Title: Class Reunion
1English for Science Technology
Class Reunion 1986 2006 14121,14122,14123
August 4, 2006, Shanghai
2We started from here
3Where we study
4Where we play
5Where we enjoy
6Where we breath
7And where we love
8Class 14121 with Lao Xu and Da Xu
9Class 8614 with Prof Yang, Wu, Song
10One day when we were young
11Mrs Kimos also smiles
12A friendship we respect, the knowledge we admire
13Not just a letter from Beth
14Our seating, our score from Beth
15I remember more than your names
16He still plays today
18A poet wrote below
19A calligrapher also wrote
20But he is the real calligrapher
21And she is the real poet
22The poet and the calligrapher chose where to meet
23Guitar, wine, singing, laughing
24Smoking, drinking, what else ?
25I am always hungry
28The young man learned smoking from us
30What between me and a great leader
31What a band
32And finally