Title: p53 guardian or the genome
1p53 - guardian or the genome
- product of a tumour supressor gene
- the most frequently mutated gene in human cancers
- 393 aa with 4-5 functional domains
- biological role as watch dog - vaktbikkje
- Guardian of the genome - stops the cell cycle
upon DNA-damage - Signalling pathway DNA-damage ? enhanced p53 ?
activation of CDKI p21 ? G1 arrest ? activation
of GADD45 ? stimulated DNA-repair - Guardian of the tissue - facilitates apoptosis if
necessary - Signalling pathway DNA-damage ? enhanced p53 ?
3p53 mutations
4p53 - protein domains
5p53 domains
C-terminal allosteric domain
65 distinct domains in p531. TAD
- TAD N-terminal aa1-42
- aa 13-23 conserved between species
- F19, L22 and W23 necessary for transactivation in
vivo - F19, L22 and W23 involved in binding to TAFII70
and TAFII31 - TAD negatively regulated through interaction with
the MDM2 factor or the E1B-55Kd protein - Structure of the MDM2 N-terminal domain 13-29
peptid from p53 - MDM2 deep hydrophobic pocket
- p53 peptide amphipatic helix fitting in the
pocket - F19, L22 and W23 involved in binding
7Mdm2 - p53
8p53 domains
C-terminal allosteric domain
95 distinct domains in p532. Pro-rich domain
- Et Pro-rich region between TAD and DBD
- PxxP present 5 locations in the region 61-94
- deletion of P- rich region ? reduced
apoptosis-response and reduced cell cycle arrest,
but normal transcriptional response - contains residues that become phosphorylated upon
apoptotic response (HIPK2 phosphorylation of S46)
10p53 domains
C-terminal allosteric domain
11p53 DBD
2 ?-helical loops that contact DNA Zn
structuring CHCC-Zn Two large loops (L2
and L3) involved in minor groove contact
Scaffold ?-sandwich (two antiparalel ?-sheets)
125 distinct domains in p533. DBD
- DBD centrally located aa102-292 folded into a
loop-sheet-helix motif (LSH) - protease-resistent, independent, Zn-containing
domain CHCC-Zn - scaffold 4- and 5-thread antiparallel ?-sheet
structure - 2 protruding ?-helical loops contacting DNA
directly - Specific base contact in major groove (K120,
C277, R280) - Two large loops (L2 L3) involved in minor
groove contact (contact involve R248) - Several H-bond contacts with sugar-phosphate-chain
(R273) - Two types of hotspot-mutants in human cancers
- disrupts direct DNA-interactions (R248, R273)
- disrupts the structure of DBD
13DBD mutations
- Most of the p53 mutations that cause cancer are
found in the DNA-binding domain - most common mutation changes arginine 248 (red),
snaking into the minor groove of the DNA - a
strong stabilizing interaction. - Other key sites of mutation are shown in pink,
including arginine residues 175, 249, 273 and
282, and glycine 245. Some of these contact the
DNA directly, and others are involved in
positioning other DNA-binding amino acids.
145 distinct domains in p533. DBD
- binds DNA as tetramer (dimer of dimer)
- DNA recognition sequence reflects this 4x RRRCW
arranged like this
15p53 domains
C-terminal allosteric domain
165 distinct domains in p534. Tetramerization
- Tetramerization domain aa 324-355
- 2? 2? structure
- forms tetramers
- linked with DBD via 37aa flexible linker aa
17p53 domains
C-terminal allosteric domain
185 distinct domains in p535. C-terminal
allosteric domain
- DNA/RNA-binding C-terminal (last 26aa)
- open protease-sensitive domain
- Basic region
- binds DNA and RNA non-specifically and can
stimulate annealing - binds DNA ends, internal loops or other loose
ends from damaged duplexes - possible function (allo)sterisk regulator of
spes. DNA-binding - p53 appears to be present in a latent form
inactive in seq.spec. DNA-binding - Several events in the C-terminal can reactivate
p53s central DBD - deletion of basic C-terminal
- phosphorylation of S378 with PKC
- phosphorylation of S392 with CK2
- binding of C-terminal antibody PAb421
- small singlestranded DNA oligos
19Activation of p53- upstream inputs
20Upstream and downstream
p53 functions as sensor of upstream signals
reflecting DNA-damage /cellular stress
21Activation of p53 - what happens?
