Title: Language and culture 1
1Language and culture (1)
Final report of term
2Working arrangement in our team
- ??? (Head of team)- Charge with assembling and
contact with members - ???-Search and collect information
- ???-Making Powerpoint and tape
- ???-assistant Collecting information
- ???-Arrange information
- ???-General services
3- Does the language we speak
- shape our thoughts?
??? 89110648 ??? 90110258 ??? 89110143 ???
93110122 ??? 89210069 ??? 91110984
June 26th 29th 2005
4Language of thought theories fall primarily into
two views.
- The first view sees the language of thought as
an innate language, which is hypothesized to
operate at a level below conscious awareness
while at the same time operating at a higher
level than the neural events in the brain.
5Language of thought theories fall primarily into
two views.
- The second view supposes that the language of
thought is not innate.
6The language is innate theory - languages
determine the thoughts
- Steven Pinker-thinking must be done in
mentalese. http//www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/harnad/Pape
rs/Py104/pinker.langacq.html - Sapir
- Benjanin Whorf http//venus.va.com.au/suggestion/
7The language isnt innate theory -
- Jerry Fodor-
- The language of thought hypothesis claims
- That when a person has a thought such as
- the thought grass is green', the content of
- that thought is represented in that person's
- mind by a sentence.
8The language isnt innate theory -
- Jerry Fodor-
- One thing is certain -- the brain
- must contain, or at least instantiate
- a symbol system.
- http//www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/philo/courses/represe
9The language isnt innate theory -
- Piaget http//www.coursework.info/i/24401.html
- Chomosky
10Our goal is to defend the second view-That
language isnt innate and cant shape our
11The reasons-
- First, the theory of human thinking requires a
language of thought has some problems. - Second stage of the project will focus on
evidence to support the claim that natural
language is the language of thought.
12The problem with Mentalese
- They cannot be discovered through introspection
because mentalese is a 'behind the scenes'
language of thought. So, we cannot look for
mentalese through introspection.
13To prove language cant shape our thoughts
- Helen Keller, who could neither hear not speak.
- Aphasia patients
14To prove language cant shape our thoughts
- The Computer, which was so named by a human.
- Infants and non-human animals, when they need
by crying and deeds.
- Rene Descartes
- I think, therefore I am.
- William Shakespeare
- Whats in a name? That which we call
- a rose by any other name would smell as
16Reference documents
- Revealing the Language of Thought (An e-book) by
Brent Silby - http//www.geocities.com/brent_silby/RevealLan
17The reflection of each member in our team
- ??? 89110648 http//www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/
2004/07.22/21-think.html - ??? 90110258
- ??? 89110143 http//plato.stanford.edu/entries/la
18The reflection of each member in our team
- ??? 93110122
- http//www.lsadc.org/fields/index.php?aaa
lang_thought.htm - ??? 89210069
- ??? 91110984 http//movie.kingnet.com.tw/channelk
19The End
- Thank you for your time to view.