Title: Linking Session Monday SAGA, Microsoft HPC
1Linking Session MondaySAGA, Microsoft HPC
desktop grids
14 July 2008
- Driving the agenda for Grid APIs standards
- How do you program applications that exploit
Grids well? - MS HPC
- Sponsors
- Healthy sign of industrial interest in e-Science
- Previously niche businesses
- Oracle
- Matlab
- Cadence
- Driving standards for OGSA
- Desktop Grids
- Exploiting free cycles
- Altruistic computing
3Overview of Summer School
Done But the past isnt a foreign country!
4Overview of Summer School week 2
A way of thinking about Grid programming Making
your work gofurther
5Overview of Summer School week 2
You use MS HPC forthe integratingpractical
A way of running yourprogrammesFocus on real
6Ensemble run scenario with metadata
Computing resources any type any where
Everything asbefore, plususe andgeneratemetada
ta aseach job runs
Runs organised using metadata and jobs generate
metadata helps manage 1000s of files
- Day organisers
- Shantenu Jha
- Steve Newhouse
- Speakers
- Shantenu Jha
- Steve Newhouse
- David Wallom
- Peter Kacsuk