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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Nicholas R. Miller
  • April 2007
  • Creighton University Talks

Brief Personal Biography
  • Undergraduate government major at Harvard.
  • Likes of Gary King, Ken Shepsle, etc,
    unimaginable in the Harvard Government Department
    of the time.
  • Two exceptions
  • In my sophomore year, I discovered a brand new
    book by a Harvard economist Thomas Schelling
    Strategy of Conflict, which I found absolutely
    fascinating and quite unlike anything I had read
  • Edward Banfield taught an upper-level/grad course
    on Political Economizing with Arrow, Black, and
    other on the syllabus.
  • I sat in on class for first couple of days but
    did not take.
  • Also no math beyond first-year calculus and
    analytical geometry, plus some statistics in
    latter part of graduate career.

Brief Personal Biography (cont.)
  • Graduate study at Berkeley not Rochester
  • There was no formal theory (or methodology)
    subfield at the time, and no formal theory course
    until 1969.
  • Nevetheless, I became aware of Arrow, Riker,
    Downs, and Buchanan and Tullock within first few
    years, and wrote a seminar paper on Downs and
  • I hand in mind to write a theoretical
    dissertation further developing a theory of party
  • After surviving prelims, I undertook a extended
    (self-supervised) reading course in formal
    political theory
  • I found the setup of Duncan Blacks Theory of
    Committees and Elections especially appealing.
  • I became very interested in the cyclical majority

Brief Personal Biography (cont.)
  • In 1968-69, I took the first offering of a course
    on Formal Models in Politics, taught by Robert
    Axelrod and Michael Leiserson
  • We read a book by Otomar Bartos (a mathematical
    sociologist) on Simple Models of Group Behavior.
  • It included a chapter on dominance structures
    in societies and employed adjacency matrices and
    directed graphs and tournaments in particular
    to represent and analyze such structures.
  • A tournament is a complete asymmetric directed

Majority Preference Tournaments
  • It occurred to me that the eight three-person
    dominance patterns also represent the eight
    possible majority preference patterns over three
    alternatives (e.g., candidates) A, B, and C
  • By (my) notational convention x is majority
    preferred to y (x P y) is indicated by an arrow
    from x to y (sometimes the reverse convention is
  • And by (my) verbal language, x beats y (under
    majority rule).
  • Note that, apart from the labelling of
    alternatives, the eight dominance patterns reduce
    to just two dominance structures
  • transitive and cyclical.
  • More generally given an odd number of voters with
    strong preferences,
  • a tournament could be used to represent the
    majority preference relation, and
  • some of the that deductions Bartos presented
    concerning social dominance structures (many of
    which were standard graph-theoretic theorems) had
    analogs for majority voting.
  • In my seminar paper (and prospective dissertation
    chapter), I set out to use the tournament
    technology to systematize and extend Duncan
    Blacks work on committee voting.

Majority Preference Tournaments (cont.)
  • I discovered with some disappointment that
    Michael Taylor had already proposed the idea of
    applying graph theory to social choice problems.
  • Nevertheless, the tournament technology allowed
    me to make some modest advances in the Black
  • For example, Black provided an example with three
    voters and four alternatives in a cycle of
    majority preference showing that, for each
    alternative, there was some voting order under
    ordinary committee procedure (what we now call
    amendment procedure) that would lead to its
    winning under sincere voting.
  • Using the tournament technology, I was able to
    extend this result to any odd number of voters
    (indeed, the tournament device made it
    unnecessary to specify a particular number of
    voters) and to any number of alternatives in a
  • This became Proposition 4 in Miller, 1977.
  • Michael Taylor, Graph-Theoretical Approaches to
    the Theory of Social Choice. Public Choice,
  • Nicholas R. Miller, Nicholas R.
    Graph-Theoretical Approaches to the Theory of
    Voting. American Journal of Political Science,

Majority Preference Tournaments
  • Clearly, if we have an odd number of voters with
    strong preferences over any odd number m of
    alternatives, majority preference can be
    represented by a tournament with m vertices.
  • The adjacent figure shows a tournament with eight
  • Moreover, McGarveys Theorem tells us that every
    tournament we might construct represents majority
    preference for some profile of transitive
    preference orderings, one for each of some finite
    number of voters.
  • David McGarvey, "A Theorem on the Construction
    of Voting Paradoxes," Econometrica, 1953.
  • Thus any tournament we might construct represents
    a logically possible majority voting situation.

Majority Voting Tournaments (cont.)
  • Since tournament may contain cycles, McGarveys
    Theorem also tells us that majority preference
    may be cyclical.
  • In the adjacent figure, it is evident that there
    is a cycle of majority preference encompassing
    all eight alternatives.
  • Tournament diagrams drove home a point that I had
    not before adequately appreciated
  • if you arrange four or more points around a
    circle and draw arrows around the perimeter so
    as to create a cycle encompassing all the points,
    this cycle also has an internal structure,
  • that is, arrows must also extend across the
    interior of the circle.

Majority Voting Tournaments (cont.)
  • Moreover, given five points or more, cycles of
    given length may have different internal
  • Clearly there are a great many other eight-cycles
    (with the alternatives remaining in the same
    order in the cycles) that have different
    interior structures.
  • These interior structures have important
    implications -- in particular, for the covering

Condorcet Winners
  • An alternative is a Condorcet Winner if and only
    if it beats every other alternative.
  • The previous tournaments, with all-encompassing
    cycle, had no Condorcet winners.
  • But the presence of a Condorcet winner does not
    preclude a (less than all-encompassing) cycle in
    majority preference.