- DNA-damage/stress ?
- 1. activation of latent p53 latent form ? active
form - enhanced DNA-binding activity
- probably also enhanced transactivation activity
- post-translational modifications
- 2. stabillization and a rapid increase in protein
level? activation of response - activation ? level increases 10-100x
- Since enhanced levels of p53 may lead to cell
cycle-arrest and apoptosis, it is of critical
importance that normal cells keep their p53
levels low
22Activated by several signals
- types of activating stress
- DNA-damage (chain breaks, repair-intermediates,
recombination-intermediates) - Hypoxia
- protective function in tumours (tumour growth ?
limited blood supply ? hypoxia ? p53 activation ?
apoptosis of tumour) - trombospondin appears to be p53 regulated, acts
antiangiogenic, will reduce blood supply further - NTP pool reduced
- sufficient NTP-pool for DNA-replication sensed by
p53 - Activated oncogenes (Myc, Ras, E1A, ß-catenin)
- Foster defects
23The key to stabillization the MDM2-p53 coupling
- MDM2 associates with p53s TAD (aa 17-27)
- MDM2-binding leads to
- 1. Repression of transactivation
- 2. Destabillization of p53 since MDM2-binding
stimulates degradation of p53 - mdm2 knock-out lethal, rescued by simultaneous
deletion of p53
24The key MDM2-p53 coupling
- Mechanisms for stimulated degradation
- MDM2 p53-specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
- MDM2 cause transport of p53 from nucleus to
cytoplasma, and export is necessary for
degradation - MDM2 a target gene for p53 being activated by
p53 - Negative feedback loop - mechanism for turning
off the p53 response - Induced relatively late - leaves a time window
where p53 can function - regulation f (MDM2-p53 contact)
- Via phosphorylation
- Via associated proteins
25Several strategies to break theMDM2-p53 coupling
Uten activation
Activated ? phosphorylation ? Broken binding
Activated ? phosphorylation ? inactivated E3-act
Activated ? ARF-binding ? inactivated E3-act
26Recent news
- More E3 enzymes suggesting ubiquitylation
independent of Mdm2
27Regulation of MDM2-p53 contact through
phosphorylation of p53 TAD
- The ATM kinase
- a kinase that is the product of the ATM gene that
is lost in pasients with ataxia-telangiectasia - phosphorylates S15
- Weakens the p53-MDM2 interaction
- CHK2 - recently identified as a S20-kinase
- HIPK2 - recently identified as a S46-kinase
- activated as response to UV, role in apoptotic
response - DNA PK
- DNA-dependent protein kinase
- phosphorylates S15
- Weakens p53-MDM2 interaction
28upstream signalling pathway
Chk2 is a protein kinase that is activated in
response to DNA damage and may regulate cell
cycle arrest. Chk2-/- cells were defective for
p53 stabilization and for induction of
p53-dependent transcripts such as p21 in response
to gamma irradiation. Chk2 directly
phosphorylated p53 on serine 20, which is known
to interfere with Mdm2 binding.
29Recent HIPK2 binds and phosphorylates p53 after
UV irradiation
leading to apoptosis
30Many covalent modifications of p53 in regulatory
N- and C-terminal
- Phosphorylation
- Acetylation
- Glycosylation
- SUMOylation
31Acetylation upon p53 activation
Phosphorylation followed by Acetylation
32Localization A model for PML-mediated
recruitment of p53 to NBs.
