Title: Landfill Gas Energy in Iowa and Nationwide
1Landfill Gas Energy in Iowa and Nationwide
- Iowa Recycling Solid Waste Management
Conference - October 5-7, 2009
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP)
2EPAs Landfill Methane Outreach Program
- Established in 1994
- Voluntary program that creates alliances among
states, energy users/providers, the landfill gas
industry, and communities
Mission To reduce methane emissions by lowering
barriers and promoting the development of
cost-effective and environmentally beneficial
landfill gas energy (LFGE) projects.
3Why EPA is Concerned about Landfill Gas
- Why is methane a greenhouse gas?
- Methane absorbs terrestrial infrared radiation
(heat) that would otherwise escape to space (GHG
characteristic) - Methane as GHG is over 20 times more effective in
trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2 - Methane is more abundant in the atmosphere now
than anytime in the past 400,000 years and 150
higher than in the year 1750 - Landfills were the second largest human-made
source of methane in the United States in 2006,
accounting for 23 generated.
4Landfill Gas and Green PowerA Winning Combination
- Dual benefit ? destroys methane and other organic
compounds in LFG - Offsets use of nonrenewable resources (coal, oil,
gas) reducing emissions of - SO2, NOX, PM, CO2
- LFG is a recognized renewable energy resource
- Green-e, EPA Green Power Partnership, 28 states,
Sierra Club, NRDC - LFG is generated 24/7 and projects have online
reliability over 90 - LFG can act as a long-term price and volatility
hedge against fossil fuels
5Potential LFG Revenue
- Electric projects
- Sale of electricity
- Sale of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
- Premium pricing for renewables through RPS/RPG or
voluntary green power markets - Tax credits incentives
- Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs)
- Direct-use projects
- Sale of LFG
- Both
- Greenhouse gas emissions trading
- Energy cost savings
6Corporate Interest in LFG Energy
- Pipelines stretching Honeywell connected to WM
landfill by 23-mile pipeline - LFG a cheaper fuel source and long term hedge
against energy price volatility - General Motors current 4 direct-use projects
save the company a total of over 2 million/yr - BMW expanded its project based on success and is
saving over 1 million/yr - NASA saving taxpayers more than 350,000/yr
- Requests from gt20 large, national companies to
identify landfill opportunities - Siting new facilities near landfills
- Multiple requests received in the last year to
find appropriate sites for NEW brick plants,
greenhouses, etc.
7Local Economic Benefits
- LFG as a business development or retention
strategy - Job creation during construction and operation
- Local contractor use (concrete, grading,
electrical, mechanical) - Collateral benefits (lodging, food)
8LFG and State Renewable Portfolio Standards
- Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requires
utilities to supply a percentage of power from
renewable sources - 28 states plus District of Columbia have an RPS.
- Renewable Portfolio Goal (RPG) same as RPS but
an objective not a requirement - 5 states have an RPG
- LFG is eligible as a renewable resource for 33
states and District of Columbia - Iowa passed an RPS in November 2007
- Iowa requires its two investor-owned utilities
MidAmerican Energy and Alliant Energy Interstate
Power and Light (IPL) -- to own or to contract
for a combined total of 105 megawatts (MW) of
renewable generating capacity and associated
energy production, which includes landfill gas.
