Title: Interconnecting CITRIS and the Physical World
1Interconnecting CITRIS and the Physical World
- David Culler
- Computer Science Division
- U.C. Berkeley
- www.cs.berkeley.edu/culler
- Intel Research
- Berkeley
2Breakthough Technology and Applns
3Bridging the Technology-Application Gap
- Power-aware, communication-centric node
architecture - Tiny Operating System for Range of
Highly-Constrained Application-specific
environments - Network Architecture for vast, self-organized
collections - Programming Environments for aggregate
applications in a noisy world - Distributed Middleware Services (time, trigger,
routing, allocation) - Techniques for Fine-grain distributed control
- Demonstration Applications
4Critical issues
- Highly constrained devices
- power, storage, bandwidth, energy, visibility
- primitive I/O hierarchy
- Observation and action inherently distributed
- many small nodes coordinate and cooperate on
overall task - The structure of the SYSTEM changes
- Devices ARE the infrastructure
- ad hoc, self-organized network of sensors
- Highly dynamic
- passive vigilance most of the time
- concurrency-intensive bursts
- highly correlated behavior
- variation in connectivity over time
- failure is common
5The de facto platform for EmNets
- Developed a series of wireless sensor devices
- TinyOS concurrency framework
- Messaging Model
- Networking stacks (RF and Serial)
- Multihop routing
- Key components
- sensing, logging, data filters, broadcast
- Simulation tools
- Database Support
6Application Graph of Components
Route map
sensor appln
Active Messages
Radio Packet
Serial Packet
Example ad hoc, multi-hop routing of photo
sensor readings
Radio byte
3450 B code 226 B data
Graph of cooperating state machines on shared
7Many Research Groups using it
- SensorWeb
- Blackout
- Glaser structures
- Rutgers winlab
- Intel
- Bosch
- Crossbow
- U Wash
- Rutgers
- U Virginia, Notre Dame
- Ohio State, Wash. Univ.
- Dartmouth
- UT Austin, ASU, Iowa
- Accenture
- Honeywell
- and many more (100)
8DARPA NEST Open Experimental Platform
- 1,000 Micas Delivered to NEST Feb 02
- 500 to UCB (Nest, Millennium), 250 to Intel
- Crossbow continues to manufacture
- new radio
- new microcontroller
- 14 Demos in July
9The MICA architecture
- Atmel ATMEGA103
- 4 Mhz 8-bit CPU
- 128KB Instruction Memory
- 4 Mbit flash (AT45DB041B)
- SPI interface
- 1-4 uj/bit r/w
- RFM TR1000 radio
- 50 kb/s ASK
- Focused hardware acceleration
- Network programming
- Rich Expansion connector
- i2c, SPI, GIO, 1-wire
- Analog compare interrupts
- TinyOS tool chain
- sub microsecond RF synchronization primitive
- 10 mW active, 40 uW passive
51-Pin I/O Expansion Connector
8 Analog I/O
8 Programming Lines
Digital I/O
Atmega103 Microcontroller
DS2401 Unique ID
Transmission Power Control
Hardware Accelerators
TR 1000 Radio Transceiver
4Mbit External Flash
Power Regulation MAX1678 (3V)
2xAA form factor
10Rich Sensor board
Environment Ranging Detection Movement
1.25 in
Temperature Sensor
Light Sensor
2.25 in
11Discrete event simulation for large sensor
- Re-implemensts hardware abstractions
- Individual rf modulation events, sensor events,
clock events - existing applications work
- Exploits TinyOS event driven structure
- host emulation down to HW abstraction
- redefine TOS macros and scheduler
- Allows debugging of distributed algorithms
- up to 1000s motes
- 100 in real time
- Variety of network models
12Controlled Test Bench
- Well-defined position
- Parallel access to nodes
- Integrated with MatLab
in situ programming Localization (RF,
TOF) Distributed Algorithms Distributed
Control Auto Calibration !!!!
13Tokachi Port, Hokkaido - Liquifaction
Virtual data logger High Confidence in Passive
state Dense Distributed Data Analysis Reclamation
Rapid, cheap, installation of vertical array
14Getting Ready for the great Outdoors
15in situ habitat monitoring
Packaging Sensor Suite Longevity Power
Management Predictability Long-term Data
Analysis Remote Management delay-tolerant
network energy-based exp. design
Alan Mainwaring _at_ Intel Research
16with UCLA CENS
17Energy Monitoring/Mgmt Kits
Interactive Streaming Data Access Ubicomp /
HCI Networking Management Privacy / Security
- Cory Hall last summer
- Intel Smart Lab
- Cory Environment and asset tracking
- Etch. Smart-Alarm
18Distributed Query Processing over Low-Power
Sensor Network
- Focus Hierarchical Aggregation
- TinyDB Software On Motes
Hellerstein, Hong, Madden
19Intel Demonstrating the Technology
- Intel Research Impact
- Intel Sales and Marketing (Jan 2002)
- Intel Developers Forum (Feb 2002)
- 100 nodes in audience of 2000
- Network Discovery
- Power-aware routing
- In-Network aggregation
- Silly voting demo
Network in Marconi Center
20Meeting Social Network
21Smart Fire Helmet
Dick White
- CO sensor interfaced to MICA
- Intended to provide chemical sensing in helmet
22Cots Bots and nanobots (Pister)
- Fleet of 50 Low-cost Robots
- toy chassis mote stack
- Motor-Servo board interfaces any combination of
two motors, servos, and solenoids to a toy car
platform - whisker board for obstacle detection
- digital accelerometer (ADXL202) board for crude
odometry - Rene gt Mica
23Self-propagating Programs?
