Title: From Healthcheck to Healthscan
1From Healthcheck to Healthscan?
- Draft proposal
- by Chris Windridge May 2008 Vers1.1
2Current Situation Threats and Opportunities
- Countryside Agency gone - the original driving
force - Weakened funding and enthusiasm for Healthchecks
- Benefits achieved by two thirds of eligible towns
but one third not reached - 172 towns eligible in South East
- 63 Completed
- 37 in progress
- 10 planned
- Leaves over 1/3rd or 62 towns not covered
3Obstacles to reaching all eligible towns
- Complexity Cost
- Perceived complexity of the process
- The amount or work for a town partnership group
- Difficulty in attracting volunteers
- The potential length of time
- Other calls for community/officer input
- Perhaps no perceived issues
- Funding the necessary costs
- A simplified process designed to address these
issues is required to address these points. This
is also an opportunity for new endorsement from
current bodies. - A Healthscan or Healthcheck Lite
4Obstacles to reaching all eligible towns
- Bridging
- Community frustration if volunteer effort to
create evidence base and action plans is not
accepted or taken into account in other formal
planning resource allocation, or community
involvement processes eg LAA/LSP and LDF. - Wide perception that community based efforts will
be regarded with less weighting than from other
traditional and professional sources. - Examples of good practice within South East where
town partnerships and Healthchecks have made
encouraging contributions. - Getting from Healthcheck to action, commitment
and acceptance by others
5Next Steps
- 1. Faster, Smarter, Slimline Healthcheck ...the
Healthscan. Goal completion in 9months. - Building on the experience
- Provision of starter packs, to help groups hit
the ground running. - Update all data source pointers, incl
observatories and work sheets. - Ensure the data and evidence base is able to be
multipurpose, clear, current and align with other
CLG programmes, eg LSP LAA, LDF. - Align with Parish Plan process wherever feasible.
- Identify Starter, Core and Optional factual and
issue based areas for study and a simple guide to
process. - Provide example questionnaires, incl an AMT
endorsed survey provider training - An 8020 goal but be satisfied with lt50
- 2. Sharing the experience, especially good
practice guide on Bridging and on promoting an
inclusive exercise. - Identify overlap, alignment and mutual support
threads between Healthcheck/Heathscan and other
CLG community involvement programmes - Identify the core SEEDA requirements with others
for evidence to support funding - Promote good practice on Town Partnership
6Healthcheck LITE Discussion - Les Ampstead/Sue
- Objective an exercise which is Simpler
Shorter BUT which produces a document still fit
for purpose - Explore how to provide a set of data up-front for
early discussion e.g. get the Snapshot done by a
researcher - ready for a first open meeting.
- Questions Who will do this? How much would it
cost? Who would pay for it? - Worksheets.
- Questions What is the maximum reduction
feasible while retaining the integrity of the
research? - 50 complete sufficient? Is 70 better? Does the
quantity matter? - Options
- 1 Do only some of the worksheet sections ( Drop
whole sections) - Carry out a general Likes/Dislikes exercise at
the first public meeting (praise and grumbles as
in Marden?) - Eliminate worksheet sections where no issues have
been mentioned in this first trawl but do
remainder. - 2 Reduce some sections, full versions of others.
(Light/Heavy) - Carry out a general Likes/Dislikes exercise.
Where no issues have arisen, reduce worksheets to
a minimum - level e.g. do headline questions but do not
follow up detail. Cover other worksheet sections
in full - 3 Drop some sections, reduced versions of some
more and full versions of others ( Drop/ Light/
Heavy) - Is a Pick and Mix version going to be valid?
Snapshot/Data Pack
Fast Start
Survey templates, library, platform, training
Core Facts (Observatories Links
Less is more
Fuzzy Boundaries Optional Data
Drill down. Help Links
Business Economy
Social Community
Transport Access
8Healthcheck vs Healthscan Steps
- Healthcheck Steps
- Set up partnership made up of volunteers,
   community council representatives, - Take on the services of a coordinator
- Identify the catchment of the town and
    surrounding countryside - Widen the partnership
- Hold the community event to establish the
   main issues - Report back to the community
- Review the membership of the partnership
- Prepare a 'snapshot' of the town and
   surrounding countryside - Answer the worksheets (Economy and    Town
Centre, Social and Community, Â Â Â Transport and
Accessibility, and    Environment) - Report back to the community
- Hold a community event to create a vision    for
the town surrounding countryside - Report back to the community
- Prepare an action plan
- Sign up partner organisations to the plan
- Into Action. Bridging Partnership models
- Review the structure of the partnership
- Take on the services of a project manager
- HealthScan Steps
- Set up partnership
- Provide starterpack.
- A Kickoff event on method, help, goals
- Town/Hinterland basic data pack/links/help
- Survey capability outline as default
- Fit data headline issues to best
   practice/partner needs/benchmarking etc.. - Revised Worksheets starter,core optional
- Revised Healthcheck guide
- Follow Healthcheck track, except snapshot should
be    part complete. Worksheet phase only to
complete starter    core segments, rest
optional and Town dependent. - Offer help via County Coordinators/AMT -
Healthscan    process, understanding survey
results, extracting issues, Â Â Â prioritising
needs, developing action plans. - Provide guidance on the Evidence Base needs
incl    best practice reports, action plans
bids for funding. - Ensure Bridging relationships are established and
in   place whenever possible prior to initial
phase completion. - Into Action. Bridging Partnership models
- Review the structure of the partnership
- Take on the services of a project manager
- Put the plan into action
- Monitor and evaluate results
9AMT/SERTP Healthscan - a lighter weight and
quicker Healthcheck
- Executive Summary
- Retain overall concept, with community - led
process and engagement with LA, councillors and
advisers. - Provide elements of the SNAPSHOT that can be made
available quickly, cheaply and that provide a
fast start for the Healthscan at kickoff. The
Healthscan Data/Starter Pack? - Provide survey templates and a delivery vehicle
to allow rapid and flexible deployment, a library
of questions, an archive of responses and to
assist sharing, analysis and benchmarking - Remove any clutter and duplication from
worksheets and update - Provide at least one model web hosting site
link from AMT. - Clarify the Evidence base needs with SEEDA, CLG
and others - Continue with Participation style community
involvement - Develop a Town Partnership best practice guide to
assist with bridging and benchmarking - Align with best practice examples such as Welland
Economic performance Benchmarking and cross link. - Provide a smaller scale refresh/review exercise
for the early adopters.
10AMT/SERTP Healthscan - a lighter weight and
quicker Healthcheck
- Objective Have an agreed proposal to take to AMT
conference for a Healthcheck follow on - Next steps Create an outline proposal and test
within SERTP. - Suggested participation Chris Windridge, Julian
Owen, Sue Beer, Les Ampstead others tbd?