9LFG and RECs
- Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). REC 1 MW
hour of renewable energy - Used by utilities to meet RPS requirements
- Companies looking to reduce their environmental
footprint purchase RECs from power producers
using LFG - DuPont 170 million kWh from biomass LFG
- Pitney Bowes 10 of electricity from wind LFG
- Staples 46 million kWh/year of RECs, 90 from
biomass LFG
10LFG Electricity Emission Reduction Benefits
Sources LFG from AP-42 (1998) Grid averages
from eGRID2007 V1.1 Updated February 2009
11Public and Private Entities Moving to Reduce GHG
- Voluntary Markets
- Currently where most GHG activity occurs
- Examples - Chicago Climate Exchange, Climate
Action Reserve, Voluntary Carbon Standard - Compliance Markets
- Rapidly evolving, will become the dominant market
- Led by Massachusetts and California and regional
12Recent Climate Change Activities
- Waxman-Markey The American Clean Energy and
Security Act of 2009 in June 2009 by Congress. - EPAs preliminary economic analysis available at
tmlwax - Proposed Endangerment and Cause or Contribute
Findings for Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air
Act signed by the EPA Administrator on April 17,
2009. - Additional information available at
epa.gov/climatechange/endangerment.html - EPA Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Rule
published in the Federal Register on April 10,
13State of the National LFG Industry (July 2009)
- At least 496 operational projects in 44 states
supplying - 1,547 MW of electricity and 277 million standard
cubic feet per day of LFG to direct-use
applications - Estimated 09 Annual Environmental Benefits
- Carbon sequestered annually by 19,500,000 acres
of pine or fir forests, or - CO2 emissions from 199,000,000 barrels of oil
consumed, or - Annual greenhouse gas emissions from 15,700,000
passenger vehicles - Estimated Annual Energy Benefit
- Powering more than 889,000 homes and
heating nearly 614,000 homes
14LFG Energy Projects and Candidate Landfills
15Many Untapped LFG Resources
- Currently 525 candidate landfills with a total
gas generation potential of 620 million standard
cubic feet per year OR electric potential of
1,180 MW - If projects were developed at all these
landfills, estimated - Annual Environmental Benefit
- Carbon sequestered annually by 11.5 million
acres of forest OR annual greenhouse gas
emissions from 9.2 million vehicles on the road,
and - Annual Energy Benefit
- Powering 698,000 homes OR heating 1.4 million
homes per year
16State of LFGE in Iowa
- 26 Landfills in the state
- 4 Operational Projects
- 2 Electricity Projects Generating 11.2 MW
(Winnebago County LF and Des Moines Metro Park
East LF) - 2 Direct Use Projects Generating 4.0 million
standard cubic feet per day (Cedar Rapids SWLF
and Scott County SWLF) - 12 Candidate Landfills
- Could generate 17.5 MWs or 9.8 million standard
cubic feet of gas per day - Over 91,800 tons of potential CO2 emission
reductions annually
17Development Potential in Iowa
- At least 12 candidate sites with a generation
potential of approximately 17.5 MW, equivalent
to - removing 136,900 cars from Iowas roads
- planting 169,900 acres of trees
18Diversity of Project TypesUsing LFG
Greenhouse Burlington, NJ
- Electric Generation (70 of all projects)
- Reciprocating engines
- Turbines
- Microturbines
- Combined heat power (CHP)
- Direct-Use (30 of all projects)
- Boiler applications
- Direct thermal (dryers, kilns)
- Natural gas pipeline injection
- Medium high Btu
- Greenhouses
- Leachate evaporation
- Vehicle fuel (LNG, CNG)
19LFG Has Been Used to Help Produce
- Aluminum
- Alternative fuels (biodiesel, CNG, ethanol, and
LNG) - Aquaculture (e.g., tilapia)
- Arts crafts (blacksmithing, ceramics, glass)
- Biosolids (drying)
- Bricks and concrete
- Carpet
- Cars and trucks
- Chemicals
- Chocolate
- Consumer goods and containers
- Denim
- Electronics
- Fiberglass, nylon, and paper
- Furthering space exploration
- Garden plants
- Green power
- Ice cream, milk, and tea
- Infrared heat
- Juice (apple, cranberry, orange)
- Pharmaceuticals
- Pierogies and snack food
- Soy-based products
- Steel
- Tomatoes (hydroponic)
- Taxpayer savings and increased sustainability!
20Look Who's Using Landfill Gas!
21Green Field Case StudyJenkins Brick Jordan
Plant Moody, Alabama
- Start-up in 2006
- Direct use of LFG for brick kilns
- Project highlights
- First major US facility that was sited and built
near a landfill specifically for the use of LFG. - LFG is used to fuel brick kilns and LFG is 40 of
plants energy needs, with 100 projected in 10
years as the landfill grows. - 6.5 mile pipeline from Veolia Star Ridge Landfill
- The recovered LFG fuels to the boilers saves the
school approximately 27,000 annually. - Jenkins Brick also uses LFG at their Montgomery,
AL Plant.
