Title: International Trends on Social Protection Social Security and Employment
1International Trends on Social Protection
-Social Security and Employment
- Report-back Session for the General Assembly of
- International Social Security Association (ISSA)
- Sept 12-18
- Beijing 2004
- Karen Hui
- Hong Kong Workers Health Centre
- Policy makers, administrators, experts and
scholars of social security - Social security securing social justice
preserving equity as a balance when achieving
economic prosperity - Promote social justice, equality and harmony
- Indicators of social progress and civilization
- Social stabilizers, economic shock absorber
and an adjustor for social justice
328th General Assembly
- Trend of globalization
- Social Security in Transition Extension of
4Developments Trends in Social Security 2001-2003
5Social Security Extension of Coverage
- Level of pensions or unemployment benefit
provided - too low to provide adequate
protection? - Exclusion from coverage? Women, migrants,
agricultural urban informal sector workers - Poverty - people could not access to a formal
system of retirement income support? - Low coverage of social insurance gt present
problems for the individual, household, society
and social insurance institutions? - Social Protection sharing wealth as mechanisms
of redistribution
6Pension System
- Privately managed pension schemes from a defined
benefit to a defined contribution - Choose of investment 18 of the total actually
chose their fund, the remainder invest in the
default fund - People that is not enrolled in privately managed
pension funds? the role of state.
7New Risks, New Challenges (1)
- Aging society
- longer life expectancy in old age
- decreasing fertility rate
- delayed job entry (young unemployed)
- difficulties of harmonizing work and family
obligations - postponed family formation and fewer births
8New Risk, New Challenge (2)
- Change in family patterns
- Decline of labor force participation for some
groups - Long-term unemployment
- Development of atypical jobs
- Segmented labor markets
9Filtering, tightening the rules of eligibility,
shifting part of the burden to other fields
entitlement to social security provisions is
increasingly conditional
Labor Market
- Remarks Concerns
- Shift in responsibilities may not lead to shifts
in poverty risks - Increasing attention to work may neglect the many
persistently poor who are also working, suggest
that low-paying and precarious jobs better
characterize the experience of poor household
than does continuous exclusion from the labor
market - Shifting responsibility but not redistribute
economic resources, will create new forms of
deep-seated deprivation
10New Policies Suggested
- Joined-up policies assist in life-course than
typical one problem / one instrument approaches - Shifting from remedial to preventive strategies
- Social protection supported by appropriate mixes
in macro-economic, fiscal and labor market
policies - Family policies
- Gender concerns
11Social Protection VS Employment
- Private provision by means of own or other
related peoples employment - Public social provision by means of revealed or
expected income replacement in case of
unemployment, sickness, disability, old ageetc. - Individuals feeling of security not only depends
on social protection but also on employment
12Employment-related Issues
- Concern of labor market participation rate
- Regular, full-time employment guarantee against
poverty - the labor market offers security against poverty
- New remedies activation to help individuals to
realize economic independence - comprising a multitude of schemes designed to
improve the supply, employability and
availability of labor
13Activation Approach
- initial education, adult training and career
progression over workers life course - Empowerment facilitating education and job
opportunities, continuously improving employees
skills and competences through life long learning
and relevant training and work experience - To enable people to engage in useful activities,
especially for specific target group mainly for
young unemployed, women and older people
- Make work possible
- Make work pay policies handling the unemployment
trap, like fiscal measures, minimum wages
15Cost of Unemployment Compensation
- UC costs of a country
- 1. unemployment rate
- 2. recipiency rate
- 3. replacement rate
- For countries (HK, Australia, Mauritius, New
Zealand) provide unemployment assistance (UA) by
income test, on average - Recipiency rate below the all-country average
(0.55 0.61) - Replacement rate is about two thirds of the
overall average (0.24 0.36)
16Gender, Retirement and Active Ageing (1)
- Older women are more likely to live in poverty
than older men. How can the unequal retirement
income security of men and women be remedied? - Women typically live longer but earn less over
their life than men - ISSA research project examine how different
countries are attempting to meet this challenge,
and the gender implications of recent social
security reforms (7 country Finland, France,
Republic of Korea, Latin America, Norway, Sweden
and the UK)
17Gender, Retirement and Active Ageing (2)
- Indirect Measures unisex life tables to
calculate pensions, minimum income guarantee,
indexing pensions to consumer prices or wages - Direct Measures direct compensation for
parenting work, joint-survivor pensions,
pension-splitting - Work approach increase womens employment
making it easier to combine paid employment with
caring work (e.g. working tax credits cash
allowances for childcare)
18Insurance against Employment Accidents and
Occupational Diseases
- Conditions for implementation or reform of an
employment injury scheme - Difficulties in prevention, compensation or
rehabilitation of occupational diseases - How to integrate prevention element in social
security system (prevention pays for the
insurers which provide incentives for employers
through rebates and premiums)
19Unemployment Insurance and Employment Maintenance
- Social security in flexible labour markets How
effective is social protection for flexible
workers? - Unemployment protection schemes in developing and
transition countries - Unemployment compensation (UC)
20Flexible Employment Social Security
- Italian Social Security Biagi Law (2003)
- Contractual patterns proposed
- Per-project employment
- Job on call
- Job sharing
- Occasional and supplementary employment
- Insertion contract
- Hiring out
- Apprenticeship contract
- Part-time contract
- Sub-contracting and lending out
21Web site www.issa.int/engl/homef.htmwww.28issa-