Title: Solubility Equilibria and carbonate in solution
1Solubility Equilibria (and carbonate in solution)
- Sparks Chapter 4 pp.128 to 131 Essington
Chapter 6 up to 6.5.2 skip 6.2.1 and 6.3.2 and
equations 6.10 to 6.16 - Additional Lindsay Chapter 6 and 12.1 - 12.5
- The maximum concentrations of many inorganic
elements in soil solutions is controlled by the
solubility of minerals or poorly ordered
inorganic phases. - Rate of dissolution and precipitation may be
important in some cases but we will not consider
this. - Weathering of minerals and soil formation.
- Mobility and availability of plant nutrients
- E.g. Fe(III), Mn(IV), PO4, and Ca (in high pH
soils) - Mobility of some pollutant elements
- E.g. Pb, As, and Cr(III).
3- Dissolution and precipitations of carbonates
buffer pH in high pH soils. - Calcite is significant in many soils
4Solubility of Inorganic Solids
- At equilibrium the solubility product, Kso.
- CaSO42H2Os Ca2 aq SO42-aq 2H2Ol
- or
- Kso Ksp (Ca2)(SO42-)
- log Kso -4.62
- Kso 10-4.62
- Note this is written like a dissociation
5In class exercise.
- Estimate the SO42- in equilibrium with gypsum
if Ca2 0.1M - In fact, formation of a CaSO40 complex in
solution increases solubility
- Kso (Ca2)(SO42-)
- Kso 10-4.62
- 10-4.62 (10-1)(SO42-)
- (SO42-) 10-3.62
- (SO42-) 2.4 x10-4 M
8Solubility of oxides and hydroxides is pH
- Gibbsite
- log K
- Al(OH)3 Al3 3OH- -34.0
- 3(H OH- H2O) 3 (14.0)
- --------------------------------------------------
----- - Al(OH)3 3H Al3 3 H2O 8.0
- (NOTE crystallinity is a factor in solubility.
Poorly ordered (microcrystalline) gibbsite has a
log K for dissolution in acid of 9.3. Amorphous
Al(OH)3 has a log K greater than 10.
9- The solubility equation is
- By taking the log, the dependence (Al3) on pH
seen. - log K 3pH log (Al3)
- log (Al3) log K - 3pH
- log K 8.0
10In class exercise.
- Calculate (Al3) in pH 4 and pH 5 solutions.
- In fact, formation of hydrolysis complexes in
solution increases solubility
- log (Al3) log K - 3pH
- log K 8.0
- At pH 4.0
- log (Al3) 8.0 - 3(4)
- log (Al3) -4.0
- (Al3) 1 x 10-4
- At pH 5.0
- log (Al3) 8.0 - 3(5)
- log (Al3) -7.0
- (Al3) 1 x 10-7
12Important oxides and hydroxides
- Al
- Gibbsite and poorly ordered Al(OH)3
- Important for acid soil toxicity for plant growth
- Fe(III)
- Hematite
- Magnetite
- Goethite
- Ferrihydrite
- Soil Fe(OH)3
13Ion activity product and over and under saturation
- Ion activity product (IAP)
- E.g. gypsum
- CaSO42H2O Ca2 SO42- 2H20
- IAP (Ca2)(SO42-)
- IAP is the measured value whether or not
equilibrium exists - At equilibrium IAP KS0
14Evaluation of disequilibrium
- Saturation Index
- CaSO42H2O
15Supersaturation or Undersaturation
- Supersaturation
- S.I. gt O, precipitation can occur
- Equilibrium
- S.I. O
- Undersaturation
- S.I. lt O, dissolution can occur
16Gibbsite Formation and Dissolution
- For gibbsite
- log K
- Al(OH)3 Al3 3OH- -34.0
- 3H OH- H2O -3-14
- Al(OH)3 3H Al3 3H2O 8.0
18Gibbsite Formation and Dissolution
19In Class Exercise
- If pH 4.0 and (Al3 ) 10-3 what is SI with
respect to gibbsite?