LMOP 2006 Project of the Year
22CHP and Direct-Use Case StudyBMW
ManufacturingGreer, SC
LMOP 2003 Project of the Year
- 9.5-mile pipeline from Palmetto Landfill to BMW
- 2003 4 KG2 gas turbines retrofitted to burn
LFG - 4.8 MW of electricity generated and 72 MMBtu/hr
of heat recovery - 2006 Converted paint shop to utilize LFG in
oven burners for indirect heating - LFG accounts for nearly 70 of BMWs energy needs
- To date, LFG has saved BMW an annual average of
5 million in energy costs - 2009/2010 2 new gas turbines will replace 4
older ones generate 11 MW
LMOP 2006 Energy End User Partner of the Year
23Direct-Use Case StudySeward County, Kansas
- Project is a public/private partnership with
National Beef - 70 scfm of LFG is piped 1,500 feet to wastewater
- LFG and gas from covered lagoon is captured and
used to fuel boilers at National Beef - Seward County recognized as LMOPs 2008 Community
Partner of the Year
24Direct-Use Case StudyCity of Sioux Falls
Regional Landfill POET Landfill Gas Energy
Project (SD)
- 1,250 scfm of gas is transported via an 11-mile
pipeline to POETs 105-million gallons/year
ethanol plant - LFG reduces the plants natural gas usage by 2/3
- Landfill is currently expanding LFG wellfield to
further offset the plants natural gas use - City takes advantage of the sale
- of carbon credits from the project,
- in addition to the sale of the landfill
- gas
25Infrared Heaters
- Used to heat storage and maintenance facilities
- Allen County Kansas Landfill operates infrared
heaters at their landfill - Requires very little LFG to heat large spaces
(10-20 cfm) - Projects gaining popularity in the U.S.
26LMOP Tools and Services
- Network of 700 Partners (and growing)
- Newsletter and listserv
- Direct project assistance
- Technical and outreach publications
- Project and candidate landfill database
- Web site (epa.gov/lmop)
- Support for ribbon cuttings and
- other public relations
- Presentations at conferences
- State training workshops
- 13th LMOP Annual Conference, Project Expo
Partner Awards in January 11-13, 2010 in
Baltimore, MD
EPA Administrator
Stephen L. Johnson Keynote Speaker 11th
Annual LMOP Conference Washington, DC January 9,
27How Can We Work Together? Direct Project
- Analyze landfill resource gas modeling
- Identify potential matches LMOP Locator
- Assess landfill and end user facilities
- Look at project possibilities
- Direct-use (boiler, heating, cooling, direct
thermal) - Combined Heat Power (engine, turbine,
microturbine) - Electric (engine, turbine, microturbine)
- Alternative Fuels (medium or high Btu, LNG, CNG)
- Initial feasibility analyses LFGcost
28Analyze Energy Potential from Landfill
29EPA Project Expo
- Interested in an LFGE Project?
- EPA features a select number of landfills at the
Annual LMOP Conference in January. - LMOP will develop a resume for your landfill to
feature at the conference. - Contact Swarupa Ganguli (EPA-LMOP) if you are
30For More Informationwww.epa.gov/lmop
T4 Swarupa
- Rachel Goldstein, Team Leadgoldstein.rachel_at_epa.g
ov, (202) 343-9391 - Victoria Ludwigludwig.victoria_at_epa.gov, (202)
Swarupa Ganguli ganguli.swarupa_at_epa.gov, (202)
343-9732 Tom Frankiewicz frankiewicz.thomas_at_epa.
gov, (202) 343-9232
Chris Godlove godlove.chris_at_epa.gov, (202)
31My Contact Information
Lori Hamburg SCS Engineers A Contractor to EPA on
LMOP lhamburg_at_scsengineers.com 919-662-3015