- PML (promyelocytic leukemia) org. comp. of
nuclear bodies (NBs). - Signal trigger
- Signals from DNA damage such as g-irradiation
(gIR) or oncogene imbalance e.g. ras
overexpression -trigger SUMOylation (S) and
aggregation of PML into NBs. Factors including
CBP, Rb, Daxx, Sp100 and others (?) are also
recruited to NBs. - Modification
- Consequence phosphorylation (P) and acetylation
(A) of p53 are modulated. Differential
modifications interactions result in increased
and altered p53 transcriptional activity. - Result
- regulation of growth arrest, senescence,
apoptosis or differentiation.
33Turning p53 OFF - the hSir2 link
- Sir2 - silent information regulator
- conserved family identified in silencing in yeast
- function as NAD-dep deacetylase
34Deacetylation after p53 activation
Phosphorylation followed by Acetylation
DNA damage
p53 Stabilized Activated Acetylated
Growth arrest Apoptosis
Response ON
Response OFF
p53 De-acetylated
36Alternative activation- the ARF input
37N-terminal control via ARF-binding
ARF (alternative reading frame) from p16INK4a The
INK4A locus (frequently mutated in cancer) ? 2
alternatively spliced transcripts ? translated
from alternative reading frames ? p16
(cdk-inhibitor) ARF binds MDM2-p53 and
inhibits the effect of MDM2s (ligase and
shuttling) ARF strongly induced by viral
oncoproteins and contributes to apoptosis of
infected cells ARF also induced by Myc
38ARF activation ? relocalization
In unstressed cells, p53 is degraded following
interaction with MDM2 and is exported to the
cytoplasm using nuclear-export signals present in
p53 and MDM2. Inhibition of MDM2-mediated
degradation occurs in response to certain stress
signals by activation of ARF expression. When ARF
binds to MDM2, the MDM2ARF complex is
relocalized to the nucleolus using
nucleolar-localization signals present in MDM2
and ARF. This leaves free, transcriptionally
active, p53 in the nucleoplasm.
Stressed cells ARF expression
Unstressed cells
p53 degradation
Stable p53
39At least two main pathways
Activated p53
40How to distinguish between oncogenic and normal
growth stimuli?
Normal growth-stimuli
Activated oncogenes
Double signal 1. Growth promoting via Myc, ras
etc 2. Neutralization of p53
41p53 as signal transducer - also sensor for
upstream signals?
- signalling pathway alternative 1 via
damage-detector - DNA-damage is recognized by specific protein such
as the ATM gene product (name from
ataxia-telangiectasia a kinase) ? p53 becomes
activated - signalling pathway alternative 2 direct with p53
itself as sensor - DNA-damage is recognized by p53 itself (via
C-terminal) ? p53 is activated - signalling pathway alternative 3 through double
check - recruitment of both damage-detector and
p53 at the damage site - DNA-damage is recognized by specific
damage-detector protein and at the same time by
p53 ? when both detectors are in place will p53
become activated
42Multiple pathways - diverse responses
- Multiple pathways exist to stabilize p53 in
response to different forms of stress - they may involve down-regulation of MDM2
expression or regulation of the subcellular
localization of p53 or MDM2. - Target genes induced by gamma radiation, UV
radiation, and the zinc-induced p53 form distinct
sets and subsets with a few genes in common to
all these treatments.
43At least two main pathways
Activated p53
44The outcomes of activated p53 - downstream
45Upstream and downstream
p53 functions as sensor of upstream signals
reflecting DNA-damage /cellular stress
Target genes Activated
46p53 as signal transducer - downstream response
- downstream consequences leading to repair of
damage or apoptosis of damaged cell - Two main types of effects of activated p53
- 1. Stop/regulation of the cell cycle
- 2. induction of apoptosis
47Downstream response
- Transcriptional effects
- Target genes inducing cell cycle arrest
- or DNA damage repair
- Target genes promoting apoptosis
- Other types of effects?
48Cytoplasmic Roles of p53 in Apoptosis
- Cytoplasmically localized p53 can either directly
induce Bax oligomerization or liberate
proapoptotic BH3-only proteins bound to
Bcl2/Bcl-XL at the mitochondria. The released
BH3-only proteins can then activate Bax
oligomerization and thereby cause cytochrome c
release leading to apoptosis.