21Plot Al3 vs. pH at equilibrium
- log K 3pH log (Al3)
- If log K 8.0
- log (Al3) 8 - 3pH
22Influence of pH Al3 in solution (see also the
hydrolysis species, McBride Fig 5.3)
23Soil Fe(OH)3 solubility (Lindsay Fig. 10.3)
24Mulitistep hydrolysis of metal cations e.g. Al3
- Al3 H2O AlOH2 H - 5.0
- AlOH2 H2O Al(OH)2 H - 4.9
- Al(OH)2 H2O Al(OH)3o H - 5.7
- Al(OH)3o H2O Al(OH)4- H - 7.4
- These are different than used by some text books
25Combine solubility equation with hydrolysis
- Al(OH)3(gibbsite) 3H Al3 3H2O 8.0
- Al3 H2O AlOH2 H -
5.0 - _________________________________________________
- Al(OH)3(gibbsite) 2H Al(OH)2 2 H2O
3.0 - log K log (Al(OH)2) 2pH
- log (Al(OH)2) log K - 2pH
26Al(OH)3 solubility
27Process of precipitation of new phases
- With sufficient supersaturation, nuclei of a new
phase can form. - If sufficiently oversaturated precipitation can
go forward. - The greater the over saturation, the faster the
28Carbonate Chemistry
- Carbonates are important in the chemistry of most
high pH soils - Bicarbonate is a major anion in soil solution
29Equilibrium Solubility for the Carbonates of 2
- This involves solid--solution--gas phase
equilibria. - Equilibrium is generally considered to be quite
rapid relative to the alumino-silicates and
hydrous oxides but slower than for gypsum and
other evaporite minerals.
30Crystalline forms
- Calcite CaCO3
- Aragonite CaCO3
- A biogenic form slightly more soluble than
calcite - Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
- Forms very slowly in geological sediments
- Magnesite MgCO3
- More soluble than calcite
- Siderite FeCO3
- flooded soils
- Rhodochrosite MnCO3
- flooded soils - solid solution with siderite
31Carbonate species in water
- CO2 in water CO2 H2O H2CO3 (aq)
- Is a function of the partial pressure of CO2
(Pco2) only. It is independent of pH.
32Carbonate species in water (cont.)
- In ambient air, CO2 is 0.00038 atm or 0.038, or
380 ppm by volume. - Soil Pco2 is elevated due to respiration by roots
and microbes. - 0.003 to 0.2 atm
- Highest in flooded soils.
- The rate of movement of CO2 (or any gas) through
water is about 0.00001x that in the air. - When soils very wet gas exchange with the
ambient air is slow
33CO2 in corn field soil Rosemount MN in July
(D.Chen et al., 2005)
34CO2 data for a whole season plotted with
rainfall, 2006
35Calculation of H2CO3
- CO2 H2O H2CO3 log K -1.46
- log (H2CO3) -1.46 log (Pco2)
- If Pco2 .0003 atm then
- log (H2CO3) - 5.0
- (increases linearly with Pco2)
36Basic Equations
- log K
- 1. H2O CO2 H2CO3 - 1.46
- 2. H2CO3 H HCO3- - 6.35
- 3. HCO3- H CO32- -10.33
- 4. H2O CO2 H HCO3- - 7.81
- (equation 1 and 2)
- 5. H2O CO2 2H CO32- -18.14 (equations
1,2, and 3) - 6. H2O H OH- -14.00 (Kw)
- 7. CaCO3 Ca2 CO32- - 8.48 to -8.35
37Equilibrium Equations (cont.)
- These equations can be used to express species in
terms of other species e.g. H2CO3 and CO32- can
be expressed in terms of HCO3- and H. - In soils and natural waters with pH 5.5 - 9.5,
HCO3- is a very important anion. - In low pH soils, organic anions and SO42- become
relatively more important. - CO32- is important only in very alkaline soils.
38Activity of dissolved inorganic C species at log
PCO2 -3.5 and -2.0 (McBride Fig 8.2)
39Effect of pH and PCO2 on HCO3- and CO32-
- From equations 1 2 we get equation
- H2O CO2 H HCO3- log K -7.81
- log (HCO3-) pH log Pco2 - 7.81
40Effect of pH and PCO2 on HCO3- and CO32-
- On a log (HCO3-) vs. pH plot the slope 1
- From equations 1, 2, and 3 we get equation 5 (see
McBride Fig. 8.2) - H2O CO2 2H CO32- log K -18.14
- From the equilibrium constant expressions
- log (CO32-) 2pH log Pco2 - 18.14
- On a log (CO32-) vs.. pH plot the slope 2
41Effect of pH and PCO2 on HCO3- and CO32-
- Example pH 7.0, Pco2 0.0050 atm
- log (HCO3-) 7.0 - 2.3 - 7.81
- log (HCO3-) -3.1
- A significant anion
- log (CO32-) 2(7.0) - 2.3 - 18.14
- Log (CO32-) -6.44
42Review of Basic Equations
- log K
- 1. H2O CO2 H2CO3 - 1.46
- 2. H2CO3 H HCO3- - 6.35
- 3. HCO3- H CO32- -10.33
- 4. H2O CO2 H HCO3- - 7.81
- (equation 1 and 2)
- 5. H2O CO2 2H CO32- -18.14 (equations
1,2, and 3) - 6. H2O H OH- -14.00 (Kw)
- 7. CaCO3 Ca2 CO32- - 8.48 to -8.35
43Dissolution of Calcite
- Combining eqn. 7 with eqn. 5.