Top Cycle Sets
  • A top cycle set TC(X) is a minimal set of points
    such that every point in TC(X) beats every point
    outside TC(X).
  • If TC(X) includes more than one point (if there
    is no CW), TC(X) must contain at least three
    points and a complete cycle (hence the name).
  • Every tournament has a unique top cycle set.
  • At one extreme, a CW (if it exists) is the TC
  • At the other extreme, the TC may be

All Possible Tournament Structures with Four
  • Given four alternatives (and apart from their
    labelling), there are just four possible
    tourna-ment structures
  • fully transitive
  • a Condorcet winner plus a three-element bottom
  • a three element top cycle plus a Condorcet
    loser and
  • an all-encompassing four-element cycle.
  • Increasing the number of alternatives beyond four
    greatly increases the number of distinct
    structural possibilities.

Amendment Procedure
  • Amendment Procedure
  • vote on two alternatives, then
  • pair the winner with a third alternative, and
  • so forth until all alternatives have entered the
  • The alternative that survives the final vote is
    the winner.
  • Duncan Black called this ordinary committee
  • Though it is not immediately apparent, this type
    of voting resembles the kind of amendment
    procedure used in Anglo-American legislatures.
  • See Nicholas R. Miller, Committees, Agendas, and
    Voting, 1995, Chapter 2

Sincere Voting under Amendment Procedure
  • Consider this four-element cyclical tournament.
  • Apart from the labelling of alternatives, there
    is just one such tournament
  • If the alternatives are voted on under amendment
    procedure in the order zyxv, v wins if voting is
  • THEOREM. No point outside of TC(X) can win under
    any voting order.
  • THEOREM. For every point x in TC(X) set, there
    is some voting order that makes x the sincere
  • PROOF IDEA. Arrange the TC alternatives in a
    cyclical fashion, and let the voting order follow
    the cycle upstream.
  • COROLLARY. An alternative wins under every
    voting order if and only if it is the Condorcet

The Powell Amendment (1950s)
  • Alternatives
  • B the unamended bill federal aid to education
  • BA the amended bill (no federal aid to
    segregated schools
  • Q the status quo no federal to education
  • Preference Profile
  • N Dems S Dems Reps
  • BA B Q
  • B Q BA
  • Q BA B
  • Three bloc of voters, none a majority.
  • Latin Square (non-value restricted) Matrix each
    alternative appears once in each rank.
  • Cyclical majority preference B beats Q, Q beats
    BA, and BA beats B.

Sincere Voting on the Powell Amendment
  • Under standard procedure, the first vote would be
    on the question of amending the bill implicitly
    B vs. BA.
  • Then a vote would be taken on the question of
    passing the bill (as amended or not) implicitly
    B vs. Q or BA vs. Q, depending on the outcome of
    the first vote.
  • Sincere voting the bill is amended (BA beats B)
    and then the bill fails (Q beats BA).
  • But remember that B or BA could be passed under
    other voting orders (that might arise under other
    parliamentary situations, e.g., if the content of
    the Powell Amendment was incorporated in the
    original bill and/or if the status quo were

Strategic Voting on the Powell Amendment
  • But shouldnt Northern Democrats (knowing
    everybodys prefer-ences or at least the M-P
    tournament) realize that the Powell Amendment is
    a killer amendment that will defeat the bill if
    it is so amended, and therefore vote
    strategically (contrary to their sincere
    preferences) against the amendment on the initial
  • Indeed, if they do so and nothing else changes, B
  • Are strategic countermoves available to either
    Southern Democrats or Republicans to defeat this
    Northern Democratic ploy?
  • It is evident, that on the final (here second)
    vote, no one has a strategic reason to vote
    otherwise than sincerely, so
  • strategic issues arise with respect to the first
    vote only.
  • Southern Democrats are now getting their first
    preference, so they have no reason to change
    their first vote.
  • Republicans are now being outvoted by Democrats
    on the first vote, so changing their first vote
    cant change the outcome.
  • So strategic (as opposed to sincere) voting
    apparently changes the outcome from defeat of the
    bill (Q) to passage of the unamended bill (B).
  • As under sincere voting, changing the voting
    order would probably change the strategic voting

Strategic Voting (cont.)
  • The prior strategic analysis of the Powell
    Amendment voting was rather ad hoc.
  • In a last-minute addendum to my seminar paper, I
    made a stab at deriving a Black-style results
    under strategic voting.
  • Using a three-dimensional normal (or strategic or
    matrix) form for a voting game, I was able to
    show that the same anything in the Top Cycle can
    win result held under strategic voting with
    three blocs of voters and three alternatives.

Matrix Form of a Three-Voter, Three-Alternative
Voting Game (Successive Procedure)
Strategic Voting (cont.)
  • I could also show that the voting orders that led
    to victory by a given alternative were different
    under sincere and strategic voting and
  • in particular, under sincere voting the last
    alternative (e.g., Q) in a three-alternative
    cycle to enter the voting wins, but under
    strategic voting the first such alternative
    (e.g., B) wins.
  • But I had no good idea as to how to proceed
    beyond three voters and three alternatives in the
    strategic voting case.

Strategic Voting Farquharson
  • By the winter of 1970, Robin Farquharsons Theory
    of Voting had just been published, and I studied
    it eagerly.
  • His Table of Results in Appendix I confirmed my
    results for both sincere and strategic (or
    sophisticated) voting in the three-voter
    three-alternative case.
  • But I was completely mystified by his statement
    in the Preface that these results . . . can be
    readily extended to cover any desired number of
    voters and/or alternatives,
  • I had been using essentially the same kind of
    strategic form matrix analysis that Farquharson
    was manifestly using in the body of his text, and
  • I had found it to be impossibly burdensome to
    extend to a larger number of voters and/or

Farquharson (cont.)
  • But Farquharson also introduced a device he
    called an outcome tree device (a highly
    compressed extensive form that well call an
    agenda tree) to concisely represent binary
    voting games.

