Title: High Speed, High Precision Photometry with Orthogonal Transfer CCDs
1- High Speed, High Precision Photometry with
Orthogonal Transfer CCDs
2OPTIC Camera
Guide Regions
- OPTIC is the prototype OTCCD camera
- OPTIC contains two CCDs (2K x 4K)
- OPTIC uses a standard SDSU controller w/ modified
software - Readout is via 4 video channels
- 4e readnoise 0.15/pix
Used Guide Region
3Conventional Mode
- Photometric Time-Series Observations with OPTIC
in conventional mode - AO on provided improved seeing
- OPTIC performs as good or better than typical
CCDs - Reached 1 mmag precision
4Moving Object Tracking
Asteroid FC5 2003. V17, Both are 200 sec
S/N 6 times higher
5High Speed (Video) Mode
- Guide regions used for high speed (video) readout
- Rates up to 100 Hz supported
- Underlying bias not flat, but manageable
- New! - different integration times allowed
Guide regions FITS image
6U Gem
1 Second, R-Band light curve. R15 mag. 43,000e
/ image
7U Gem
Detail View of Eclipse. 1 sigma 0.01 mag.
8Sco X-1 - LMXB
Orbital per 18.9hr, V 14.1, ?t400 msec
9Sco X-1 - LMXB
400 msec exposures, 1 sigma0.005 mag
Science exp end
Periodic? dip
10HD209458 Transit
OPTIC _at_ WIYN, R Band, 60 sec averages, 1
11PSF Shaping
- Theory - best shape is a top hat
- PSF Shaped 30 X 30 (4) pixel boxes
- 180 sec I exposures
- White Squares are charge traps
Variable Star - VVPup
12PSF Shaping
Mesa Shaped PSF with steep walls
13PSF Shaped Time-Series Photometry
New variable
VV Pup
I-Band time-series reaching 660 micro-mag
14The Next Step ?
A 100 sec exposure of a V8 star with the UH
2.2-m Telescope Photometric precision per
integration is near 4e-5 (Note An Earth transit
of a G star is 1e-5)
200 x 200 pixel box
False color image of star