- CaCO3 2H H2O CO2 Ca2 log K 9.66
(11) - Assume Kso -8.48
- Write the equilibrium constant then take the log
of both sides. - 9.66 log Pco2 log Ca2 2 pH (12)
- log Ca2 9.66 - log Pco2 - 2pH
- Fixed Ca2
- e.g. Fix(Ca2) at 0.010 M, Pco2 10-3.5
- pH 7.6
SULFIDES (McBride Table 4.4)
45Extraction of precipitated trace metal ions
- For metal ions that might be controlled by
precipitated phases what extraction might you use
to judge toxicity, mobility risk and, and or
plant availability ?
46Pure or Mixed Phases
- Pure solids are possible but isomorphic
substitution is common - Examples
- Al3(0-20) in goethite (FeOOH)
- Mg2 (0-10) in calcite (CaCO3)
- Minor elements
- More likely than not to be controlled by
isomorphic substitution
47Pure or Mixed Phases (Continued)
- Examples
- Cr3 in Fe(OH)3
- Cd2 in CaCO3
- Fe2 and Mn2 carbonates form in flooded soils.
These ions have similar radii and form mixed
carbonates. - Sulfides
- Hg2, Cd 2, Pb2, Fe2, Zn2 can form mixed
phase sulfides in flooded soils. - Phosphates
- Cd2 substitutes in calcium phosphates.
48Coprecipitation of Trace Elements
- Sometimes very difficult to distinguish from
surface adsorption - Example CdCO3 in CaCO3
- CdCO3 has a calcite structure, similar radius.
- In soils calcite surface sorption and/or
incorporation in the calcite structure controls
Cd2 activity.
49- Cd2 (and Pb2) are found in Ca-phosphates
- Mn(IV) oxides trap many ions including Cd2
50Phosphorus and solubility equilibrium plots
51Phosphate Precipitation in Acid Soils (competes
with surface sorption, discussed later)
- Assume Al3 is controlled by Al(OH), and
phosphate is controlled by variscite
(AlPO42H2O) log K - Al3 3H2O Al(OH)3 3H
-(8.0) - AlPO42H2O Al3 H2PO4- 2 OH-
-30.50 - 2(OH- H H2O)
-2(-14) -
- AlPO42H2O H2O Al(OH)3 H H2PO4- -10.5
- However, Al3 in acid surface soils can be
influenced by SOM. Might be undersaturated with
respect to A1(OH)3 The above argument works best
for subsoils.
52- K 10-10.5 (H)(H2PO4-)
- Log K -10.5 log (H) log (H2PO4-)
- -pH log (H2PO4)
- log (H2PO4-) pH -10.5
- Similarly for FePO4-H2O (strengite)
53Possible Phosphate Precipitation
- Soils at higher pH high in Ca2
- Ca2 phosphates can form
- CaHPO4 2H2O dical (brushite or monetite)
- Ca8H2(PO4)6 5H2O octacal
- Ca5OH(PO4)3 hydroxyapatite
- Ca5F(PO4)3 fluoroapatite
- Phosphate minerals lower on the list are less
soluble and form very slowly especially in the
presence of organic matter.
- Ca5OH(PO4)3 7H 5Ca2 3H2PO4- H2O Log K
14.46 - Log K (Ca2)5(H2PO4-)3/(H)7
- Log K 5log(Ca2) 3log(H2PO4-) 7pH
- If (Ca2) 0.005M, log(Ca2) -2.5
- 3log(H2PO4-) 14.46 12.5 - 7pH
- log(H2PO4-) 9.0 - 7/3pH
55Solubility of P phases (Lindsay Fig. 12.8)
56In class activity
- What extractants might be reasonable for
correlation with bioavailability of soil P?
57Short Summary
- Adsorption and precipitation can take place
simultaneously. - Adsorption next section.
- Precipitation equilibrium can control the
concentration of many important metals and some
important anions like arsenate and phosphate - Use Kso to predict solubility equilibrium
- Precipitation can occur when the
- S.I gt 0.
- Solubility equilibrium plots can be useful.
- Precipitation is complicated by formation of
mixed solids.
58- P Precipitation occurs in several forms
- Precipitation and dissolution are generally
slower than adsorption and desorption.