Farquharson (cont.)
  • At some point that winter, while staring at such
    an agenda tree, I suddenly saw how backwards
    induction readily solved binary voting games
    when voters are strategic (and know each others
    preferences --- or at least the majority
    preference tournament).
  • This logic was later definitively characterized
    by McKelvey and Niemi.
  • Lets see how an agenda tree and backwards
    induction can quickly solve the Powell Amendment
    strategic voting game.
  • Richard D. McKelvey and Richard G. Niemi. A
    Multistage Game Represen-tation of Sophisticated
    Voting for Binary Procedures. Journal of
    Economic Theory, 1978.

Powell Amendment Agenda Treewith Sophisticates
An Agenda Tree, M-P Tournament, and Backwards
Strategic (Sophisticated) Voting
  • I now could readily determine the strategic
    voting outcome for any number of voters and
    relatively many alternatives under any voting
  • Moreover, it was not even necessary to draw a new
    voting tree each time.
  • I devised an algorithm by which I could quickly
    determine the strategic voting outcome for any
    M-P tournament and voting order.

Win Sets
  • Note the term win set was introduced in the
    early 1980s by Shepsle and Weingast and has
    become very standard.

A Sophisticated Voting Algorithm forAmendment
  • Label the alternatives x1, x2, . . . , xm
    according to the order of voting.
  • Examine W(xm) if W(xm) is empty, xm is the
    winning outcome otherwise, the sophisticated
    outcome belongs to W(xm).
  • Examine TCW(xm) if this top cycle is a
    one-element set or has a top element, say xg,
    xg is the winning outcome otherwise, the
    sophisticated outcome belongs to TCW(xm) and
    depends on which alternative in this set comes
    last in the voting order designate this
    alternative xk.
  • Alternative xk cannot be the outcome examine the
    intersection W(xk) with TCW(xm) and, more
    particularly, the top cycle of this intersection
    if this top cycle is a one-element set, say xh,
    xh is the outcome otherwise, the outcome belongs
    to this top cycle and depends on which
    alternative in it comes last in the voting order.
  • And so forth. (Since A is a finite set, and
    since the set of possible decisions is reduced at
    each stage, the method must terminate at some
  • In many cases, the strategic voting outcome is
    identified after applying only the two or three

An Anomaly under Strategic Voting
  • With these tools in hand, I enthusiastically
    began to derive Black-style propositions for
    strategic voting.
  • An apparent anomaly quickly turned up
  • when I extended the number of top cycle
    alternatives in a cycle from three to four, I
    discovered that there was always one alternative
    in the cycle that could not win under any voting

The Anomaly
The Algorithm Applied
The Strategic Voting Anomaly
  • This was surprising and somewhat disconcerting,
    since I expected sincere and strategic voting
    results to run in parallel.
  • Something was preventing one alternative from
    winning, regardless of the voting order.
  • Evidently it had to do with the fact that, when
    internal structure is considered, the
    alternatives in a four-element cycle (unlike
    those in a three-element cycle) occupy distinct
    positions in the tournament structure.
  • But this structural asymmetry did not preclude a
    degree of symmetry with respect to sincere voting
    outcomes, so the discrepancy remained puzzling.
  • I further discovered that, given a cycle of five
    (or more) alternatives, different internal
    structures are possible, some of which made it
    impossible for certain alternatives to win while
    others did not.
  • In my subsequent dissertation chapter, I simply
    presented the following proposition
  • Under ordinary amendment procedure, there may
    be a motion alternative in the Condorcet top
    cycle set that is not the sophisticated voting
    decision under any voting order.

The Origins of the Uncovered Set
  • In 1976, I had a revise and resubmit decision on
    a paper largely derived from this dissertation
  • My main task was to revise the presentation of
    the material (on the basis of wise editorial
    guidance provided by AJPS editor Phillips
    Shively) rather than its substance.
  • But in revisiting the analytical issues, I
    noticed two additional points concerning the
    strategic voting anomaly.
  • An alternative y that could not win under any
    voting order (in the relatively small cyclic
    tournaments I was examining) was dominated in a
    particularly strong way by some other alternative
    x --- namely,
  • not only did x beat y but also x beat everything
    that y beats.

The Origins of the Uncovered Set (cont.)
  • The second point I noticed was that whenever x is
    unanimously preferred to y, then x dominates y in
    this strong sense.
  • I incorporated the latter point into the revised
  • An alternative x Pareto-inferior is some other
    alternative y is unanimously preferred to x.
  • THEOREM. Under amendment procedure, no
    Pareto-inferior alternative can win under
    strategic voting
  • Note that this proposition is not trivial a
    Pareto-inferior alternative can win under sincere
  • Nicholas R. Miller, Graph-Theoretical Approaches
    to the Theory of Voting, American Journal of
    Political Science, 1977.

The Top Cycle Set May IncludePareto-Inferior
  • I then turned quickly to explore this strong
    dominance more thoroughly and discovered that it
    had many interesting properties.
  • Given an arrangement of x, y, and the
    alternatives beaten by y into a three-level
    structure with x at the top and with
    downward-pointing arrows representing majority
    preference, in my own mind it seemed natural to
    say that x covers y
  • For better or worse, the terminology stuck.

The Origins of the Uncovered Set (cont.)
  • This exploration led to a paper that I presented
    at the 1978 APSA meeting.
  • It drew almost no attention (probably because it
    was one of six papers squeezed into a two-hour
    panel, one of which was Kenneth Shepsles early
    statement of his structure-induced equilibrium
  • Kenneth A. Shepsle, "Institutional Arrangements
    and Equilibrium in Multidimensional Voting
    Models," American Journal of Political Science,
    February, 1979
  • It did attract attention once it was published.
  • Nicholas R. Miller, A New Solution Set for
    Tournaments and Majority Voting, American
    Journal of Political Science, 1980.
  • The joint appearance of these two papers at the
    APSA panel previewed two theoretical responses to
    majority rule choas, both of which have been
    put to extensive theoretical use.

