Title: Heterogeneous Agents and NonNormal Fundamentals
1Heterogeneous Agents and Non-Normal Fundamentals
- Marianna Grimaldi
- Remco Zwinkels
- WEHIA 2005 Colchester
- June 13, 2005
2What do we know? (1)
Dutch Guilder / US Dollar Exchange Rate, daily
3What do we know? (2)
4What do we know? (3)
- Macro-economic variables
- Volatility Clustering
- Engle (1982, 1983), Hodrick (1989), Bekaert
(1996), Cumperayot et al. (2003), Zwinkels (2005) - Heavy Tails
- Cumperayot and De Vries (2003), Zwinkels (2005)
5Position in Literature
- Classical
- All movements in the exchange rate find their
source in the underlying macroeconomic
fundamentals (Friedman, 1953) - New Lines
- Heterogeneous Agents (Brock Hommes, 97)
- Micro Founded Macro Models (Obstfeld Rogoff,
95,96) - Market Microstructure (Evans Lyons, 02)
6This paper
- Introduce ARCH-process as fundamental value in
heterogeneous agents model - We find that
- Heterogeneous Agents model Mimics Empirical
Results - Disconnection in level and variance IF there is a
bubble - Dynamics Caused by Trader Interaction OR
Fundamental Dynamics, dependent on fraction of
7Heterogeneous Agents Model De Grauwe Grimaldi
(EER 2005)
- Exchange Rate is Weighted Average of Expectations
- Two types of agents Fundamentalists Chartists
- Weights determined by fraction of traders
- Agents update their strategy subject to profits
8Heterogeneous Agents Model (1)
- Mean-Variance Utility
- Invest at home or abroad
9Heterogeneous Agents Model (2)
- Equilibrium Exchange Rate -gt Function of Future
10Heterogeneous Agents Model (3)
- Fundamentalist Expectation -gt Mean Reversion
- Chartist Expectation -gt Adaptive
11Heterogeneous Agents Model (4)
- Variance of Forecasts -gt Function of Forecasting
12Heterogeneous Agents Model (5)
- Weight (fraction) of Fundamentalists
- Weight (fraction) of Chartists
13Heterogeneous Agents Model (6)
- Profits -gt Equal to Exchange Rate Return
14Alternative Fundamental
- First Random Walk
- Now first-order ARCH-process
15Simulation Level
16Simulation Returns
17Simulation Histogram
18Simulation Alternative
19GARCH Estimation
- Estimate relation (augmented ARMA-GARCH)
- Effect level fundamental rate on level exchange
rate - Effect variance fundamental on variance exchange
rate - Differentiate between sub-samples
- Normal
- Bubble
20Results GARCH Estimation
- Estimation Results, percentage of significant
coefficients - Normal if distance between exchange rate and
fundamental smaller than 2.5
21Sensitivity to Threshold (1)
- Does an extreme value in the fundamental coincide
- with an extreme value in the exchange rate?
- Dummy
- Value 1 if absolute return is larger than
2St.Dev - Value 0 otherwise
- Put Exchange Rate dummy versus Fundamental dummy
in - a cross-plot -gt Test on independence
23Results Extremes
- Percentage of cases in which there is significant
transmission of extreme shocks - Connected if the distance between exchange rate
and fundamental is smaller than 2.5
24Sensitivity to Threshold (2)
25Logit Estimation
- Estimate the sensitivity of the probability of
extreme return to - Occurrence of fundamental extreme (dummy)
- Fundamental volatility
- Exchange rate volatility
- Chartist weight
- Cross term independent misalignment
26Results Logit estimation
27Explanation from the Model
- Exchange Rate Dynamics caused by
- Fundamentals if Misalignment is Small
- Extrapolative Behavior if Misalignment is Large
- Following these results
- Exchange Rate is Constantly Disconnected from
Fundamental (Meese Rogoff 83) - Large fraction of traders is chartist (Allen
Taylor 92)