Title: Lecture 13' Extremophiles
1Lecture 13. Extremophiles
- What are extremophiles?
- Extremophilic micro-organisms
- Adaptive stresses
- Thermophiles
- Psychrophiles
- Halophiles
- Acidophiles
- Alkalophiles
- Radioresistance
- Barophiles
- Oligotrophs
3Adaptive stresses
- Thermophiles
- Psychrophiles
- Halophiles
- Acidophiles
- Alkalophiles
- Barophiles
- Radiophiles
- Oligotrophy
- Denaturation and chemical destruction of macro-
and small molecules membrane hyperfluidity - Membrane hypofluidity Slow reaction kinetics
- Hyperosmotic stress
- Chemical stability membrane potentials
- Proton pumping against a negative pH gradient
- Unfavourable reaction equilibria reaction
kinetics - Molecular damage
- Nutrient deficiency and uptake affinity
4Thermophiles to Hyperthermophiles
5Thermophilic biotopes
- Thermophiles desert soils, compost, industrial
processing fluids (Bacillus, Clostridium,
Streptomyces, Thermomyces, Caldarium) - Extreme thermophiles terrestrial and shallow
marine hydrothermal systems (Thermus, Sulfolobus,
Thermococcus) - Hyperthermophiles Deep sea hydrothermal vents
- (Aquifex, Pyrococcus, Pyrodictium,
6Thermophilic biotopes
7Schematic diagram of a hydrothermal vent
Cold abyssal sea water super-saturated with O2
Ejection of mineral-rich anaerobic water into
oxic cold seawater massive precipitation of
oxidised metals and metal sulphides.
Temperature gradient provides niches for
hyperthermophilic to mesophilic chemoautotrophs
and heterotrophs
Reduced S and metal ions provide basis for
chemoautotrophs as first tier in complex trophic
Superheated (lt450oC) water from km depths
Anaerobic, rich in metals and sulphide
8Living at high temperatures Problems and
- Proteins denature at high temperatures.
- Many essential small molecules (e.g., ATP, NADH
etc) are unstable at high temperatures. - Membranes become more fluid at high temperatures.
- Thermodynamic stability of proteins is increased.
- Not known exactly metabolic channeling may be
important. - Membrane lipid compositions change to reduce
9Psychrophiles living at low temperatures
Arctic, Antarctic, deep marine and alpine regions
10Organisms at low temperatures
- Psychrophiles Topt, 15oC, Tmax lt 20oC, Tmin ,
lt0oC - Psychrotolerants (psychrotrophs) Topt, 20oC,
Tmax gt 20oC, Tmin , gt3oC - Very wide species diversity of Bacteria, Fungi,
Algae - Limited diversity of Archaea
11PsychrophilesProblems and Solutions
- Low metabolic rates
- Membrane rigidity
- Protein flexibility
- Cytoplasmic freezing
- Grow slowly
- Adapt membrane fluidity
- gt Unsaturation
- lt Chain length
- gt Methyl branching
- Increase conformational flexibility
- Reduce intramolecular bonding
- Accumulation of solutes (freeze prevention)
- Ice-nucleating proteins (freeze control)
12Extreme halophiles
- Living at very high salt concentrations
- Vertebrates lt 1.5M
- Halobacteria 1.5 3M
- Haloarchaea 3 5.2M
13Extreme halophilesProblems and Solutions
- Osmoregulation
- Protein stability
- Archaea
- Accumulation of intracellular salts (5M KCl)
- Bacteria
- Accumulation of low molecular weight solutes
(osmolytes) with osmotic potential - Increases in acidic a.a.s
- Geothermal areas
- Acid mine drainage
pH 0 3
2So 3 O2 2 H2O à 2 H2SO4
4 FeS2 15 O2 14 H2O à 4 Fe(OH)3 8 H2SO4
15Acidophiles are phylogenetically diverse
- Eukaryotes
- Fungi (numerous)
- Algae (Cyanidium)
- Protozoa (flagellates, ciliates, amoebae)
- Bacteria
- Heterotrophs (Bacillus, Acidiphilium,
Sulfobacillus) - Autotrophs (Acidithiobacillus)
- Archaea
- Numerous heterotrophs and autotrophs, many
thermophilic (Thermoplasma, Sulfolobus,
Acidianus, Metallosphaera)
16AcidophilesProblems and Solutions
- pH homeostasis
- Molecular stability
- Intracellular pH trans-membrane potentials
- Internal pH is maintained at 5-7 by maintained
by proton pumping high external proton drives
chemiosmotic ATP synthesis - Acid stable proteins
- Stabilised by increase in charged amino acids
- Organisms growing optimally at pH 8.5 11
- Very widely distributed in the environment
- Prevalent in haloalkaline (soda) lakes
- Include bacteria, fungi, yeasts
18Problems and Solutions
- Na-dependent solute transport
- High affinity proton transport systems
- Reversed pH gradient
- Extracellular and periplasmic enzymes adapted to
function at high pH
- High external Na
- Low external H
- High external pH
- Instability of external proteins
19Radioresistant organisms
- Ability to live in the presence of high levels of
ionising radiation - High energy radiation damages macromolecules
- DNA damage is most critical
- Deinococcus radiodurans can survive 3 MRad
radiation (humans are killed by 100 Rad) - Primary adaptation is a hyper-active DNA repair
system (RecA) - Many other DNA repair mechanisms
- Organisms living at high pressures
- Barophiles versus barotolerants
- Organisms living in abyssal oceans
- High pressure affects the thermodynamics of
reactions involving volume changes - High pressure stabilises three-dimensional
molecular structures
- Growth at very low nutrient concentrations
- Oligotrophic environments are widespread
(copiotrophic environments are relatively rare by
comparison) - Marine water contains 1-6 mg C.l-1 cf Nutrient
Agar 4000 mg C.l-1 - Numerous species of bacteria, fungi and yeasts
22Problems and Solutions
- Low growth rates
- Low S concentrations
- Sudden changes in S concentrations
- Not a problem
- High affinity uptake systems (Ks values for
glucose, acetate etc. lt 1 mM have been recorded). - Oligotrophs have both H and L affinity uptake