Two Responses to Chaos
  • The cyclical and seemingly chaotic nature of
    majority rule revealed by the theoretical work on
    voting and social choice of Plott, McKelvey,
    Schofield and others suggested that political
    processes rarely achieve equilibrium and might
    wander all over the place.
  • But this theoretical conclusion was anomalous
    because actual political choice processes appear
    to be considerably more stable than the theory
  • In the face of this anomaly, formal political
    theorists have pursued two different, though not
    mutually exclusive, lines of inquiry.
  • The first, exemplified most notably by Shepsle,
    recognizes that political choice is always
    embedded in some kind of institutional structure,
    which may constrain processes so as to create
    (perhaps rather arbitrary) equilibria that would
    not otherwise exist.
  • The second, in contrast, focuses directly on pure
    majority rule and seeks to find some deeper
    interior structure and coherence within the
    system of majority preference that may constrain
    or guide political choice processes, even in the
    face of apparent chaos and independently of
    particular institutional arrangements. The
    uncovered set (and the Banks set) have been
    leading contributions of the latter line of

Covering and the Uncovered Set in the Finite
Alternative Case
  • Except for one conjecture, Miller (1980) deals
    only with the finite as a opposed to spatial
    alternative set.
  • Moreover, it assumes an odd number of voters with
    strong preferences, i.e., a majority preference
  • In this context, covering can be defined simply
  • x C y ltgt W(x) is a subset of W(y)
  • which implies x P y so the inclusion must be
  • If majority rule is fully transitive, x C y ltgt
    x P y.

Covering and the Uncovered Set in the Finite
Alternative Case (cont.)
  • x C y is a transitive subrelation of x P y.
  • Accordingly, the covering relation has maximal
    elements, i.e., the uncovered set UC(X) x y
    C x for all y.
  • If x is uncovered, then for all y either x P y or
    there is some z such that x P z P y the
    two-step or strategic principle.
  • If there were no such z, y would cover x.
  • UC(X) is a subset (perhaps proper) of TC(X), so
  • if there is a Condorcet winner x, UC(X) x.
  • Define x UP y x is unanimously preferred to y.
  • PO(X) x y UP x for all y Pareto (or
    Pareto-optimal) set
  • UC(X) is a subset of PO(X).

Covering and the Uncovered Set in the Finite
Alternative Case (cont.)
  • In the absence of a Condorcet Winner, UC(X)
    includes at least three alternatives in a cycle.
  • However, UC(X) may be a proper subset of TC(X),
    so to that extent UC has some cycle-busting
    (anti-chaos) power.
  • TC(X) always contains a complete cycle but (if
    the number alternatives in TC(X) exceeds four)
    its degree of cyclicity can vary.
  • The size of UC(X), relative to TC(X), depends on
    the degree of cyclicity TC(X) which depends on
    the interior structure of its complete cycle.

Degree of Cyclicity
  • Consider a tournament with m alternatives in a
    complete cycle, so X TC(X).
  • Its degree of cyclicity can be measured by the
    proportion of all triples of alternatives that
    are cyclic.
  • A minimally cyclic tournament has m-2 cyclic
  • in which case, UC(X) includes just three
  • In a maximally cyclic tournament, every pair of
    alternatives belongs to a cyclic triple,
  • so no covering exists and UC(X) TC(X).

A Minimally Cyclic Top Cycle
Another Minimally Cyclic Top Cycle
Maximally Cyclic Majority Preference
Distributive Politics not in Miller, 1980
  • For every x and y such that y P x, we can form a
    cyclic triple, i.e., find some z such that x P z
    P y P x.
  • Pure allocation three voters divide the dollar
  • x x1 x2 x3
    S x 1
  • y x1 - 2c x2 c x3 c S y
  • z x1 - c x2 2c x3 - c S
    z 1
  • x x1 x2 x3
    S x 1
  • In this case X TC(X) UC(X), where X is the
    set of efficient allocations.
  • Benjamin Ward, "Majority Rule and Allocation,"
    Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1961.
  • David Epstein, "Uncovering some Subtleties of the
    Uncovered Set Social Choice Theory and
    Distributive Politics" Social Choice and
    Welfare, January, 1998.

The Uncovered Set and Voting Processesfrom
Miller (1980)
  • Given strategic voting under an amendment agenda,
    every possible voting outcome belongs to the
    uncovered set UC(X).
  • CONJECTURE every alternative in UC(X) is a
    possible strategic voting outcome.
  • If voters bargain among themselves before voting,
    they will agree to enact some alternative that
    belongs to UC(X).
  • Given competition between two victory-seeking
    political parties/candidates, both propose a
    uncovered platform, so the resulting government
    policy belongs to UC(X) and indeed to UCu(X).

Covering Depends on Environment
  • The covering relation depends on irrelevant
  • Suppose m 2 and x P y. Then x C y.
  • Now suppose a third alternative z is added to the
  • If x P z, it remains true that x C y.
  • But if y P z and z P y, then x no longer covers
  • Conversely, even if x fails to cover y in a
    tournament T, x may cover y in a subtournament of

The Ultimately Uncovered Set
  • The top cycle set is equal to its own closure,
  • i.e., TCTC(X) TC(X).
  • But, as we have seen, the uncovered is not in
    general equal to its own closure i.e., UC2(X)
    UCUC(X) may be a proper subset of UC(X).
  • Likewise, UC3(X) may be a proper subset of
    UC2(X), and so forth.
  • Given that the number of alternatives is finite,
    we must reach some u such that UCu(X) UCu-1(X),
  • i.e., the ultimately uncovered set.
  • Moreover (in the absence of a Condorcet Winner),
    at three least alternatives belong to UCu(X).

