Title: The women of Hinseberg
1The women of Hinseberg
- The prison culture as hindrance för seeking drug
treatment programmes
2The study
- Hinseberg closed prison for women
- Survey to 60 women
- Interviews with 50 women
- 6 women were interviewed several times under 2
years - Observations for 3 days
- Interviews with 6 staff memebers
3The Prison Culture
- A social system with symbols, norms values,
interactions and perceptions of reality that
influence both the inmates and the staffs every
day life - Cultures gives meanings and rules for social
4Previous prison sentence
- Never 34 57
- 1-3 times 12 20
- 4-6 times 6 10
- 7-10 times 1 2
- More than 10 times 7 11
5Natural and formal rituals
- Natural spontanous acitivities
- Formal - stereotypical activities
- Both natural and formal rituals can fail
- More often formel rituals fails power,
coerscion, super ordinate and sub ordintae
- Two or more persons in physical nearness.
- The persons are attentive on the same action or
object - Common experiences of emotions
7Social effects of the ritual
- Group solidarity, feelings of fellowship
- Emotional energy, security, strength initiative
- Feeling of morality and the correctness of being
in the group
8Intake ritual - loss of roles, feelings of shame
- I am convicted for drug offence. When I arrived
to Hinseberg I had to undress, go to the toilet,
sit down spread my legs and urinate while two
female staff watched. Then I got the prison
clothes. All the time there was no consideration
for my feelings. I felt like coming to hell. I
remember my steps up to the introduction wing. I
had a box with all my stuff and it was quite
heavy. The staff did not help me carrying and
they did not say a word. I asked how the
atmosphere was at the ward and they answered not
so good just now they got flees up there
9Formal ritual
- Creates often positive energy within the order
giver - Creates often negative emotional energy within
the order taker ( felling of insult, exposed to
use of power) - No common focus in the ritual
- The ritual create feelings of super ordinate and
subordinate stratification - The ritual might create feelings of shame,
humiliation, loss of roles feeling of powerless
within the subordinate
10We ( the inmates) and they (the staff
- Inmates have to adjust to informal codes and
rules (conflict orientated towards staff) - There are expectations from other inmates on the
newcomer in how to relate to staff (spectators
who have specific role expectations on the
newcomers) - Do not talk too long with staff
- Do not become to close to staff
- Do not construct trustful relations to staff
11Behavior and expectations in relation to other
- Do not trust anyone
- To not say anything that can be used against you
- Do not show weakness
- Less experienced inmates are rapidly socialized
into the argot ( subcult language) - You have to know the argot in order to ascribe
daily events meaning and significance - Build barriers towards staff
- Communicate so staff cannot understand
13Status (cultural capital)
- The majority of the women answers that there are
differences in status - Related to type of crime, relations to men in
gangs, previous prison sentences - Women (Queens) with high status rules the wards
14Rituals effect, feelings of fellowship
- Evening ritual hugging before doors closed at
night - Training
- Drug use
15Drug use
- Some 50 use illicit drugs
16Resistance against treatment
- Rules that you should not seek treatment
- Treatment program are called Shite department
(in prison for men the treatment program often is
called the diaper/nappy) - Only snitches that seek treatment
- If the queens seek treatment legitimate even
for others
17Staff view on treatment ( treatment oriented
- There are prison officers that say this will
never work, she will be back sooner or later - Several of the staff that have worked here for
many years have a more cyncial attitude. They
have seen people come back several times - There are prison officers that think the
rehabilitation programmes is wasted time
18Quotations from women in treament program
- The women in the wings often say that the
treament wing is a shite wing, only snitches seek
treatment - I had to lie and say that I went into treament
for the sake of my children - Nobody in the wing wanted me to seek treament.
19Oppressive culture
- More that 50 are drug users
- Many suffer from feelings of shame, depressions
etc - Many have needs of talking to staff and want to
seek treatment, but cannot because of the inmate
culture and fear of sanctions - Role conflicts and ambivalence
- Staff that are treatment directed and interested
- Staff that represent the old prison mentality
- Inexperienced staff are socialized into certain
values,- not to trust inmates and not to be too
close to inmates - Treatment directed staff or new staff could
experience role conflicts - Role conflict contact person correctional
off duties - Do not show weakness in front of inmates
21Staff - language
- Are using the argot of the subculture
- Purpose is that it becomes easier to relate to
inmates, easier to communicate, play on the same
field - The women find it ridiculous
- Problem counterproductive. Preserve the prison
22Staff - rituals
- Intake ritual
- Visitation ritual
- Staff/group meetings
23The dominating prison cultures
Inmate culture Hierarchy status Rituals
feelings of fellowship Informal codes Do not
talk too long to staff Do not become to close to
staff Do not trust anybody Do not show
weakness Gards Queens, experienced
prisoners Role conflicts
Staff culture Hierarchy status Rituals
feelings of fellowship Informal codes Do not
talk too long too inmates Do not become to close
to the inmates Do not trust the inmates Do not
show weakness Gards Staff that preserve the old
prison mentality Role conflicts
System of interpretation Affect how we relate to
the other
The social representation of the other is
approperiate fits in with the officers work
tasks and the inmates social life and every day
work and relations to staff
Creates social representation of the other
Creates social representation of the other
24Women in treatment view on staff running program
(social representations)
- Here we get relations to the staff. We cook
togehter and eat with the staff. We do not call
them plit. - Here the staff listen to us
- We have relations to the staff here but at the
same time they have the keys, they lock us in,
and they take urin samples. It is very dubbel in
some way. - Here we are met with respect.
25The womens view on their relations to the other
women in the programme
- Here we do not need to play a role, we can be the
ones we are. - Here you can be the one you actually are
26Research objectives needed in Sweden concerning
women in prison
- Evaluation of treatment programs and
implementation of the programs - More research on staff culture security staff,
staff in treatment programs, staff that work in
the wings, management/leadership - Differences between female and male
staff,emotional labour, relations to collegues,
inmates, etc - The womens health situation when entering the
prison and by the time of release - The inmate culture in different wings like
treatment programs, normal wings