Title: Ch. 11. B Cell Generation, Activation, and
1Ch. 11. B Cell Generation, Activation, and
Differentiation B cells develop in the bone
marrow B cells undergo Ag-induced activation and
differentiation in the periphery Activated B
cells give rise to Ab-secreting plasma cells
and memory cells
2p. 273
3p. 272
4Stages of B cell maturation are distinguished by
cell-surface markers
5p. 274
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7p. 276
8Why do only approx. 10 of B cells leave
the bone marrow? Negative selection of cells
that express Abs against self-antigens Cross-
linking of mIgM by self Ag may lead to cell
death or anergy Two kinds of Ags T-independent
(a few) dont need T cell help T-dependent (a
lot) need T cell help
9p. 279
10p. 279
11B cell activation stimulates much
signal transduction Process has many parallels
to T cell activation
12p. 280
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15p. 282
16p. 283
17Initial exposure to antigen mIg has low
affinity Co-receptor may help with signaling
18p. 285
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20p. 286
21p. 289
22p. 290
23Where is the humoral response actually
induced? Lymphoid tissues concentrate
antigens Spleen from blood Lymph nodes - from
tissues Lots of APCs in lymph nodes dendritic
cells, macrophages
24p. 292
25p. 294
26p. 296
27Generation of plasma cells Little membrane Ig
RNA processing supports secreted Ig Heavy and
light chain genes are transcribed at a higher
rate than in other cells Memory cells are
selected from a similar population of
high-affinity cells
28p. 297
29Immune system may be nonresponsive (tolerant)
of antigen Antigen-mediated dosage competing
antigen previous exposure to one antigen may
suppress response to another Antibody-mediated p
reformed antibody can interfere
with immunization (by competing for
antigen?) Maternal Ab may interfere with
30p. 298
31Summary of B cell maturation Antigen-independent
in bone marrow, antigen- dependent in
periphery TH cells are required for B cell
activation Affinity maturation, class switching
and formation of plasma and memory cells occur
in germinal centers Protective mechanisms such
as clonal anergy may prevent the formation of
self-reactive cells