplemental
Major Revisions Continuing Review Grant
Review For Full Board meeting.
- Disposition
- Substantive, Non-substantive Deferred, Disapproved
Revisions/Continuing Reviews that qualify for
expedite review are reviewed and approved by the
IRB Chair or Vice-Chair. They do not require
review at a Full Board meeting.
After response are approved by Chairman
PI is sent an issues letter
Responses are assigned to the Committee that
raised the issues.
IRB Receives Response Letter from the PI.
Non-Substantive response go to the IRB Chair
11Major Revisions
- Major revisions are changes to the design of the
research plan, or major changes to the
consent/assent form(s). - If the submission needs to be reviewed at a full
board committee meeting, the revision/amendment
request will be put on the agenda on which ever
committee is meeting next. All coordinators are
welcome to call the IRB office at any time to ask
which committee will be reviewing their revision
request submission. - Your cover letter should always include as much
detail as possible, and most importantly list all
changes that are being made and the rationale for
doing so. For sponsor studies do not submit the
sponsors summary of changes without a rationale
written in the cover letter. Major changes to the
study should always be incorporated into the IRB
application and consent/assent(s) in the
appropriate sections. - Submit one copy of every document with any and
all changes highlighted (yellow) and one clean
copy for stamping, including the cover letter and
any sponsor materials if applicable. Also please
include two clean copies of the consent/assent
form(s). - Make sure that your clean copies are in fact
truly clean to ensure that your documents can
be returned to you in a timely fashion once the
protocol has been officially approved. - If you have any questions call
- IRB I Cheri Betancourt 212 821-0646
IRB II - Arlene Valentin 212 821-0619
12Continuing Review
- If the protocol is Open (even if closed for
subject accrual) Please submit 26 copies of this
renewal form, 26 copies of the current IRB
stamped consent form(s), 3 copies (two clean, one
highlighted) of revised consent forms for
stamping purposes (see question 25 of the
Continuing Review Form), 3 copies of the Adverse
Event Summary Table, GCRC Addendum, and DSMB
reports (when applicable), 3 copies of the Study
Specific Financial Disclosure Form for each
investigator, one copy of the Research Billing
Analysis Form and 3 copies of the IRB approved
protocol application. - If the protocol is Open, Data Analysis Only
Please submit 3 copies of the renewal form, 3
copies of the most recent stamped consent form,
three copies of the Adverse Event Summary Table,
GCRC Addendum, and DSMB reports (when
applicable), 3 copies of the Study Specific
Financial Disclosure Form for each investigator,
one copy of the Research Billing Analysis Form,
and 3 copies of the IRB approved protocol
application. - If the protocol is being terminated Please
submit one copy of the renewal form. - If you have any questions call
- Charles Castel at the IRB office 212-821-0645
13IRB Grant/Protocol Review
- Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
regulations at 45 CFR 46.103(f) require that each
grant application or proposal for HHS-supported
human subject research be reviewed and approved
by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). The
IRB's review ensures that all research described
in the grant application or proposal is entirely
consistent with any corresponding
protocols/applications submitted to the IRB. - Over the past several years, OHRP has identified
numerous instances in which human subject
research described in an application for HHS
support differed significantly from the
IRB-approved protocol that was claimed by the
investigator to constitute the research in the
application. In each case, the application added
important elements (e.g., targeting of vulnerable
subjects additional treatment arms different
drug dosages additional collaborators or
performance sites) that were ultimately
implemented without IRB review and approval. - How many copies do I submit? Submit 2 copies of
the grant, 2 copies of a cover letter and 2
copies of the IRB protocol/application - IRB grant/protocol reviews are submitted to the
next scheduled IRB Committee meeting. - IRB I Cheri Betancourt 212 821-0646
IRB II - Arlene Valentin 212 821-0619
14Minor Revision/Amendments requests
- Once the IRB office receives a request for a
minor revision/amendment the submission is
pre-reviewed by IRB administration and then a
determination is made whether or not the revision
request qualifies as a minor revision. If the
revision submission qualifies for an expedite
review the request is prepared for review and
sent to either the IRB Chair or Vice Chair for an
official review and approval. - Some examples of minor revisions are minor word
changes to the consent form, advertisement
(flyers, posters, electronic advertisement), IRB
protocol/application, and addition or deletion of
co-investigators.etc. - Any translated IRB approved consent form may
qualify for an expedite review. However, any
additions of consent forms to a protocol must be
reviewed at a full board meeting. - How many copies do I need to submit? Send a cover
letter outlining the change. Attach a highlighted
copy outlining exactly what is to be changed.
Attach a clean copy (non-highlighted) for
stamping. - If you have any questions call
- Anika Penn at the IRB office 212-821-0656
15Adverse Eventshttp//www.med.cornell.edu/research
- Reporting Obligations
- Investigators must notify the NYPH-WMC IRB in
writing within 5 working days of the occurrence
of all serious and/or unexpected adverse events
(AEs) in NYPH-WMC research subjects, whether or
not the events are considered study-related. A
summary table of serious and/or unexpected
adverse events MUST accompany each report. - All serious and/or unexpected adverse events that
warrant reporting by the above definitions must
also be summarized in the Continuing Review. The
Continuing Review should contain an assessment of
any AEs reported by the investigator to the FDA
and other regulatory agencies since the time of
the last review, whether or not the events were
considered serious or unexpected at the time of
their occurrence. In some circumstances,
investigators may petition the IRB for an
exemption from the routine reporting of specific
adverse events. Exemptions may be granted from
the reporting of events that would otherwise be
considered serious, if they can be shown to be
frequent and expected occurrences in the
population under study. - If you have any questions call
- Anika Penn at the IRB office 212-821-0656
16IRB websiteBasic Science Clinical Research
Click here
17Research Integrity TAB
Click here
18Institutional Review Board
19Contacts at the IRBResearch Subject Protection
IRB Office Main (212) 821-0577
20The End
Designed by Arlene Valentin