Title: Genes in Populations
1Genes in Populations
Dr John Loughlin
2Changes in gene frequency between generations
between populations
3Consider a locus with two alleles, A a
Allele A
Number of individuals N Number of copies of
gene 2N
Allele a
4Hardy-Weinberg (H-R) Rule
Frequency of allele A p Frequency of allele a
q p q 1 The probability of one allele
forming a zygote with any other allele is the
product of their two frequencies
Derived concurrently in the Edwardian era by a
Cambridge academic (Hardy) and a German
physician (Weinberg)
5Hardy-Weinberg Rule
a (q)
A (p)
Aa pq
AA p2
A (p)
aA pq
aa q2
a (q)
6Genotype frequencies
p 0.5 q 0.5 sum 1.0 p2 0.25 q2
0.25 2pq 0.5 sum 1.0
p 0.9 q 0.1 sum 1.0 p2 0.81 q2
0.01 2pq 0.18 sum 1.0
p 0.96 q 0.04 sum 1.0 p2 0.93
q2 0.0016 2pq 0.07 sum 1.0
genotype frequencies do not change from one
generation to the next
8Utility of the Hardy-Weinberg principle
Enables one to predict the incidence of diseased
individuals and unaffected carriers, if we know
p q
9An example
- Consider the autosomal recessive disease cystic
fibrosis - Two copies of the CF gene are needed for disease
occurrence - 1/2000 people have CF
- q2 therefore 1/2000 0.0005
- Therefore q v0.0005 0.022
- Therefore p 1-0.022 0.978
- Frequency of carriers (2pq) 2 X 0.978 X 0.022
0.043 - i.e. 4.3 of the population
10When does the H-W equilibrium break down? i.e.
what factors alter allele frequencies?
- Non-random (assortive) mating
- Genetic drift
- Migration
- Selection
- New mutation
11Non-random mating for multifactorial traits
mate correlation
Intelligence 47 Waist size 38 Neurotic
tendency 30 Height 28 Eye colour 26
Increases frequency of extreme phenotypes above
expectation for random mating
12Non-random mating for rare recessive traits
1) Heterozygotes more likely to mate than
expected by chance random mating 2) More
homozygotes (more disease) than predicted by
Hardy-Weinberg 3) Hastens selective removal of
bad recessive alleles and increase of good
13Genetic Drift
- Drift is the effect of sampling fluctuations
- Small population - big influence
- Large population - small influence
14Drift in a small population
Ten heterozygotes
p 0.5 q 0.5
p 0.6 q 0.4
Allele frequencies change due to
chance fluctuations in the sampling of gametes
15Genetic Drift
- Given time, one allele will be fixed and the
other eliminated - An alleles probability of fixation is equal to
its frequency - New alleles are at a great risk of elimination,
especially in small populations
16Genetic Drift
p 0.25 q 0.75
p 0.0 q 1.0
- Genetic flow
- Movement of alleles from one population to
another - Will have most influence if the populations are
small and if the allele frequency differences are
large - Founder affect
- Reduced genetic diversity in a population founded
by a small number of individuals
18Population A joins population B to form
population C
p 0.5 q 0.5
p 0.65 q 0.35
p 0.72 q 0.28
19Founder effect
p 0.45 q 0.55
p 0.65 q 0.35
p 0.89 q 0.11
20New mutation
- Ultimate source of variation
- Most mutations will be detrimental
- Likely to be quickly eliminated unless there is a
compensating advantage
Gly380Arg mutation in transmembrane domain of
- Receptor signals in absence of ligand
- Bone growth attenuated
22Achondroplasia - autosomal dominant
80 of cases are new mutations New cases are
born to unaffected parents 1 in 30 000 births 1
in 60 000 or 17 per million gametes Frequency of
AD disorders in the population maintained by a
balance between new mutations and elimination by
23Cystic fibrosis - autosomal recessive
New mutations will initially be confined to
heterozygotes and not eliminated by
selection Must spread to high frequencies before
homozygotes begin to appear May achieve a high
frequency by Drift in small populations Consangui
nity Selective advantage to carriers
- The vast majority of new mutations have no effect
on gene activity or function (selectively
neutral) - The rest can either reduce or increase the
fitness of the carrier - Fitness is a measure of the ability of an
individual to survive and reproduce
25Positive Selection
- If a mutation increases fitness it will be
subjected to positive selection and will spread
through the population - So long as it survives drift!!
26Positive Selection
Elimination by drift
Achieved fixation
27Negative Selection
- Has most effect in a dominant disease - mutant
alleles subject to selection in heterozygote - Has least effect in a recessive disease - most
mutant alleles are in carriers with only a small
proportion in homozygotes - i.e. 98 of cystic fibrosis alleles are in
29Hardy-Weinberg Principle
- there is random mating
- the population is large
- and closed
- and no mutation
- and no selection
31Definition - The existence of two or more
variants in a population in such proportion
that the rarest cannot be maintained by
recurrent mutation
An arbitary figure of 1 frequency for a DNA
sequence change
32Balanced polymorphism
Due to a balance of selection against both
homozygotes and for the heterozygote
(heterozygote advantage)
33Sickle cell anaemia
An autosomal recessive disease caused by mutation
in the b-globin gene Glutamic acid Valine
34Sickle cell anaemia and malaria show extensive
The purple colour indicates areas where both
malaria (pink) and sickle cell anaemia (blue) are
35Heterozygote advantage can lead to differences in
disease incidence between populations
Disease Selective Region Incidence per
Agent 10,000 births Sickle Cell Anaemia
Malaria West Africa 200 UK 0.5 Thalassae
mia Malaria SE Asia 200 UK 1 Cystic
Fibrosis Typhoid Europe 5 Fever Japan
36The end Next weeks lecture Mapping disease