Title: Entergy Louisiana, LLC (South)
1Entergy Louisiana, LLC (South) Entergy New
Orleans, Inc.Proposed TransmissionReliability
- Entergy Transmission Planning Summit
- New Orleans, LA
- July 29, 2008
2ELL-South/ENOI Transmission Reliability Projects
Loblolly-Hammond Build 230kV line
DSG Phase III (Postponed)
- Paterson
- Restore 4 breakers
SELA Phase 3 Oakville-Alliance Build 230kV line
Improve ASI Capability
Phase II- Panama-Dutch Bayou Phase III-
Coly-Vignes Conway-Bagatelle
SELA Phase 2 Peters Rd-Oakville Build 230kV
line Station
Houma Install Cap Bank
3PatersonRestore 4 Breakers
- Scenario
- Paterson substation was flooded during Hurricane
Katrina resulting in all major transmission
equipment being damaged. Prior to Katrina,
Paterson 115kV bus terminated four 115kv
transmission lines and operated as a hub for the
transmission system in the New Orleans area.
Presently, the Paterson 115kV bus has been
temporarily restored to operate in a split, east
/ west bus configuration. The east bus is in
series with the Chalmette 115kV and the Sherwood
Forest 115kV substations. - The west bus is in series with the Claiborne
115kV and the Pontchartrain Park 115kV
substations. Various single contingencies in the
New Orleans area now could result in overloads on
portions of this west bus circuit. - Recommended Solution
- Re-build the Paterson 115kV substation to
terminate four 115kV transmission lines from
Pontchartrain Park, Sherwood Forest, Chalmette
and Claiborne. The bus configuration should be
configured in a double bus with shared breaker
configuration (breaker and a 1/2). This
arrangement will allow for station expansion,
including power transformer additions and
potentially the addition of a 230/115kV auto
transformer as system conditions dictate. - Proposed In-Service Date 2008
- Estimated Cost 3 MM
4Paterson Restore 4 Circuit Breakers
Restore Breakers
5HoumaInstall Capacitor Bank
- Scenario
- This project was identified as required as part
of a transmission service request - Recommended Solution
- Install a 40MVAr capacitor bank at Houma 115kV
substation. - Proposed In-Service Date 2008
- Estimated Cost 850 k
6HoumaInstall Capacitor Bank
Install Cap Bank
7Loblolly-HammondConstruct 230 kV Substation and
- Scenario
- Entergys transmission system north of Lake
Pontchartrain is primarily supported from the ELL
230kV system between Willow Glen and Waterford. - Loss of the Franklin-McKnight 500kV line, or
certain other transmission contingencies, result
in overloads to occur on the underlying
transmission system, primarily on the
Gypsy-Madisonville 230kV line. - Adding another 230kV source from a location north
of Willow Glen reduces loading on the existing
system and improves load serving capability north
of Lake Pontchartrain and into south Mississippi. - Recommended Solution
- Construct 230 kV line from Loblolly to Hammond
using existing ColyHammond 69 kV line
(constructed for 230kV). - Proposed In-Service Date 2012
- Estimated Cost 75 MM
8Loblolly-Hammond Build 230 kV Line
To Franklin
To Fancy Point
To SOCOs Plant Daniel
To Coly
Construct new 230kV line
9ASI Improvement Plan - Phases 2 3
- Scenario
- When generation in the Amite South area is low,
loss of the WaterfordWillow Glen 500 kV line is
the most severe contingency that establishes the
Amite South Import (ASI) capability. - The ASI capability improved to approximately
2,450 MW upon completion of Phase 1 of the ASI
Improvement Plan (Conway-Panama) in 2005. - Phase 2 (Panama-Dutch Bayou) and Phase 3
(Coly-Vignes, Conway-Bagatelle) were expected to
provide economic benefits and were to be
completed by 2007 prior to Hurricane Katrina. - Post Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent loss of
load within southeast LA, Phases 2 and 3 were
determined to be needed for reliability by 2015
or by 2010 for economics. - Based on the 2006 Transmission Study, Entergy
determined that accelerating Phases 2 3 could
yield economic benefits sufficient enough to
advance the in-service dates to earlier than
2010. - Recommended Solution
- Construction of Phases 2 3.
- Proposed In-Service Date 2009 (Phases 2 3)
- Estimated Project Costs
- Phase 2 38 MM
- Phase 3 20 MM
10ASI Improvement Plan - Phase 2
Build 230kV line
11ASI Improvement Plan - Phase 3
Upgrade 230kV line
Upgrade 230kV line
12Southeast Louisiana Coastal Improvement
Plan Construct New Peters Road-Oakville-Alliance
230 kV Line
- Scenario
- The primary transmission sources to lower
Lafourche, Lower Jefferson, and Plaquemines
Parishes are the Ninemile and Valentine
substations. Although lower Plaquemines Parish
experienced heavy damage during Hurricane
Katrina, it is expected that oil refining and
pumping facilities in the area will be restored. - Additionally, upper Plaquemines Parish, including
Belle Chasse and the Naval Air Support facility,
is experiencing growth. - For the contingency loss of the
Ninemile-Barataria 115kV or the
Valentine-Clovelly 115kV lines, potential low
voltages and line overloads exists. - Recommended Solution
- Peters Road-Oakville 230kV
- Build a new 230kV substation at Oakville and a
new radial 230kV line from Peters Road to
Oakville Substation. - Proposed In-Service Date 2010
- Estimated Cost 21.3 MM
- Oakville-Alliance 230 kV
- Construct a new 230kV transmission line from
Oakville substation to Alliance substation. Add a
150MVA 230/115kV auto at Alliance substation.
This project also provides support for the
Fourchon area. - Proposed In-Service Date 2010
- Estimated Cost 35 MM
13 Peters Road-Oakville 230kV Build new line and
substation Oakville-Alliance 230 kV Build new
Build 230kV Line Sub
Build 230kV Line Auto
Build 230kV Line Auto
14ELL-South and ENOI Identified Target Areas
Beyond 2011
Paterson Install 230/115kV auto
Belle Point Little Gypsy Reconductor 230kV Line
Napoleonville Add capacitor bank