Title: Nuclear Power : An inevitable option for sustainable development
1Nuclear Power An inevitable option for
sustainable development
Anil Kakodkar, Chairman, Atomic Energy
Commission, India
- IAEA Scientific Forum 2007 on Global Challenges
and Development of Atomic Energy, Vienna - September 18-19 , 2007
2Evolving paradigm
- Greater confidence in developing societies moving
up on the socio-economic development path - Vastly enhanced energy demand and buying power
- Sustainability of energy resources (even Uranium
in once-through mode inadequate) - Global environment on the cliff edge
3Indian target - in global context(Source of
data BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2007)
Target 7000 TW(e)h Requirement for fossil
fluid fuel replacement
4The pathways for utilisation of nuclear fuel
- Thorium cannot straightway be used as nuclear
fuel as it has no fissile isotopes. - Fast Breeder Reactors operating with Plutonium
as fuel, produce more Plutonium than they
5Development of an optimum strategy for
utilisation of given nuclear resources
300 GWe for more than 250 yrs from FBRs using
Plutonium-thorium and from reactors using
174 GWe for 10-12 yrs from FBRs using recycled
uranium Plutonium
Th-U233 MSRs
Th-Pu based FBRS
Optimum time for introduction of thorium on large
10 GWe for 40 yrs from PHWRs using uranium in
once-through cycle
RU-Pu based FBRS
(After introduction of short-doubling-time FBRs)
6Global Nuclear Renaissance
- Reformation of global thinking necessary
- Consensus on closed nuclear fuel cycle
- Safety
- Environment
- Non-Proliferation
- (Technology solutions backed up by institutional
control and responsible behaviour)
- Enhanced security risk to future generations in
case of direct disposal of spent fuel
(Plutonium mines) - Tensions due to energy insecurity
However, inclusive partnerships on objective,
reliable and predictable basis with holistic
mutual understanding and trust is a pre-requisite