- TinyOS components support class of applns.
- Tiny virtual machine adds layer of interpretation
for specific coordination - Primitives for sensing and communication
- Small capsules (24 bytes)
- Propagate themselves through network
24NEST Challenge Appln
- level field (400-2500 m2) with 5-15 tree-like
obstacles - Pursuers team
- 400-1000 nodes
- 3-5 ground pursuers,
- 1-2 aerial pursuers
- Evaders team
- 1-3 ground evaders
- Self organization of motes
- Localization of evaders
- Evaders position and velocity estimation by
sensor network - Communication of sensors estimates to ground
pursuers - Design of a pursuit strategy
- Minimize capture time and energy
- accuracy of localization synch
- stability of network and dist. alg
25Strategy Planner
Map Builder
Vehicle coordination layer
Pursuers communication infrastructure
Tactical Planner Regulation
Vehicle-level sensor fusion
Control Signals to pursuer
Single vehicle estimation and control layer
Nest Sensorweb
Sensorial Information
Physical Platform
26Wealth of Research Challenges
- Large numbers of highly constrained (energy
capability), connected devices - able to be casually deployed in infrastructure
(existing or in design) - imperfect operation and reliability
- operating in aggregate
- New family of issues across all the layers
- Several viable testbeds and study applications
prog / data model
mgmt / diag / debug
algorithm / theory
27The Nodes are the Infrastucture
- Simple Epidemic Algorithm Schema
- if (new mcast) then
- take local action
- retransmit modified request
- Examples Network wakeup, command propagation
- Build spanning tree
- record parent
- Naturally adapts to available connectivity
- Minimal state and protocol overhead
- gt surprising complexity in this simple mechanism
28Network Discovery
29Example epidemic tree formation
30Understanding Connectivity
- 16 transmit power settings
- For each transmit power setting, each node
transmits 20 packets. - Receivers log successfully received packets.
- Nodes transmit one after the other in a
token-ring fashion - No collisions.
- Define range radius where 75 of enclosed
nodes receive 75 of packets - Often good nodes at a distance
probability of reception from center node vs xmit
31A First Generation PicoNode
- Flexible platform for experimentation on
networking and protocol strategies - Size 3x4x2
- Power dissipation lt 1 W (peak)
- Multiple radio modules Bluetooth, Proxim,
- Collection of sensor and monitor cards
Building sensor (light, sound, Temp, humidity)
Connectors for sensor boards
32BWRCs First Sub-Milliwatt Node
2 chip-set (overall silicon area 5mm2) In fab
by mid-fall
256 DATA
2 mm
33TinyOS on a chip
- TinyOS network stack in silicon
- synthesized from VHDL via BSAC National bus
- MICA on a chip
- open AVR core
- TinyOS stack
- 32 KB of memory
- 5 MM2
- Taped out May 20
- Due in July
- Contains Pister/Warneke ADC
34Practical Means of Energy Scavenging
Piezoelectric bi-morphs
90 mW/cm3
10-1500 mW/cm2
Capacitive converter using MEMS micro-vibrator
30 mW/cm3 (on microwave oven)
K. Pister (UCB)
Shad Roundy (IML,UCB)
35Energy-Conscious Networking
Simulated Energy Dissipationin Sensor Networks
Power Consumption
Source R. Shah (UCB)
36Areas for Help
- Quality sensor subsystem design is surprisingly
hard - digital sensors, where art thou?
- so many interfaces
- calibration
- Application studies are more demanding than
anyone allocates - planning
- manpower
- programming, programming, programming
- maintenance
- adapter to thing X
- mechanical engineering
- Platform needs to spin off non-research support
37Where to go for more?
- http//www.tinyos.net/tos/
- Jason Hill, Robert Szewczyk, Alec Woo, Seth
Hollar, David Culler, Kristofer Pister. System
architecture directions for network sensors.
ASPLOS 2000. - David E. Culler, Jason Hill, Philip Buonadonna,
Robert Szewczyk, and Alec Woo. A Network-Centric
Approach to Embedded Software for Tiny Devices.
EMSOFT 2001.