The Ultimately Uncovered Set
The Ultimately Uncovered Set (cont.)
  • There was an incorrect theorem in Miller (1980)
  • it claimed that TCUC(X) UC(X),
  • i.e., that UC(X) always contains a complete
  • A correct theorem says that TCUCu(X) UCu(X).
  • Nicholas R. Miller, The Covering Relation in
    Tournaments Two Corrections, American Journal
    of Political Science, May 1983.
  • The following example was provided in the

The Ultimately Uncovered Set (cont.)
Precursors of the Uncovered Set
  • LANDAUS THEOREM. In a tournament, a point with
    maximum score a king chicken beats every
    other point in one or two steps, i.e., is
  • H.G. Landau, On Dominance Relations and the
    Structure of Animal Societies, Bulletin of
    Mathematical Biophysics, 1953.
  • Also
  • Richard D. McKelvey, and Peter C. Ordeshook,
    Symmetric Spatial Games Without Majority Rule
    Equilibria, American Political Science Review,
  • Peter C. Fishburn, Condorcet Social Choice
    Functions, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics,
  • Ronald A. Heiner, Length and Cycle
    Equalization, Journal of Economic Theory, 1981.

The Banks Set
  • Banks was first show that the set of possible
    strategic voting outcomes under amendment
    procedure could be a proper subset of UC(X).
  • Making use of a slightly different version of the
    sophisticated voting algorithm for amendment
    procedure due to Shepsle and Weingast, Banks
    showed that
  • an alternative x is a possible voting outcome if
    and only if x is the maximal element in an
    externally stable chain.
  • Kenneth A. Shepsle and Barry Weingast,
    "Uncovered Sets and Sophisticated Voting Outcomes
    with Implications for Agenda Institutions,"
    American Journal of Political Science, 1984.
  • Jeffrey S. Banks, "Sophisticated Voting Outcomes
    and Agenda Control," Social Choice and Welfare,
  • Nicholas R. Miller, Bernard Grofman, Scott L.
    Feld, "The Structure of the Banks Set," Public
    Choice, 1990.

The Banks Set (cont.)
  • Here is an intuitive statement of what this
  • We first pick some alternative x1 from the set of
  • We next pick a second alternative x2 such that x2
    P x1 and put x2 on top of x2 . .
  • We next pick a third alternative x3 such that x3
    P x2 and x3 P x1 and put x3 on top of both x2
    and x1.
  • In this manner, we are creating a chain or a
    cycle-avoiding trajectory, i.e., a sequence of
    alternatives such that each higher alternative
    in the sequence beats all the alternatives
    below it.
  • We continue until we have built the chain with a
    top element xk such that we can expand the chain
    no further upward.
  • We have now created an externally stable chain,
  • i.e., every alternative outside the chain is
    beaten by some alternative in the chain.
  • If this were not so, we could expand further

The Banks Set (cont.)
  • The top alternative xk of an externally stable
  • is a Banks alternative and
  • is the strategic voting outcome given by the
    voting order reflected in the chain, i.e., x1 is
    voted on last, x2 second to last, etc.
  • Other inocuous may be inserted into the voting
  • The Banks set is the set of all Banks

The Uncovered Set in a Spatial Context
  • Miller (1980) conjectured that
  • in a spatial context, the uncovered set would be
    a relatively small subset of the Pareto set,
    centrally located in the distribution of ideal
    points, and that it would shrink in size as the
    number and diversity of ideal points increase.
  • I also suggested that, given sophisticated voting
    under amendment procedure, the covering relation
    put important qualifications on McKelveys famous
    concluding comments about the implications of his
    global cycling theorem for agenda control.
  • If the Chairman has complete control over the
    agenda, he can construct an agenda which will
    arrive at any point in the space.
  • Richard D. McKelvey, Intransitivities in
    Multidimensional Voting Models and Some
    Implications for Agenda Control, Journal of
    Economic Theory, 1976.

The Uncovered Set in a Spatial Context
McKelveys demonic Chairman must construct a
(more or less) minimally cyclic agenda, and he
fails to get his way if he must announce his
agenda in advance and voting is sophisticated.
The Uncovered Set in a Spatial Context
  • At the time I did not have the analytical tools
    at hand to pursue covering in a spatial context
  • I sent my uncovered set paper to Richard
    McKelvey and invited him to apply his expertise
    to the problem.
  • I like to think that this helped lead to McKelvey
  • Richard D. McKelvey, Covering, Dominance, and
    Institution Free Properties of Social Choice,
    American Journal of Political Science, 1986.

Review The Covering Relation
  • Alternative x covers alternative y iff
  • x beats y, and
  • x beats every alternative that y beats, so
  • W(x) is a proper subset of W(y).
  • The covering relation is transitive so
  • maximal (uncovered) alternatives exist under
    relevant circumstances.
  • Strategic Property an uncovered point beats
    every other alternative in no more than two steps.

Review The Covering Relation (cont.)
  • Given finite alternatives and a majority
    preference tournament, UC(X)
  • coincides with the Condorcet winner (if it
  • is a subset of the top cycle set and
  • is a subset of the Pareto set.
  • The size of UC(X) depends on the degree of
    intransitivity in the tournament.

