Title: ANTARES performances
1XXth Rencontres de Blois
- ANTARES performances
- with the 5 line data
K. Fratini on behalf of the ANTARES
- 5 line data
- description
- calibration
- systematic studies on MC
- searching for neutrinos
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
3The ANTARES detector
12 lines 25 storeys / line 3 PMT / storey
40 km to shore
450 m
Junction box
2007 29 jan - 4 dec
60 m
Readout cables
4Single PMT rate
- The detector is a grid of PMTs observing
- Cherenkov light emitted by
- ?
- e- from ? decay of 40K
- Bioluminescense
baseline rate 40K and bioluminescence
track reconstruction
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
All data active time 80
Trigger rate 1 Hz (5 lines)
19?106 detected m
Date (2007)
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
6Time calibration
- Relative time resolution (among OMs) depends on
- Time transit spread (TTS) in PMTs ? 1.3 ns
- Sea water properties (light scattering, chromatic
dispersion) ? 2 ns - Electronics calibration ? lt 0.5 ns
Time difference between the LED OB and an OM
Electronics contribution less than 0.5 ns
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
7Position calibration
5 position sampling points (hydrophones)
25 gradients (tiltmetercompass
data from each storey)
Measured position resolution lt 10 cm
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
8First 5 line neutrino candidate
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
9Atmospheric muons MC vs data
- NO quality cuts
- Agreement within 10
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
10Estimate of some systematic effects
- Other effects?????
- environmental parameters (absorption length)
- PMT properties (efficiency, angular acceptance)
- Physics effect 30-50
- hadronic model
- indetermination on the primary flux
absorption length
- simulation uses in-situ measurements
- simulation was repeated with
- labs - 10
- labs 10
- - 20 reco track rate
- ? 25 reco track rate
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
11PMT efficiency
PMT total efficiency photocatode area quantum
efficiency collection efficiency mu-metal cage
-15 atmospheric muon reconstructed track rate
Decrease in efficiency of 10
effect on n flux ? - 7
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
12PMT angular acceptance
cut-off on the angle between PMT axis and
Cherenkov photon direction
uncertainty 20-25 on reconstructed track rate
mainly downward tracks
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
13Atmospheric neutrinos
- 5 line data
- 100 active days
- reconstruction quality cut applied
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
- Data with 5 lines were taken for almost one year.
People are analysing them - atmospheric muons total systematic uncertainties
on the reconstructed track rate in MC simulation
due to environmental and PMT parameters 35 - atmospheric neutrinos first signal!
- 10 lines in acquisition, detector completed, soon
12 line connection!
XXth Rencontres de Blois K.Fratini
15Primary all particle CR. Comparison between models
Region of the primary CR spectrum producing 90
of the muons triggering ANTARES
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