Title: 2.1 Discrete and Continuous Variables
12.1 Discrete and Continuous Variables
- 2.1.1 Discrete Variable
- 2.1.2 Continuous Variable
22.1.1 Discrete Variable
- These are the heights of 20 children in a school.
The heights have been measured correct to the
nearest cm. For example - . For example
- 144 cm ( correct to the nearest cm) could have
arisen from any value in the range 143.5cm ? h lt
144.5 cm. - Other examples of continuous data are
- the speed of vehicles passing a particular point,
- the masses of cooking apples from a tree,
- the time taken by each of a class of children to
perform a task. - Continuous data cannot assume exact value, but
can be given only within a certain range or
measured to a certain degree of accuracy,
133 136 120 138 133 131 127 141 127 143 130 131 125 144 128 134 135 137 133 129
32.1.2 Continuous Variable
- There are the marks obtained by 30 pupils in a
test - the number of cars passing a checkpoint in a
certain time, - the shoe sizes of children in a class,
- the number of tomatoes on each of the plants
in a greenhouse.
6 3 5 9 0 1 8 5 6 7 4 4 3 1 0 2 2 7 10 9 7 5 4 6 6 2 1 0 8 8
42.2 Frequency Tables
- 2.2.1 Frequency Tables for Discrete Data
- 2.2.2 Frequency Tables for Continuous Data
- Relative Frequency is , where
ri is the relative frequency for the class i - and N Percentage Frequency can be
obtained by multiplying the relative frequency by
52.2.1 Frequency Tables for Discrete Data
No. of vehicles passing per minute, x Frequency frequency cumulative frequency
6 or below 15
7-8 14
9-10 15
11-12 12
13-14 11
15 or above 3
62.2.2 Frequency Tables for Continuous Data
Weight Class mark frequency frequency cumulative frequency
50.5 55.5 53 1
55.5 60.5 58 4
60.5 65.5 63 15
65.5 70.5 68 18
70.5 75.5 73 9
75.5 80.5 78 3
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82.3 Graphical Representation
- 2.3.1 Bar Charts
- 2.3.2 Histograms
- 2.3.3 Frequency Polygons and Frequency
- Curves
- 2.3.4 Cumulative Frequency Polygons and
- Curves
- 2.3.5 Stem-and-leaf Diagrams
- 2.3.6 Logarithmic graphs
92.3.1 Bar Charts
- The frequency distribution of a discrete variable
can be represented by a bar chart.
102.3.2 Histograms
- A continuous frequency distribution CANNOT be
represented by a bar chart. It is most
appropriately represented by a histogram.
112.3.3 Frequency Polygons and Frequency Curves
- Frequency Polygons
- Frequency Curves
- Relative frequency polygons
- Relative frequency curves
122.3.4 Cumulative Frequency Polygons and Curves
- Example
- The heights of 30 broad bean plants were
measured, correct to the nearest cm, 6 weeks
after planting. The frequency distribution is
given below. - Construct the cumulative frequency table.
- Construct the cumulative frequency curve.
- Estimate from the curve
- the number of plants that were less than 10 cm
tall - the value of x, if 10 of the plants were of
height x cm or more.
Height (cm) 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 18-20
Frequency 1 2 11 10 5 1
132.3.5 Stem-and-leaf Diagrams
- 1) In the below diagram, stems are hundreds and
leaves are units. - The set of data in the diagram represents
- 111,123,147,148,223,227,355,363,380,421,423,500
Stem (in 100) Leaves (in 10)
1 11 23 47 48
2 23 27
3 55 63 80
4 21 23
5 00
14- A householders weekly consumption of
electricity in kilowatt-hours during a period of
nine week in a winter were as follows -
- 338,354,341,353,351,341,353,346,341.
- Please completed stem and leaf diagram .
15- Examination results of 11 students
- English23,39,40,45,51,55,61,64,65,72,78
- Chinese37,41,44,48,58,61,63,69,75,83,89
- One way to compare their performances in the two
subjects is by means of side by side
stem-and-leaf diagrams.
16- The comparison can be made more dramatic by
back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram.
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Stem (in 10) Leaves (in 1)
33 8
34 1 1 1 6
35 1 3 3 4
192.3.6 Logarithmic graphs