Review The Covering Relation (cont.)
  • In a two-dimensional spatial context (with
    Euclidean preferences), the same three properties
  • However, the second loses all of its punch, since
    (in the absence of Plott symmetry and a
    Condorcet winner) the top cycle encompasses the
    entire space.
  • Moreover, while majority rule in a
    two-dimensional space is almost always cyclical,
  • its degree of cyclicity varies with the nature of
    the ideal point (preference) configuration, and
  • it is never maximally cyclic.
  • Cyclicity increases with the dimensionality of
    the space, and
  • is maximal when the number of dimensions equals
    the number of voters (as in the distributive
  • However, in a spatial context one additional
    bound on the uncovered set was established by

In a (two-dimensional Euclidean) spatial context
  • In the unlikely event that a Condorcet winner
    exists, the uncovered set coincides with it (as
    in non-spatial context).
  • The uncovered set lies within the Pareto set (as
    in non-spatial context).
  • The uncovered set lies within a circle centered
    on the yolk with a radius four times that of the
    yolk (McKelvey, 1986).

The Case of Three Voters
  • Hartley and Kilgour (1987) established precise
    boundaries on the uncovered set for
    configurations of three voters with Euclidean
    preferences in a two-dimensional space.
  • In the event ideal points form the vertices of an
    equilateral triangle, the uncovered set coincides
    with the Pareto set.
  • Otherwise, the uncovered set excludes portions of
    the Pareto triangle in the vicinity of the one
    (if the Pareto triangle is acute) or two (if it
    is obtuse) relatively extreme ideal points.
  • An implication of their analysis was that, at
    least in the three-voter case, even the
    conjunction of the Pareto bound and McKelveys 4r
    bound is overgenerous.
  • Richard Hartley and D. Marc Kilgour, The
    Geometry of the Uncovered Set, Mathematical
    Social Sciences, 1987.
  • Scott L. Feld, Bernard Grofman, Richard Hartley,
    Marc Kilgour, Nicholas R. Miller, and Nicolas
    Noviello, The Uncovered Set in Spatial Voting
    Games, Theory and Decision, 1987.

Uncovered Set with n 3
Almost Collinear n 3
The Size of the Yolk
  • When the concept was first propounded, there was
    a widespread intuition that the yolk
  • is centrally located relative to the
    configuration of ideal points, and
  • tends to shrink in size as the number and
    diversity of voters increases.
  • However, it was difficult to confirm this
    intuition or even to state it in a theoretically
    precise fashion.
  • Feld et al. (1988) took a few very modest first
  • Tovey (1990) took a considerably larger step by
    showing that, if ideal point configurations are
    random samples drawn from a centered continuous
    distribution, the expected yolk radius approaches
    zero as the number of ideal points increases
    without limit.
  • Scott L. Feld, Bernard Grofman, and Nicholas R.
    Miller, Centripetal Forces in Spatial Voting
    Games On the Size of the Yolk, Public Choice,
  • Craig A. Tovey, The Almost Surely Shrinking
    Yolk, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey,
    California, October 1990.

In Search of the Uncovered Set
  • Until recently one major problem pertaining to
    the uncovered set in the spatial context
  • In the context of spatial voting games of two or
    more dimensions, voting theorists have had only
    incomplete or rough knowledge concerning the
    location, size, and shape of the uncovered set.
  • This problem motivated Bianco, Jeliazkov, and
    Sened BJS to employ a grid-search computational
    algorithm to generate pictures of uncovered sets
    in a variety of spatial voting scenarios.
  • William T. Bianco, Ivan Jeliazkov, and Itai
    Sened, The Uncovered Set and the Limits of
    Legislative Action, Political Analysis, 2004.

BJS Figure 1 Computing the Uncovered Set
BJS Figure 5 Computing the Uncovered Set
BJS Figure 2 Computing the Uncovered Set
BJSs Theoretical Claims
  • Based on the computational results displayed in
    their figures, BJS made three theoretical claims
    concerning the location and size of the uncovered
  • The uncovered set can be much larger than our
    expectations based on conventional wisdom and
    previous work, as all their figures seem to
  • The uncovered set is not necessarily centrally
    located. If ideal points are polarized (as in
    the contemporary House), the uncovered set does
    not lie in the center of the distribution of
    legislators ideal points but is skewed toward
    the majority caucus, as illustrated by BJS
    Figure 5.
  • The size, shape, and location of the uncovered
    set are very sensitive to the distribution of
    ideal points.
  • With respect to size, this sensitivity is quite
    dramatically illustrated by their Figure 2 and is
    less dramatically illustrated by comparing panels
    in Figure 5.
  • With respect to location, such sensitivity is
    illustrated by the first panel of their Figure 4
    and by a comparison of the last two panels of
    their Figure 5.

Observations on BJS Figure 2
  • BJS Figure 2 is distinctive in that the uncovered
    set appears to have straight line boundaries that
    coincide with certain median lines.
  • Furthermore, in several of the panels the
    uncovered set appears to be similar to the
    Hartley-Kilgour construction for the three-voter
    case in some way, the two additional ideal
    points (to the left and right) have no effect on
    the size and location of the uncovered set.

  • Bianco and I interacted fairly extensively as BJS
    put their paper together comments and I was a
    referee for several journals.
  • When it was accepted by Political Analysis, its
    editor (Bob Erikson) asked whether I would be
    interested in writing a commentary on it.

NRM and Joseph Godfrey
  • Shortly thereafter, I met up with Joseph Godfrey,
    who made (an early version of) his CyberSenate
    software available to me.
  • Godfrey modified CyberSenate to incoporate a
    procedure (broadly similar to BJSs) to make
    uncovered set calculations.
  • But CyberSenate also has a much wider range of
  • My commentary on BJS ended up as a substantial
    paper that also served to showcase CyberSenate.
  • Nicholas R. Miller, In Search of the Uncovered
    Set, Political Analysis, 2007.

