- Het Interbellum (1919-1939)
2Inleiding luisterfragmentAll in and down and
out blues (1930)
- CHORUS It's hippity hop to the bucket shopI've
lost all my money, and now I have flopped.It's
hard times, pity poor boy,It's hard times when
you're down and out. Now this is the truth, and
it certainly exposesThat Wall Street's
proposition is not all roses.I put up my money
to win some more,I lost all I had and it left me
so sore. - I thought I would drink to wear it off,Bootleg's
so high that it left me worse off.If they catch
you with whiskey in your car,You're handicapped,
and there you are. - They'll take you to jail and if you can't make
bond,Content yourself there, why you're
certainly at home.I've got no silver and I've
got no gold,I'm almost naked and it's done
turned cold. - You ask that judge to treat you well,You offer a
hundred dollars,he'll send you to Atlanta.
3I. (titel later aan te vullen)
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9II. Afwijzen van de democratie
101. De USSR olv Stalin (1927-1953)
111 ideologie
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131 leider
O great Stalin, O leader of the peoples,Thou who
broughtest man to birth.Thou who fructifies the
earth,Thou who restorest to centuries,Thou who
makest bloom the spring,Thou who makest vibrate
the musical chords...Thou, splendour of my
spring, O thou,Sun reflected by millions of
- Werkkamp in de gulagarchipel
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17staatseconomie in de landbouw
- Propaganda-affiche uit 1930 met als opschrift
- Laten we de koelakken liquideren
18Staatseconomie in de industrie
- Propaganda-affiche uit 1933
- The results of the Five year Plan show that the
working class is not only capable of destroying
the old, but also of building the new
19De Stachanovbeweging
202.Het nazisme in Duitsland olv A. Hitler
- 2.1 De Weimarrepubliek (1919-1933
21Een NSDAP-meeting
- Communisten vd Spartacusbond in een straatgevecht
22Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) en de NSDAP
23Hitler met het Ijzeren Kruis tijdens WO I
24Mars van de DAP in Munchen (1923)
25De poging tot staatsgreep in Munchen (1923)
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28Rijksdagverkiezingen 1920-1933
29De SA Hitlers knokploegen
30De Rijksdagbrand februari 1933
312.2 De nazidictatuur (1933-1945)
322.2.1 antidemocratisch
332.2.2 anticommunistisch en antisocialistisch
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36Openbare werken
372.2.3. antirechtsstaat
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39Propaganda als middel om het individu uit te
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41Kunst in dienst van de ideologie
422.2.4 antipacifistisch
- Militarisme de SA
- (Sturmabteilung)
43Militarisme de SS (Schützstaffeln)
44Imperialisme lebensraum en pangermanisme
452.2.5 anti-internationalisme
46Van uitsluiting tot uitroeiing van de Joden
- Maart 1933 boycot Joodse winkels
47Mei 1933 Joodse boekverbranding
48November 1938 kristalnacht
49November 1940 het getto in Warschau
50september 1941 verplichte Jodenster
51Auschwitz concentratie en uitroeiingskamp
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