49Regulation of the cell cycle via p53-Rb pathway
- Normal cell cycle regulation through four
cooperating actors p16 - cyclin D1 - cdk4 - Rb
which regulate the G1-S transition - most cancers have one of these four altered
- p16 negative regulator of cyclin D1/cdk4
- Signalling pathway DNA-damage ? activated
enhanced p53 ? activation of CDKI p21 (WAF1,
Cip-1) ? inhibition of cdk4 ? reduced
phosphorylation of Rb ? G1 arrest - p21 inhibits also several of the other cdks
- p21 binds also PCNA ? stop in replication
- Signalling pathway DNA-damage ? activated
enhanced p53 ? activation of GADD45 ? stimulated
50p53-Rb pathway
DNA damage
Cell cycle arrest
51p53 as signal transducer - several downstream
- p53 also a role in preventing gene amplification
- p53 also a role in G2/M checkpoint
- Induces a separate ribonucleotide reductase
(p53R2) - p53R2 encodes a ribonucleotide reductase that is
directly involved in the p53 checkpoint for
repair of damaged DNA.
52induction of apoptosis
- DNA-damage in p53/ cells ? apoptosis
- DNA-damage in p53-/- cells ? no apoptosis
- mechanisms far from fully understood
- Transcription activation necessary? only
partially - also TF-independent functions involved
- Bax induced by p53 - acts pro-apoptotic by
counteracting Bcl2 - PERP is a novel effector of p53-dependent
apoptosis - p53AIP1 (p53-regulated Apoptosis-Inducing Protein
1) - upon severe DNA damage, Ser-46 on p53 is
phosphorylated and apoptosis is induced. In
addition, substitution of Ser-46 inhibits the
ability of p53 to induce apoptosis and
selectively blocks expression of p53AIP1.
53More target genes
- Genes induced by gamma radiation, UV radiation,
and the zinc-induced p53 form distinct sets and
subsets with a few genes in common to all these
treatments. - Microarray analysis of 6000 genes showed
- 107 induced and 54 repressed genes fell into
categories of apoptosis and growth arrest,
cytoskeletal functions, growth factors and their
inhibitors, extracellular matrix, and adhesion
54Signalling pathway
Latent p53
activated p53
55Associated proteins
56p53 associated proteins modulate its activity
- Several ways of inactiving p53 - many proteins
are associated with p53 and inhibits its activity - Negatively modulating interacting proteins
- MDM2 - cellular oncoprotein induced by p53 ?
negative feedback loop - Amplified in some tumours - alternative ways of
inactivating p53 - Knock-out embryonal lethal - but not in double
knockout p53-/-, mdm2-/- - c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) binds and
stimulates ubitiquithlation degradation - Several virale oncoproteins turns off p53
- Ad5 E1B, EBNA5, HPV16/18 E6, SV40 large T
- As a smart burglar, it is important to disable
the watch dog
57p53 associatede proteins as modulerer dens
- Several ways of inactiving p53 - many proteins
are associated with p53 and inhibits its activity - Positively modulating interacting proteins -
c-Abl - c-Abl - a kinase activated after DNA-damage
- c-Abl binds p53 and enhance its transactivating
properties - c-Abl contains a SH3 domain that can bind the
Pro-rich region in p53 - deletion of P-rich region ? reduced
apoptosis-response and reduced cell cycle arrest,
but normal transcriptional response
58p53 and cancer
59p53 - in cancere
- Most frequent gene mutated in cancers
- Thousands of mutations from patients sequenced
- tumour supressor gene
- both alleles must be lost
- Common scenario 1. mutant ? 2.
loss-of-heterozygocity (LOH) - 90-95 develop cancer in young age
- Two types of DBD-mutations frequent in tumours
- Interferring with prot-DNA contacts
- Destabilizing the core structure of DBD
60p53 related proteins