  • CyberSenate was developed by Joseph Godfrey of
    the WinSet Group, LLC.
  • It can create configurations of ideal points
  • by point and click methods,
  • generate them by Monte Carlo methods, or
  • derive them from empirical data.
  • Indifference curves, median lines, Pareto sets,
    win sets, yolks, cardioid bounds on win sets,
    uncovered set approximations, and other
    constructions can be generated on screen.
  • CyberSenate produced some of the preceding and
    many of the following figures.

CyberSenate for me is a dream come true --
compare the figures below with those that follow.
Reminder The One-Dimensional Case
  • In the one-dimensional cases, there is no chaos
    to be straightened out by covering.
  • In a one-dimensional context with (standard
    assumptions about preferences),
  • (strict) majority preference is fully transitive
  • if x beats y, W(x) is always a subset of W(y) so
  • covering is identical to (strict) majority
  • If the number of voters is odd, a Condorcet
    Winner always exists.
  • It corresponds to the median ideal point in the
    one-dimensional space.
  • This is Duncan Blacks Median Voter Theorem.
  • Duncan Black, On the Rationale of Group
    Decision-Making, Journal of Political Economy,
  • Duncan Black, The Theory of Committees and
    Elections, Cambridge University Press, 1958.

Theory of Two-Dimensional Spatial Voting
  • In the spatial context, we refer to alternatives
    as points.
  • The set X of all alternatives is the set of all
    points in the space.
  • There is a finite odd number n gt 3 of voters with
    Euclidean preferences.
  • Each voter i
  • has an ideal point xi in the space, and
  • prefers any point closer to his ideal point to
    one that is more distant.
  • This implies that the set of points Pi(x) that i
    prefers to x is the set of points bounded by a
    circle that is centered on xi and passing through
  • Indifference curves are concentric circles around
    ideal points).
  • The Pareto set is the convex hull of voter ideal

The Pareto Set
Theory (cont.)
  • If some majority of m (n1)/2 voters prefers x
    to y, I say x beats y.
  • The win set W(x) is the set of all points in X
    that beat x.
  • The set of points that a particular majority of
    voters prefers to x is the intersection of all
    sets Pi(x) such that i belongs to that majority.
  • W(x) is the union all such majority preference
  • Thus the boundary of a win set is everywhere
    demarcated by segments of individual voter
    indifference curves (segments of circles in the
    Euclidean context).
  • In a spatial context, x beats essentially all
    points not in W(x).
  • There are some majority preference ties but, in
    order to simplify exposition, I overlook
    technical issues pertaining to points that lie on
    the boundaries of sets.

Indifference Curves and the Win Set of a Point
Inside the Pareto Set
Indifference Curves and the Win Set of a Point
Outside the Pareto Set
Ditto with Five Ideal Points
  • A configuration of ideal points diverse if no two
    ideal points precisely coincide.
  • A key feature of a spatial voting game is whether
    the configuration of ideal points exhibits
  • that is, whether three or more ideal points lie
    precisely on the same straight line.
  • Collinearity always exists when ideal points
    coincide but clearly may be found in diverse
    configurations as well.
  • Non-diversity and collinearity may both be deemed
    exceptional in the sense that, if hypothetical
    ideal points were randomly thrown into a policy
    space, non-diversity and collinearity would
    almost never occur.
  • Of course, we can (and will) deliberately
    contrive non-diverse and collinear configurations
    e.g., BJS Figure 2.
  • In empirical work, where ideal point locations
    estimated from interest group rating scales or
    similar data are typically expressed in whole
    numbers, it is likely that several legislators
    have identical scores on a given dimension,
    producing non-diversity and other collinearities.
  • Collinearity produces a variety of peculiarities
    in particular, the invisible voter phenomena
    discussed in the next section.

Median Lines
  • A any straight line L partitions the set of voter
    ideal points into three subsets
  • those that lie on one side of L,
  • those that lie on the other side of L, and
  • those that lie on L itself.
  • If it partitions the ideal points so that no more
    than half of the ideal points lie on either side,
    L is a median line, which we henceforth label M.
  • Every ideal point lies on some median line and,
  • if n is odd,
  • every median line M passes through some ideal
  • fewer than half of the ideal points lie on either
    side of M, and
  • no other median line is parallel to M.

A (Non-Limiting) Median Line
Limiting Median Lines
  • If n is odd, a typical median passes through just
    one ideal point.
  • A limiting median line passes through two or more
    ideal points.
  • Typically pairs of limiting median lines pass
    through a given ideal point, with non-limiting
    median lines sandwiched them.
  • A median line that passes through the three or
    more (necessarily collinear ideal points) is a
    stand-alone limiting median line in which the
    sandwich of non-limiting median lines is
    reduced to zero thickness.

A Limiting Median Line
Limiting and Non-Limiting Median Lines
A Stand-Alone Limiting Median Line
Induced Ideal Points
  • Each voter i has an induced ideal point, i.e., a
    most preferred point, on any line L.
  • Given Euclidean preferences, voter is induced
    ideal point is the point on L closest to xi,
    i.e., the intersection of L with the line through
    xi perpendicular to L.
  • The n induced ideal points appear on L in some
    (possibly weak) order and (since n is odd) we can
    identify the median induced ideal point(s) on L.
  • Voter is induced preferences over L have the
    standard Euclidean property.

