Title: Cry3Aa inheritance in filial generations of Solanum tuberosum
1Cry3Aa inheritance in filial generations of
Solanum tuberosum
- Jeff Skoneczka and Richard Veilleux
- Department of Horticulture
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute State University
- Blacksburg, Virginia
- Incorporation of sexual hybrids into production
systems - Easy start-up
- Economical
- Difficulties
- Heterozygosity and polyploidy
- Transgenics
- In a prior study (Johnson 2001), Cry3Aa
expression in sexual hybrids of potato differed
depending upon whether the transgene was
maternally or paternally inherited (using
independently transformed parents) - We wanted to verify a difference in transmission
through the male and female gametophyte based on
reciprocal hybrids using the same transgenic
- After confirmation of transformation in vitro,
transfer plants to greenhouse for breeding. - Established plants were used to create reciprocal
6- Parental Lines
- Atlantic - tetraploid commercial cultivar
- APM-2 heterozygous diploid line with high
frequency of 2n pollen - Single insert transgenic lines of the above,
denoted by TC1
Hybrid Families
Atlantic TC1 X Katahdin
Katahdin X Atlantic TC1
Atlantic TC1 X Atlantic
Atlantic X Atlantic TC1
Atlantic TC1 self
Atlantic TC1 X wt APM-2
Atlantic TC1 X APM-2 TC1
- Katahdin tetraploid commercial cultivar
7Material and methods
- The seedlings were planted in sets of 16 plants
per family in three different plantings, two in
the greenhouse and one in the field - Each hybrid plant was screened for transgene
expression via DAS-ELISA
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9Methods DAS-ELISA
- Bt endotoxin ELISA kit from Agdia, Inc.
- Leaf samples ( 200 mg) taken at seedling stage
- Presence of protein in sample expressed
colorimetrically - OD is read with plate reader at 405 nm and
converted to Absorption Ratio (AR) - AR (OD of test plant)/(OD of negative control)
- Examine segregation ratios to verify gene copy
number as well as transgene expression levels
1096-well ELISA plate
11Mean absorption ratios (AR) of Cry3Aa expressing
plants in four hybrid families of tetraploid
potato first greenhouse trials of 16 plants per
12Segregation ratios of Cry3Aa expressing and
non-expressing plants in four hybrid families of
tetraploid potato first greenhouse trials of 16
plants per family
- A segregation ratio significantly different from
11 was observed in one family
13Mean absorption ratios (AR) of Cry3Aa expressing
plants in five hybrid families of tetraploid
potato second greenhouse trials of 16 plants
per family
Again, expression levels not significant, however
14Segregation ratios of Cry3Aa expressing and
non-expressing plants in five hybrid families of
tetraploid potato second greenhouse trials of
16 plants per family
High expected ratio due to APM-2 having high
frequency of 2n pollen
15Segregation ratios of Cry3Aa expressing and
non-expressing plants in two hybrid families of
tetraploid potato field trial
Results slightly significant at 95 confidence
16Pooled Data
- Levels of Cry3Aa expression do not differ between
reciprocal hybrids - The transmission rate of the Cry3Aa gene appears
to differ in reciprocal hybrids between Atlantic
and Katahdin - An unexpectedly greater number of expressers to
non expressers was observed in three separate
sets of hybrids
18Possible causes of different frequencies of
Cry3Aa expressing hybrids in reciprocal hybrids
- More than a single copy of the transgene exists
in Atlantic TC1 accompanied by transgene
silencing in Katahdin X Atlantic TC1 - Preferential gametic selection
19With more than one copy of the transgene in
Atlantic TC1
- Expect higher expressers to non-expressers in
both Atlantic TC1 X Katahdin and Katahdin X
Atlantic TC1 - Expect gene silencing in Katahdin X Atlantic TC1
non-expressers - PCR of non-expressers
- DNA extraction (Sigma Extract-N-Amp)
- Primers to amplify Cry3Aa
- 1 cycle 4 min 94ºC 40 cycles 1 min 94ºC, 1
min 58ºC, 1.5 min 72ºC 1 cycle 5 min 72ºC - 1.0 agarose gel
- Stain with ethidium bromide
21PCR results of amplification of genomic DNA of
expressing and non-expressing progeny of Katahdin
x Atlantic TC1
Results confirm observed segregation ratio from
- PCR results agree with ELISA results
- If not transgene silencingthen gametic
selection? - How does segregation compare in a different
hybrid using Atlantic TC1 as female parent?
23In order to determine if the phenomenon of
unexpectedly high numbers of transgenic progeny
were obtained from Atlantic TC1 as a female
parent and to verify the single transgene copy,
we examined a cross between Atlantic and the 2n
pollen-producing diploid hybrid, APM-2
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- Single transgene copy in Atlantic TC1 was
supported by segregation data in four of five
families - Absence of the transgene in non-expressers was
verified by PCR in two families so transgene
silencing does not appear to be the cause - The unexpectedly high frequency of Cry3Aa
expressers in Atlantic TC1 X Katahdin is likely
due to preferential selection of transgenic
female gametes in this cross
- Dave Douches
- Richard Veilleux
- Sue Tolin
- Vladamir Shulaev
- Suzanne Piovano
- My fellow graduate students