Induced Ideal Points
The Median Line Perpendicular to L
  • The perpendicular line through the median induced
    point on L is itself the unique median line
    perpendicular to L.
  • By standard Euclidean median voter logic, a point
    x on L is beaten by another point y on L if and
    only if y lies in the interval between x and its
    reflection point x' such that x and x' are
    equidistant from the median induced ideal point
    on L.
  • In the event that x coincides with the median
    induced ideal point, x beats every other point on

The Median Induced Ideal Point on L
A Condorcet Winner in Two-Dimensional Space
  • This last consideration implies that, if a point
    x lies off any median line M, x is beaten by
    points on M.
  • It follows that a point x in the space is
    unbeaten (and a Condorcet winner) if and only if
    it lies on every median line,
  • which is possible if and only if all median lines
    intersect at the single point x (which itself
    must be an ideal point).
  • This in turn can hold only in the presence of a
    sufficient (and unlikely) degree of Plott
    symmetry in the configuration of ideal points.
  • Such a Condorcet winner is structurally
  • Charles R. Plott, A Notion of Equilibrium and
    Its Possibility Under Majority Rule, American
    Economic Review, 1967.
  • James M. Enelow and Melvin J. Hinich, On Plott's
    Pairwise Symmetry Condition for Majority Rule
    Equilibrium, Public Choice,1983.

Full Plott Symmetry (Showing Limiting Median
Sufficient Plott Symmetry(with Non-diverse Ideal
The Yolk
  • The yolk is the set of points bounded by the
    smallest circle that intersects every median
  • The location of the yolk is given by its center
    c, which indicates the generalized center (in the
    sense the median) of the configuration of ideal
  • The size of the yolk is given by its radius r,
    which indicates the extent to which the
    configuration of ideal points departs from one
    exhibiting a degree of Plott symmetry sufficient
    for the existence of a Condorcet winner.
  • The yolk circle is inscribed within the yolk
    triangle formed by three median lines to which
    the circle is tangent.
  • Typically, but not always due to Tovey
    anomalies, these are limiting median lines.

A Yolk with Zero Radius
A Yolk with Small Radius
A Yolk with Large Radius
Win Sets in Two-Dimensional Space
  • To get a preliminary sense of the size, shape,
    and location of a win set W(x) in the spatial
    context, consider the special case in which there
    is only one voter i.
  • In this event, the center of the yolk is xi,
  • the yolk radius is zero,
  • and W(x) coincides with Pi(x),
  • which (given Euclidean preferences) is the circle
    with a center at c and a radius of d, where d is
    the distance from x to c.
  • Whenever the yolk has zero radius, W(X) Pi(x),
    where i is the central voter.

A Win Set with a Single Voter
Plott Symmetry and a Circular Win Set
Bounds on Win Sets
  • In the general case of multiple voters with
    diverse ideal points and for a point x outside
    the yolk, the boundary of W(x) is approximated by
    the same circle centered on c with a radius of
  • The accuracy of this approximation depends on the
    size of the yolk, as given by its radius r,
    according to this 2r Rule
  • point x beats all points more than d  2r from
    the center of the yolk, and x is beaten by all
    points closer than d - 2r to the center of the
  • put otherwise, the boundary of W(x) everywhere
    falls between two circles centered on the yolk
    with radii of d 2r and d - 2r respectively (the
    inner constraint disappears if d lt r and the two
    circles coincide if r 0)
  • Tighter bounds on W(x), especially in the
    vicinity of x itself, are provided by the outer
    and inner cardioids, originally described in
    Ferejohn et al. (1984).
  • John A. Ferejohn, Richard D. McKelvey, and Edward
    W. Packel, Limiting Distributions for
    Continuous State Markov Voting Models, Social
    Choice and Welfare, 1984.

The Circular Bound on a Win Set
Circular Bound on a Win Set (d lt 2r)
Cardioid Bound on a Win Set
Global Cycling
  • For any point x, construct the circle with its
    center at c that passes through x.
  • The previous figures (and the next ones)
    illustrate the following proposition (Miller et
    al., 1989.
  • THEOREM. In the absence of Plott symmetry, for
    any point x there is some other point y that both
  • beats x, and
  • is further from c than x is.
  • Indeed, the boundary of a win set intersects the
    cardioid bound at three points.
  • Nicholas R. Miller, Bernard Grofman, and Scott
    L. Feld, The Geometry of Majority Rule,
    Journal of Theoretical Politics, 1989.

W(x) Intersects the Cardioid at Three Points
In the Absence of Plott Symmetry, All Win Sets
Are At Least Slightly Chaotic
Even Slightly Chaotic Win Sets Produces Global
  • However, the majority preference path from a
    centrally located point to an extreme one may
    take many steps.
  • The distance outwards take at each step cannot
    exceed 2r (by the 2r Rule).
  • The number of steps required therefore depends on
    the size yolk, i.e., the yolk radius r.
  • Put otherwise, it depends on the extent to which
    the configuration of ideal points deviates from
    Plott symmetry.

Orderly Win Sets
  • In two dimensions, a win set W(x) is orderly if
    it is a subset of some open half space about x.
  • This implies that there is some voter i such
    that, within the vicinity of x, W(x) is a subset
    of Pi(x), and likewise for the win sets of other
    points in the vicinity of x.
  • This guarantees that majority preference, while
    (almost always) globally cyclical, is transitive
    (being consistent with is preferences) in the
    vicinity of x.
  • This also implies that local covering operates
    in the vicinity of x.
  • That is, if y and z are both in the vicinity of
    x, and y P z, then
  • W(y) U N(x) is a subset of W(z) U N(x), where
    N(x) is a small area surrounding x (a
    neighborhood of x).
  • However, outside of N(x), there may be points
    that z beats but beat y,
  • so y does not (globally) cover z.

An Orderly Win Set with Locally Transitive
Majority Preference
Local Covering vs. (Global) Covering
Disorderly Win Sets
  • A win set W(x) is disorderly if it is not a
    subset of any half space about x, but rather has
    multiple small petals that point in all
    directions from x.
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